"The Stones"

Ammonia removal from fertilizer plant effluents by a coupled electrostatic shielding based electrodialysis / electrodeionization process

Ammomium nitrate, Faraday cage, ion sink, ionic current sink-source, membrane free electrodeionization

Imagine being placed in a box and having all your carbon extracted. The question is, was it intentonal or a side-effect of using a Faraday cage for containment. Is a Faraday cage something a geological survey team might be equipped with?
Ammonia removal from fertilizer plant effluents by a coupled electrostatic shielding based electrodialysis / electrodeionization process

Ammomium nitrate, Faraday cage, ion sink, ionic current sink-source, membrane free electrodeionization

Imagine being placed in a box and having all your carbon extracted. The question is, was it intentonal or a side-effect of using a Faraday cage for containment. Is a Faraday cage something a geological survey team might be equipped with?

I had similar... that the crew were 'exploiting' whatever they had in the cage...
Indeed jago.
Tortured baby thargoid, most likely.
Basically, they broke down the ammonia, probably by meddling with the internal pressure of the cage..
It is unknown if deliberate but if we follow the chain of events, the cage starts to fail.
We do not know their exact physiology, at least not yet but caustic damage is related to thargoids which seems to be affecting the 'presumed' metal cage.

At this point we should be looking to find out what kind of acid can be related to an ammonia based life-form.

So, what happens next?
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Indeed jago.
Tortured baby thargoid, most likely.
Basically, they broke down the ammonia, probably by meddling with the internal pressure of the cage..
It is unknown if deliberate but if we follow the chain of events, the cage starts to fail.
We do not know their exact physiology, at least not yet but caustic damage is related to thargoids which seems to be affecting the 'presumed' metal cage.

At this point we should be looking to find out what kind of acid can be related to an ammonia based life-form.

So, what happens next?
This loses me now.. biochemistry isn't my strong suit :unsure:

Google.. if im reading this correctly gives me :

Nitric/Nitrous acid
Nitrogen trichloride - explosive liquid?
Liquid ammonia
Sulfuric acid?

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This loses me now.. biochemistry isn't my strong suit :unsure:

Google.. if im reading this correctly gives me :

Nitric/Nitrous acid
Nitrogen trichloride - explosive liquid?
Liquid ammonia
Sulfuric acid?

Yep, i'm not that great with it either but i ran with the theory that one might react badly with oxygen due to the change of environment.
Arf's livestream snozz thing made me think it as well.
The oxidation of nitric acid results in nitrogen dioxide which causes severe burns, eye damage and is fatal when inhaled so maybe this is what happened to the crew.
This is, after all, just a theory, with quite a lot missing science, but i'm just gonna throw it out there and see if ppl can make it work or debunk it.
Just for fun.
Wow, I'm surprised the LP message got solved, especially now when it seemed like most people would have given up. I thought the code was going to be unlocked with some future reveal that just isn't in the game yet, for example.

Still, great to put that to rest.

I guess, quick thoughts: FDev have clearly improved their cipher skills, which is good. There's no fun in solving a mystery by copy pasting some text into a program and letting it run 50 different decipher attempts. I hope FDev don't take the wrong lesson from this and try to make it simpler next time.

The "top of the line" hint was pretty obvious in hindsight, it was brought up multiple times in this thread at the time, and it really should have been taken more seriously. But that's hindsight in a nutshell.

The actual message itself makes perfect sense. No message logged by the ship used system names, it just noted the type of star, which body, and sometimes the ly distance. This basically follows that trend.

Well done to the people who solved it.
Well, I still have one question. If the log off the 20th by professor Carver was for her own records and Azimuth didn't know about finding the stones, why did the Adamastor launch at the 26th?
Do we consider this solved?
Still missing the parts directly related to what happened to/on Adamastor. However the next clue and missing link to the greater story, has been always there in our Codex.
it is the HIP 7... system mentioned in one of the transmissions found in Musca
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I'm pretty sure Hollywood could make a really nice 2+ hours movie from the events that happened in that October 3111 - starting with the base setup in Musca and ending with a lifeless Adamastor in HIP 69200 starting its 200 years sublight journey to Chukchan (and postcredits showing prof. Carver's Sidewinder crashing...)

Maybe FDev should get into movie business?
Still missing the parts directly related to what happened to/on Adamastor. However the next clue and missing link to the greater story, has been always there in our Codex.
it is the HIP 7... system mentioned in one of the transmissions found in Musca

I thought all the locations were found? Can't find any reference to the system you're alluding to.
But are we going to check out any Faraday references? There's a Faraday keep at 17 Draconis . . . 🧐
The "top of the line" hint was pretty obvious in hindsight, it was brought up multiple times in this thread at the time, and it really should have been taken more seriously. But that's hindsight in a nutshell.

It was dismissed or overlooked for 2 reason, 1, its not great grammar and 2/ other languages reported it translated as 'the best' which means it was a clue in English only.

Or that 'it's right under their noses'.
Will have to look again at that stream to see where they where, what they were they doing, when making that comment.

I typed it up, I can tell you, he was in the cockpit in muliti crew looking at Stephen Avatars nose and said, what a big snozz, your avatar has a big nose - i putt in for a joke to show how some things arent relevant at all :).
Do we consider this solved?
Not sure.
Unless I've missed something, we still don't know what they caputured/found that seemed to cause the problem on the megaship & in what System the Ship lost control, where was the secure facility mentioned?
I'd venture that early December something else may pop up, hinting the same "things" they couldn't keep contained in this "cage" they constructed are landing and running rampant through land bases (maybe 200-300 year old bases, or recent bases) hinting at the need for getting into those bases and either capturing them for study or just clearing them out. Elite: Dangerous/Doom confirmed.
I'm pretty sure Hollywood could make a really nice 2+ hours movie from the events that happened in that October 3111 - starting with the base setup in Musca and ending with a lifeless Adamastor in HIP 69200 starting its 200 years sublight journey to Chukchan (and postcredits showing prof. Carver's Sidewinder crashing...)

Maybe FDev should get into movie business?
Do we know what happened to Murphy? I may have missed it. Congrats to the people here who solved it all, I enjoyed reading and visiting the identified locations in-game.

In a movie they could finally find the Thargoid thing and destroy it, say "Phew, we got rid of the alien", but then cut to Murphy saying "Muhahaha, I will avenge my master". :)
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