Just the start. We saw similar with CIG clarifying you won't get to keep stolen ships. The more mechanics become nailed down or have an impact on gameplay, the more dreams will be shattered and reality take over. Personally i can't wait to see full persistence in order to see whether CIG favour the whales and make getting ships and kitting them take a lot of work (aka grind) or make it quick and easy which will annoy the whales.
I definitely favour annoying the whales, as you put it; they are the ones who are always going on about it more being a donation than a ship sale
In all seriousness though, SC will wither and die as a “live service” game unless the moment to moment gameplay makes the journey to the next ship bearable (or even fun, with any luck). Glacial player progession would drive away the player base unless things suddenly get a whole lot more interesting, including satisfying crew roles on someone else’s ship.
As someone who’s probably spent over 1500 hours in ED, I’m no stranger to making my own fun, and i’ve not minded the long time taken for me to get to an anaconda (definitely over a year, maybe even two) because I only ever played for fun rather than for the grind. What’s worrying is that the closest I got to fun so far in SC was flying a racing ship round the track on a free fly event about 3 years ago (4?). It could all change, but I have played hundreds of games that were more fun than SC, maybe over 1000, and in a world where more games want the continued time and money commitment of a “live service” game SC is waaaaaaay down on the list