One thing i really appreciate in ED is how i can choose whatever ship i want to do almost anything. It might not be the best ship for the job, but i can configure it to my desires.
If this was SC, then i'd need different ship types for different tasks. Ok, some might say that's a good thing, specialized ships. Still, at this point, no flying ships you haven't bought anyway.
True, most ships in SC seems to be made for a single purpose. I think it's because they want to sell more concepts since owning 1 or 2 ships that can be refitted for various roles won't keep the cash flowing with the ever increasing roles they dream up.
There are a few ships that did have concepts made for modularity like the Avenger, Retaliator, Vanguard and Redeemer. Avenger comes in 3 variants and you're supposed to be able to swap out the rear section, there's cargo, holding cells and a EMP variant, it's getting reworked for 3.2. You could see the reworked version in the SQ42 demo they showed around x-mas, the ship is getting bigger. Assets and ships that are going to be needed for SQ42 seems to be a priority.
Vanguard is a heavy fighter, they came up with variants and the base model became the Warden with variants for electronic warfare, torpedo bomber and dropship. They had BUK's (modules) that would allow owners to swap between the various variants, but that seems to have been scrapped.
Redeemer was a hybrid gunship/dropship, it will most likely be made into a pure gunship based on the latest info.
The Retaliator heavy bomber is modular and is supposed to let you swap the 2 torpedo bays for cargo holds, dropship modules, titan armour recharge station, living quarters, a mining module and much more, this ship is perhaps the most versatile of them all and similar to how Elite works with optional internals, though more limited since you only have 2 modules. They've removed the ship from the list of buyable ships, no word has been given about reworks and it's not on the roadmap. It is flyable as the bomber variant atm, and if you had the base variant you get the bomber as a loaner.
So far I've tried the Aurora, Mustang, Dragonfly, Ursa Rover, Cutlass, Freelancer and Constellation. They won't let you melt ships and rebuy with store credit as often as you like, you get 1 token to use each quarter of the year, I believe the reasoning behind that was that backers were abusing the system, more of an encouragement to make us buy more ships I think. $0 CCUs (Cross Chassis Upgrade) are being removed without warning, but I managed to grab a Connie Taurus -> Retaliator Base yesterday since the ship cannot be obtained anymore.
I settled for the Avenger Titan and Retaliator Base based on their modularity and both ships are flyable right now. I've no idea on how the mechanics for all the roles are going to work and neither do the devs in some cases, nothing solid anyway. Cutlass Blue and Red rework is being pushed back because they need to figure out how bounty hunting and medical gameplay mechanics are going to work, that's a positive IMO.