The Star Citizen Thread v8

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Do I really need to post screenshots of the multiple 'play now' labels on their website? As for 'alpha warnings', I suggest you do a little research on what advertisements are permitted to say. In the UK for example, the Advertising Standard Authority's code is quite explicit about this: "Marketing communications must state significant limitations and qualifications. Qualifications may clarify but must not contradict the claims that they qualify." 'Alpha' may be a 'qualification', but if they say the game can be played now, it must be capable of being played now, regardless of Greek-letter labelling.

Yeah, fair. I agree that if push comes to shove, technically, they are disclaiming. But in reality the potentially actionable misleading advertising is just part of the CIG´s DNA.
Not trolling. I do recall occasionally seeing the word "play", but the big bold button is "Fly Now".

You may be right and I at least inferred that you were offering to post screen shots. I'm not gonna spend the time to look for it/them.

On this page, instead of Fly Now it says Play Now. Which is weird given the name of the page...

Edit: I wonder if they tried to change all the Play Nows to Fly Nows but didn't do a proper job...
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On this page, instead of Fly Now it says Play Now. Which is weird given the name of the page...

Edit: I wonder if they tried to change all the Play Nows to Fly Nows but didn't do a proper job...

Well, they aren't wrong. You can play alpha 3.0... if you get a clean server at least.

But don't worry, when they get bull culling in and refactor the items, all will be golden. Trust CIG!
You'd think they have experience from when they changed the ship name that Derek leaked.

An act which not only proved he had internal contacts within CIG but also that CIG were willing to go to some degree of trouble, up to and including altering already existing promotional material, to discredit him the process...made him more credible.

Hard as that may seem, CIG managed it.
I'm not.

There is a reason you don't optimise or polish this "early" in a development cycle.

Several actually.

For one, the game should be undergoing major changes in code as assets, gameplay, mechanics and underlying systems are added, changed, reordered and removed.

That optimisation that worked last week? Todays change means it's a performance hog.

For another....much of the work done in this stage will need to be rewritten or thrown away. It is a waste of time and money creating gold level quality at this stage because having that quality doesn't change the reality that the game is still changing and adapting. Changing a mechanic could easily mean your "ship" isn't viable....or that keeping the mechanic may seriously compromise the game design if it is a bad idea. You don't ever want to be in a position where you have to choose between a promise and good game design, no matter what disclaimers are used.

Another....polishing assets this early means they will be x years old upon release. Depending on the assets involved, that time frame could easily become very visible...especially with graphics. Ensuring such assets are kept as modern as possible means such assets need to be thrown away and reworked time and time again, which diverts resources from actual development.

Actually optimisation begins as early as possible otherwise you risk building on some pretty poor foundations. From my own experiences as a developer not just in games, you have people that optimise core stuff continuously. Ideally there should be optimisation passes, but if your getting appalling frame rates early on it should be someones focus otherwise you are testing and building features on a sub-par frame rate not to mention failing to address a fundamental problem.

CIG's early focus appeared to be assets, which is pretty unheard of - but that was about "crowd funding", seemed extremely risky from the get-go as far as I'm concerned - doesn't surprise me they've had to revisit those ship designs a number of times as they've added more game-play on detailed ship models designed to be purchased with real cash.

The problem is they don't have a "cycle" so it's always "early in development" and the industry doesn't have any benchmark against which this sort of perpetual development is acceptable. After this many years they should be putting out polished modules simply because they have taken the public's money in my opinion. Roberts himself said some six years ago that crowd funding wouldn't allow him to make vertical slice demos (as he does for publishers) and that he would build the game as polished playable Alpha releases. Instead stretching development times into the unknown, removing mile-stones and avoiding dead-lines and removing accountability using the excuse "this is normal for big games".

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of "crunch" so optimisation isn't happening and they continue to push new features upon some pretty poorly optimised ones. Bizaarly they have found a way to crowd fund the game on vertical slice demos and release something that would barely function as being suitable for a QA team to work with.

"Crunch" may be a rude word to Roberts and CIG but unfortunately the history of big projects is such that nothing just falls together casually. People have to sit down and focus on the end goal and Star Citizen doesn't seem to have one.
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"Crunch" may be a rude word to Roberts and CIG but unfortunately the history of big projects is such that nothing just falls together casually. People have to sit down and focus on the end goal and Star Citizen doesn't seem to have one.

It's what's staggered me with all their estimates - they seem to think they can work on all these separate things then just assemble them like so much lego and have it all work.

I mean in theory that's possible but it's god-level project management when it happens - and often a mini-upset of it's own as any sensible PM would have planned a lot of time to sort out all the conflicts
Actually optimisation begins as early as possible otherwise you risk building on some pretty poor foundations.*snip*

I guess "smart design" is part of the optimization process and the thing we are really discussing/complaining about is "polishing" which comes at the very end of a games development cycle yet CiG does it the other way around to get into suckers pockets.

It's what's staggered me with all their estimates - they seem to think they can work on all these separate things then just assemble them like so much lego and have it all work.

I mean in theory that's possible but it's god-level project management when it happens - and often a mini-upset of it's own as any sensible PM would have planned a lot of time to sort out all the conflicts

In the beginning thats what people were thinking&expecting of CRoberts. God-like management capabilities. Its just that reality made a check and he rolled a 1 :D
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It's what's staggered me with all their estimates - they seem to think they can work on all these separate things then just assemble them like so much lego and have it all work.

That was one of my first red warning lamps going off way back after the kickstarter days, when they were talking about doing the game in individual "modules", and those modules would become available gradually, and would somehow just work together. Nobody thought that this was strange, it seems. I thought that surely, people will point out the fact that you can't just build an FPS, planetside and MMO "module" in parallel, which is what CIG claimed to be doing, and then somehow connect them and BAM, Star Citizen done!


It's like a kid trying to design a game, and forgetting the fact that the last 10% require 90% of the effort, and that late integration of disparate components is nigh impossible. Even back then I thought it was foolish to do what CR suggested: "We'll do the space shooty stuff first, then the walking around bits, and then we'll bolt on the landing on planets and the whole MMO thing." - Oh and it does singleplayer too, because singleplayer is basically just multiplayer without the other dudes, right?
Worth it to point out that CiG never did parallel development anyway? At least not with those modules mentioned. They made very sure to put em one after the other with a heavy focus on each one to explain/excuse the heavy delays. Theres also been almost year(s) in between them
It's what's staggered me with all their estimates - they seem to think they can work on all these separate things then just assemble them like so much lego and have it all work.

I mean in theory that's possible but it's god-level project management when it happens - and often a mini-upset of it's own as any sensible PM would have planned a lot of time to sort out all the conflicts

The kickstarter rewards made this apparent.

2 million to create SQ42 and multiplayer dogfighting module (first goal).

500k to add one ship (second goal).

250k to add another ship.

100k for each new star system at 4 million... hmmm, how are they coming along?

500k for 4 new ships plus a whole load of other stuff! Erm... but previous ones required 250k or 500k each!

3 MILLION!!!!! so that backers would start with a Class 2 space suit!

1 million to move Austin devs to a bigger office. Wait? That was meant to be a kickstarter reward?

1 million to open a sound studio (erm, also apparently they said 1 million for the mocap studio as well) AND Occulus Rift support for the Hangar module! Erm... wait, Rift support? At 12 million? Where the hell did that go? Oh right, fell by the wayside.

1 million for an extra ship and a digital handbook!

Another ship costing a million....

And another...

1 million for SC's version of Shinrarta! Oh my. Earlier they were saying 100k per new system. this must be one special system!

Skipping foward quite a few now, because its all a bit silly...

Ooh, pets for 1 million!

And finally, obviously running out of ideas as to how to milk backers, ship modularity for 1 million at 65 million.

At this point CIG just stopped inventing stretch goals, probably realizing direct ship sales was a good enough way of milking as any.

Overall though, its clear they were just making up those numbers as they went along. Nobody was doing proper cost and effort estimates on those features.
Oh my, i just checked the kickstarter comments and saw this one:

If you're coming here for an update for Star Citizen, stop.

Go to the official project website:
the unofficial Star Citizen subreddit (message board):

For all updates on Star Citizen and to see where the community stands.

AS OF THIS POST, Star Citizen has reached Public Test Universe (PTU) Star Citizen patch version 3.0.0aq. For information and link to the full patch notes (users with PTU access-only), visit

Visit the Star Citizen Twitch page for Live events:

Visit the Star Citizen Youtube channel for previous Live events and informative videos concerning the game:

Stop wasting your time with Kickstater. The majority of this project's funding is mostly from direct payments to Cloud Imperium Industries (developer). AS OF THIS POST, funding has reached $174,086,489 USD with player population sitting at 1,943,501.

Basically he is saying kickstarters are not relevant and that nobody should care about those who kickstarted.

Especially this bit:
For all updates on Star Citizen and to see where the community stands.

Basically saying anyone who kickstarted and is not part of the official RSI or subreddit is not part of the community. EDIT: actually also saying that those who don't participate in the forums are also not part of the community.

I find that quite scandalous.
I'm thinking out loud... I see many posts that seem pure questions at first glance with an inner intention to harm or to complain about the effort of this development, to push to demand to degrade what most of us have witnessed by all that shows and discussions and proof and whatsoever by the years the CIG team did.

I want to remind to this community.. and whoever else concerns this, that behind all that marketing, the open development(see 6 years of content), the core the idea of making this project is to be independent of bad publishers, of dead end lines of brain washed game industry clerks.

I cant catch my thought fast enough to type it all here but you get the spirit. Ιf you ask me, development restarted at 2016 for good reasons so do the math guys.

Keep in mind.. everyday will add to this community new backers new players etc, many of them will come from different game cultures.. some of them brain washed and spoiled acting like the boss of all.. they need to know what is this all about.. not to be the above.
My fellow citizen dont be the bad publisher dont be the boss of us all, dont be the brain washed consumer, FREEDOM TO HUMAN ENTITY!! Τhere, i said it. have fun testing else go read a book. Have a nice day.

...development restarted at 2016 for good reasons

Actually optimisation begins as early as possible

Yes - but not as a finished product. That seems to be what CIG are going for. For a preAlpha to look and feel and play like a finished product instead of the preAlpha it is in reality. They are going for style over substance, apparently because in doing so they can persuade more people to part with more money even as they ramp up costs through what seems to be Hollywood style accounting. They are preferring to build an implement a series of polished assets they will continually have to revisit, rework, delete and rebuild rather than sit down and device a suitable design framework detailing intended gameplay mechanics or work on core systems such as the game engine.
Scrolled all the way down to the 2013 comments and am currently working my way up. Some of those comments are pure gold by now and in hindsight its apparent that marketing accounts were at work heavily even that early. All in all good amount of giggles and laughs to be had

I did so too and found this

Douglas Ally[/URL said:
I was pumped for Star Citizen for years. So much so that I soon became a concierge level member. I had a couple small issues arrise, but they were overcome by the caring hand of Chelsia, who really made me feel like RSI appreciated me. I kept my support in RSI at full throttle, becoming a six tier conceriege member. (six times the $1000 needed to be concierge) Chelsia left and Alexis happened. Years passed, and I finally made a stupid $20 mistake and melted a package that I had applied a Yellowjacket upgrade to. Dang it. So I contacted concierge for help. Alexis wouldn't even try to help. Said it was her husband Ben's special craft and she would not go against him. Huh? I bought the silly upgrade during the sale and just wanted help restoring it. Forget that, she refused to help me, point blank. I was so dissapointed, and realized that RSI, or certain staff members, didn't really give a crap about me, or my concierge status. All I wanted was a chance to buy back my mistake with cash money. I tols Alexis that her attitude was going to ruin my future sales, but she didn't seem to care. Dang,, I missed Chelsia. Anyway, I guess RSI has gotten too big to care about even the largest backers. From total loyalty to thinkging about getting a refund has been my inner nag since then. I still believe in the Star Citizen Dream, but it's difficult to forget that CIG has so radically changed it's customer appreciation policies. Crap this sucks, but I am not going for a refund. Gonna hold onto the dream, and endure the disregard I was given from a single employee who didn't seem to care about helping me. While my excitement in future funding was crushed, my desire to see the game completed hasn't been.

This is just sooooo soooo sad... I don`t even know what to say... how can people become like this
On this page, instead of Fly Now it says Play Now. Which is weird given the name of the page...

Edit: I wonder if they tried to change all the Play Nows to Fly Nows but didn't do a proper job...

Good call.

I'd bet it used to say "Fly Now", but says "Play Now". They would want to keep the url the same.

Also the site was redesigned somewhat recently and that section is part of the redesign that is supposed to make the website easier for new players.
Looks like Skaddens have filed the latest rebuttal.

As much as I can read or make any interpretation, it appears to say "Everything the other side said is wrong, uses invalid arguments and case law, is waffly and silly and we respectfully request the court tell them to jog on..."
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