The Star Citizen Thread v9

IIRC last time it was brought up, some time ago, the dev asked seemed confused about the concept as if it was the first time he heard of the idea.

*Star Citizen in a nutshell*

OK thanks for the info - I doubt I'd use a PVP slider, it's an open world multiplayer game so you take your chances and all that, but given the intense carebear attitude displayed by many of the citizens over on that Reddit thread, I was just wondering.
IIRC last time it was brought up, some time ago, the dev asked seemed confused about the concept as if it was the first time he heard of the idea.

Even the devs can't keep up with everything CR promised over the years.

For insurance timers you can mitigate the wait if you put in a claim after you spawn it. That way the timer starts running once you have your ship on the pad. Simply exit the terminal after you requested your ship, click on the terminal and put in a claim on the ship you just spawned to get the timer running.

That's going to be patched out i bet at some point.

I thought you were joking about the insurance claim, but you were bang on. I had to wait 15 minutes for my faithful chariot to be delivered. I did get into the Cutless's bed before logging off last night ,but must have pressed the wrong combination of keys to save the position. Also, I need to go through the character creator each time I log in : it resets my character every time.

I can't for the life of me get the starmap (really, it's a system map) to open, but QT works OK. I'll have another go at flying to Hurston....

Oh yes, if you get randomly disconnected, if you suffer a crash, if you are in a rush and simply don't have time to get to your bed, you're facing a rebuy.

Who needs PvPers in a game causing you rebuys when the devs provide so many ways for it to happen?!
Commandos starting to grapple with the inevitable consequences of piracy griefing emergent gameplay in the 'Verse.

Has the PVP slider/private servers been mentioned by anyone of consequence at CIG recently?

To my knowledge, I've only been attacked the once while playing SC, but the feedback on the HUD is so awful I didn't actually realise I was being shot at until someone in chat started giving it the old pirate nonsense. Hilariously, my Aurora was apparently indestructible that day, the shields just kept flickering and after a few minutes of me flying in a straight line, my would-be assailant flew off leaving only a strong of bad-tempered chat lines... :rolleyes:

Star Citizen is going to be a griefer's utopia, the rage that people are going to feel over losing $2500 spaceships with 7 day respawn times is going to be absolutely glorious. I cannot wait.
*Star Citizen in a nutshell*

OK thanks for the info - I doubt I'd use a PVP slider, it's an open world multiplayer game so you take your chances and all that, but given the intense carebear attitude displayed by many of the citizens over on that Reddit thread, I was just wondering.

The problem with the lack of a slider is that SC doesn't have anything in place to protect people against random trolls. Its akin to ED in a very early state, half a decade ago, with everyone forced into one system and no systems to protect people. Add very long 'insurance timers', a complete lack of combat balance and ultra-strong p2w ships and 'griefers' can really damage the experience of players. Even more so when you consider the fun people have is mostly group roleplaying.

That is I think an issue not nearly emphasized enough. It isn't the bugs, or crashes, or framerate, or lack of gameplay loops that is the biggest issue. You can ducktape stuff on top of what there is now. But the complete lack of game design, or vision on what it should even be at all, means there will be tons of stuff like 'the griefer issue'.

Star Citizen is going to be a griefer's utopia, the rage that people are going to feel over losing $2500 spaceships with 7 day respawn times is going to be absolutely glorious. I cannot wait.

Why do you want that?
After a few days of getting back into the myriad of bugs and dodgy network code of SC....I've found the mission bugs are irritating me most of all, namely take a mission from the mobiglass, deliver the package type. Besides the ridiculously low payouts, having some NPC refuse to interact when supposedly handing the mission in means scrapping it...all that flying about for nowt basically.

I came a cropper from just being an open game last night too...decided to do a bit of illicit trade to gain some credits. I landed at a particular 'hidden' drugs lab looking for the high value profits...noted another ship there as I landed. Now... that in SC is tantamount to suicide since you just know whoever is in the station doing the same thing you're planning already has his gun out and waiting for you to walk through the airlock whistling with their hands in their pockets...exactly like I did in fact.

I had all my creds tied up in the cargo on my Cutlass bar 1 credit when he expectedly popped out from behind a row of shelves with a shotgun. I put it down to just being tired and stupid...Getting out of that bed at Levski as I respawned with 1 credit to my name and with 15 minutes to wait for my Cutlass was the longest time....Unless I didn't just press that ship recall button.

The only benefit is that there's no rebuy in the E-D sense since it costs you nowt bar a 15 minute wait after filing the insurance claim...or you can jump into another ship should you be lucky enough to own one, go back out to where you died and wipe the fool with the shotgun and his nice Cutlass Black from the face of the small moon with a few missiles and pick your other ship up complete with the cargo... just like I did ;)

Bugs and more bugs...besides the missions, disappearing boxes, mission givers who won't interact... the respawn in your bed on the ship doesn't work. I tried that and woke up in Levski with a 15 minute wait for the Cutlass I had fallen asleep in.

I also took the time to sort out the bindings for my HOTAS...since flying with a M/KB or Xbox controller just didn't do it for me. It's fine for the walking bit, but didn't seem right in the ship. SInce I've done that, the flight model doesn't seem quite as bad...certainly not as twitchy and it seems all over more natural (for me). Don't get me wrong...the game was designed to fly with M/KB since CR wanted Freelancer shows, and the flight model is pure unadulterated nonsense because of it.

At least the ships no longer sink through the planet or jump around on the landing platform which is an improvement over the old 2.63 patch...which was the last time I played SC. Still not right by any means, but it's improved slightly in a turrets in space kinda way.
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Must admit, with this week's "free fly event," I do feel like a Star Citizen.... I have been visiting the Expo daily and from waking up in the Lorville apartment to walking out into the city, following directions, taking the train to the starport where the expo is held, etc.. I do feel "alive" in the SC world on my computer screen. Guess, its the 1st person perspective and walking though the environment, seeing NPCs milling around (though odd no females!), the sounds ranging from flies buzzing around garbage, to the metro train female announcements, to music on the expo floor... I feel presence and experience like no other game I have on the SSDs. Of course, there were a few moments of falling though elevators into a void where I promptly re-awoke in my Lorville apt. However, I only experienced two such glitches in the 4 days I have been visiting the Expo. Speaking of the Expo, if anyone was at the Aegis Expo and visited all three expo floors, Wow to the floor with the very large Reclaimer ship! Walking up to and into that ship was quite the experience. Sitting at the helm, checking out various areas of the ship, looking out the windows to the expo floor below.... quite the experience! Then there was the Origin Jumpworks Expo... and the 600i. Stepping into that ship and seeing the luxury and detail was quite stunning! The bridge and captains quarters... I ended up renting an 85X that day and enjoyed taking it out for a test spin, though needed an attractive female in the passenger seat as it seems fitting for that luxury sports car of space ships!

Visiting to the expo, basically I spent most time simply stepping into the ships, sitting at the controls, looking around.... basically, what I would do, if I was really there! I spent far more time on the expo floor, then flying a rental which was interesting though made sense, given the presence and "realistic" feel of it.

All in all, frankly CIG has hit a home run with this iteration of Star Citizen and the concept of actually hosting a multi-day "real" ship expo for players. Even game performance is great with solid FPS and some graphical oddities such as the NPC group hop when coming off elevators, but I can live with that for now.

In essence, the current Live Star Citizen appears to be a true taste of CR's vision and what all are expecting from the game. Now if they can expand and truly create a galaxy around this presence, is yet to be seen. However, with the two planetary systems thus far... its getting there?!

NOTE: here is my twitch recording from last night (visit to Drake Expo and Arrow/Herald rental) if anyone interested. (may need to fast fwd though parts as its long)
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Must admit, with this week's "free fly event," I do feel like a Star Citizen.... I have been visiting the Expo daily and from waking up in the Lorville apartment to walking out into the city, following directions, taking the train to the starport where the expo is held, etc.. I do feel "alive" in the SC world on my computer screen. Guess, its the 1st person perspective and walking though the environment, seeing NPCs milling around (though odd no females!), the sounds ranging from flies buzzing around garbage, to the metro train female announcements, to music on the expo floor... I feel presence and experience like no other game I have on the SSDs. Of course, there were a few moments of falling though elevators into a void where I promptly re-awoke in my Lorville apt. However, I only experienced two such glitches in the 4 days I have been visiting the Expo. Speaking of the Expo, if anyone was at the Aegis Expo and visited all three expo floors, Wow to the floor with the very large Reclaimer ship! Walking up to and into that ship was quite the experience. Sitting at the helm, checking out various areas of the ship, looking out the windows to the expo floor below.... quite the experience! Then there was the Origin Jumpworks Expo... and the 600i. Stepping into that ship and seeing the luxury and detail was quite stunning! The bridge and captains quarters... I ended up renting an 85X that day and enjoyed taking it out for a test spin, though needed an attractive female in the passenger seat as it seems fitting for that luxury sports car of space ships!

All in all, frankly CIG has hit a home run with this iteration of Star Citizen and the concept of actually hosting a multi-day "real" ship expo for players. Even game performance is great with solid FPS and some graphical oddities such as the NPC group hop when coming off elevators, but I can live with that for now.

In essence, the current Live Star Citizen appears to be a true taste of CR's vision and what all are expecting from the game. Now if they can expand and truly create a galaxy around this presence, is yet to be seen. However, with the two planetary systems thus far... its getting there?!

I've mostly avoided Hurston since the sheer amount of folks there was making it a lag fast. I did pop along for the Aegis one though...rented a Hammerhead and a Reclaimer for a couple of days for free just to try out and imagine being a whale :)

That Reclaimer is just...enormous, albeit utterly pointless...the same with the Hammerhead, all designed and built for a gameplay that will never exist except in some of the more colourful of SC backer's heads.




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I've mostly avoided Hurston since the sheer amount of folks there was making it a lag fast. I did pop along for the Aegis one though...rented a Hammerhead and a Reclaimer for a couple of days for free just to try out and imagine being a whale :)

That Reclaimer is just...enormous, albeit utterly pointless...the same with the Hammerhead, all designed and built for a gameplay that will never exist except in some of the more colourful of SC backer's heads.

Yea, when I walked around in the Reclaimer and Hammerhead, my first thought was Star Marine. Basically some sort of semi-scripted quest/effort to regain control of a ship or perhaps explore a derelict version. Basically, owning/flying would be pointless, but some form of gameplay with these large ships would involve more walking around them doing stuff.
Must admit, with this week's "free fly event," I do feel like a Star Citizen.... I have been visiting the Expo daily and from waking up in the Lorville apartment to walking out into the city, following directions, taking the train to the starport where the expo is held, etc.. I do feel "alive" in the SC world on my computer screen. Guess, its the 1st person perspective and walking though the environment, seeing NPCs milling around (though odd no females!), the sounds ranging from flies buzzing around garbage, to the metro train female announcements, to music on the expo floor... I feel presence and experience like no other game I have on the SSDs. Of course, there were a few moments of falling though elevators into a void where I promptly re-awoke in my Lorville apt. However, I only experienced two such glitches in the 4 days I have been visiting the Expo. Speaking of the Expo, if anyone was at the Aegis Expo and visited all three expo floors, Wow to the floor with the very large Reclaimer ship! Walking up to and into that ship was quite the experience. Sitting at the helm, checking out various areas of the ship, looking out the windows to the expo floor below.... quite the experience! Then there was the Origin Jumpworks Expo... and the 600i. Stepping into that ship and seeing the luxury and detail was quite stunning! The bridge and captains quarters... I ended up renting an 85X that day and enjoyed taking it out for a test spin, though needed an attractive female in the passenger seat as it seems fitting for that luxury sports car of space ships!

Visiting to the expo, basically I spent most time simply stepping into the ships, sitting at the controls, looking around.... basically, what I would do, if I was really there! I spent far more time on the expo floor, then flying a rental which was interesting though made sense, given the presence and "realistic" feel of it.

All in all, frankly CIG has hit a home run with this iteration of Star Citizen and the concept of actually hosting a multi-day "real" ship expo for players. Even game performance is great with solid FPS and some graphical oddities such as the NPC group hop when coming off elevators, but I can live with that for now.

In essence, the current Live Star Citizen appears to be a true taste of CR's vision and what all are expecting from the game. Now if they can expand and truly create a galaxy around this presence, is yet to be seen. However, with the two planetary systems thus far... its getting there?!

The game really surprised me, it's hard to stop playing it. The missions, even the simplest ones, are very immersive.





















Yea, when I walked around in the Reclaimer and Hammerhead, my first thought was Star Marine. Basically some sort of semi-scripted quest/effort to regain control of a ship or perhaps explore a derelict version. Basically, owning/flying would be pointless, but some form of gameplay with these large ships would involve more walking around them doing stuff.

They were to attract the...characters...who imagine life in SC as some corporate magnate owning a salvage firm with other players just being blindingly obedient enough to work for a wage packet. I tend to play SC exactly like I play E-D, just flying around in my space ship doing missions and a bit of trading. The FPS shooter thing doesn't interest me at all outside of the space legs being in context with me and my ship. Pretty much like the guys I play with who were/are E-D players too.

The whole SC org thing... I'll leave to folks with more colourful imagination than a grasp on the reality of what CiG and SC will ever deliver.... :)

I don't care what anyone says though...just heading up the ramp on your ship after buying some cargo at the terminal and seeing it sitting there, having to walk around it to get to the cockpit... just adds that bit of something else for me... All the different cargo containers look different and are represented by icons on the boxes...gas containers look different from these, which were containers of scrap metal, medical supplies are in appropriately smaller red boxes with a first aid cross on them, mining ores have a pickaxe and rock icon, gas and liquids are in suspended cylinder containers inside a box frame... Pretty good.


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I thought you were joking about the insurance claim, but you were bang on. I had to wait 15 minutes for my faithful chariot to be delivered. I did get into the Cutless's bed before logging off last night ,but must have pressed the wrong combination of keys to save the position. Also, I need to go through the character creator each time I log in : it resets my character every time.

Do they not give you any credits for the free fly event? You should be able to "expedite" the insurance claim for a small amount of credits. The Cutlass should claim nearly instantly then. If you are just messing around you shouldnt miss the credits.

Logging out in the bed worked reliably at one point, but it is back to being pretty buggy and not working.
I've found the mission bugs are irritating me most of all, namely take a mission from the mobiglass, deliver the package type. Besides the ridiculously low payouts, having some NPC refuse to interact when supposedly handing the mission in means scrapping it...all that flying about for nowt basically.

That is probably why I dont get as irritated with SC, if something is not working I dont do it. After a couple not working fetch mission, I don't do them any more. But I agree, it is frustrating spending all the time to have the admin not respond.

I don't care what anyone says though...just heading up the ramp on your ship after buying some cargo at the terminal and seeing it sitting there, having to walk around it to get to the cockpit... just adds that bit of something else for me... All the different cargo containers look different and are represented by icons on the boxes...gas containers look different from these, which were containers of scrap metal, medical supplies are in appropriately smaller red boxes with a first aid cross on them, mining ores have a pickaxe and rock icon, gas and liquids are in suspended cylinder containers inside a box frame... Pretty good.

I completely understand and agree :) :)
In essence, the current Live Star Citizen appears to be a true taste of CR's vision and what all are expecting from the game. Now if they can expand and truly create a galaxy around this presence, is yet to be seen. However, with the two planetary systems thus far... its getting there?
So an expo with a few models you can sit in is the epitome of the future of gaming? Wow, too bad FDev can't do that.

Well I did it! I didn’t mean to, but, the darn free fly got me! When I backed the game I wasn’t going to do more than the $130 I originally put into it. I got the mustang and sq42 combo and upgraded to the Cutlass Black. Overall, I had a $130 credit when I melted the Cutlass Black. Great ship, reminds me of the Python in ED, but, like the Python it didn’t really resignate with me. In ED, my favorite ship is the Cutter, so naturally I gravitate towards form over function. Bottom line, melted the package, bought back the Mustang, SQ42 package. Then I bought the Arrow with LTI. Then I upgraded the Arrow to the 600i.

To me, the 600i fills the same role as the Cutter did for me in ED. It’s amazing to fly, not the fastest, but, not the slowest. Holds 40 cargo units, less than the Cutlass Black, can hold my rovers, can accommodate multi crew, and punches like a !

I’ve never spent this amount of money on a game before and I thought I might get buyers remorse. But, I haven’t yet. However, it could get triggered when I get my credit card statement!
So an expo with a few models you can sit in is the epitome of the future of gaming? Wow, too bad FDev can't do that.


Yes, because it offers unlimited possibilities in the mind. The conceit is there will be an entire game build around this single experience. But the latests posts here do support what I claimed earlier: to many this free fly is impressive enough to spend (more) money and feel positive about the project. That appears to be the overwhelming vibe outside of SA and this one topic, whether that is a good thing or not...
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