The Thargoid and Fer-de-Lance

Agent Psykokow hears the sounds of a patrol of federal Agents out side the Thargoid And Fer-de-Lance doors.. He shakes himself together, coughs and heads to greet the first Agent through the door.
Sixteen heavily armed federal Agents burst through the door, before Psykokow could utter a word or salute he was greated with the lead Agents rifle butt.
Agent Psykokow went down like a tonne of soggy clay blocks....he was out for the count.
The Agents rounded everyone up to the bar area firing shots indescriminately into the ceiling... Sparks strewn accross the floor as two Agents dragged the limp body of Agent Psykokow out the door..
"Dump that somewhere useful" laughed the lead Agent. "We don't need people taking notes".

The Lead agent was a tale pale face man, heavy scars decorated his face like tinsel on a christmas tree. His lips were grey and serious. He had dark eyes of no fixed colour and a seriously heavy trigger finger.

"Hello everyone" he gestured the terrified group of patrons "I have come here for one thing and one thing only...."
Frank stood up and offered him some of his finest rocks..
"get him out of here to..." The Agents grabbbed frank roughly and threw him through the front doors.

The Agents aimed their weapons at the terrified group of Patrons..."Empty your pockets"...
Hey Mobius, if you have time and some ideas, how about a pic or two of the inside of The Thargoid and Fer-de-Lance.

Its Garthyre baby, and it dosnt have to be set in stone on how it looks, just be fun for a few pics if possible, see how others view what it could look like.

Must have dark corners though! ;) cheers.

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Deadly, But very fluffy...
Great View!

Thats great Mobius! never thought about having screens all over showing various info, darkness just about right, and what a great view to! :cool:

Again Garthyres place, she has last say on what it looks like, but nice job mate. thing missing! where's the jukebox? :p
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Rip Van Winkle

I goes ta sleep last night and when I wakes up, I find they've redecorated! I can't find ma bottle of Rat Spirit neither.

Nice view of Bernard's Star beaming through those massive windows. I've been partial to a bit of sightseeing myself. Some of the views of starlight filtering through asteroid belts can be breathtaking. Sometimes I just suit up and pop outta my craft ta have a look at the spacescape.
The agents barging into the bar and causing so much panic had spoilt the romantic mood for Mark and Amber. Mark didn't like the look of this bunch. Openly carrying firearms broke so many rules and discharging a firearm in a public space without good reason would get you a 10 year stretch even if you were a Federal agent. Amber silently sent a message to Navy Intel. If these bozos were genuine they would get an order to stand down, if they were fake, they would have police SWAT teams and Navy Special Forces surrounding the bar in minutes.

Mark was worried, it could turn into another incident like Tionisla, at least this time they might have some backup. Was that a laser dot he saw on one of the 'agents'? And some barely audible scuffling? He turned to Amber and she nodded, instinctively they both ducked and covered their eyes. There was a sound of objects hitting the floor, followed by blinding flashs and bangs. Then there was the hiss of immobi-foam swelling up and dart guns firing. The fake agents were overpowered in seconds. As the scene of crimes investigators started their work with the clean up crew close behind, the SWAT Captain came over to Mark and Amber.

"If it hadn't been for your message, things could have turned really nasty here tonight. Thanks to you , Major, we have a gang in custody and no fatalities. We'll process your statements first and let you get back what you were doing."

They had had enough excitement for one day and thought that Illu's somewhat jealous suggestion might be a good idea. As they were leaving, they saw Mobius had just finished giving his statement. Amber decided to introduce them as she knew Mark was a fan of Mobius. He showed the couple some paintings he'd been working on. They were images of the Thargoid and Fer de Lance. In the first one Mark spotted a couple at the left hand table under the observation lounge notice that looked a lot like him and Amber. In the second much larger picture of the same scene titled 'Down the Local', the couple had gone, but in the centre left foreground was a woman that looked a lot like Amber.
*Capt'n Caribou crawls through the chaos to the Jukebox.... Wanting to create some distraction he fumbles with the controls and credits to put on something loud and fast...*

*After hitting the controls A song from his youth plays - can't quite remember the title... Not EMO as before but with a high beat and lots of Fraternal Alchemy. The Ameretto he's been drinking has gone to his head now as he dives through the confusion to the door...*

"...what was that song!" he mutters as he disappears.


Deadly, But very fluffy...
The morning after

Illus head was hurting, he wasn't sure if it was all the drink before, or the thunder flashes of the second bunch of Fed agents who took down the first ones, or were they the fake ones? who was real any-more? Ugh! Getting *FED* up with these gate crashers! :p

Illu sees Caribou messing around with the Jukebox, nope not sure of the tune, think it might be something i know, but just cant figure it out!

Illu remembered bits and pieces from last nights raid, he had staggered out and found agent psykokow dazed but ok, just outside the local kabab fine eatery place.
Both were feeling the munches, so they ordered, extra chilli but minus the salad for psykokow!
Illu also had to hold the manager back, when psykokow started to check list the cleanliness of the establishment! :rolleyes:

The hardened faced leader of the fake Fed agents had escaped in the confusion, Frank still had the finger(with microchip) he hoped! and Mark and Amber had smiles on their faces when they had emerged that morning(must have had a good fry up)

It was time Illu thought to just take a seat and admire the view from The Thargoid and Fer-de-Lance observation deck, he watched as a Cobra whisked by.
He was kinda regretting spending all that credit that traveller had given him, he had a troubling feeling he might be needing it in the near future. :(
It's certainly undergone a renovation since I was last there! I always imagined it looking more like the bar from Starcraft 2 :cool:

because the Thargoid and Fer-De-Lance has gotten so popular and profits are soaring, i guess at some point a new bar has been purchased

if you look carfully the duke box is the large screen on the bottom right,
Agent Psykokow stumbles into the nicely (Recently) renovated bar, no sign of bullet holes or any left overs of the previous nights commotion.
His Jaw still ached, as did his stomach and ass... That extra chilli turned out to be a very bad move.
He saw frank jumping around like a spring chicken and approached him.
'You OK?? I heard it was a rogue raid last night'
Frank looked at him
'Yeah im fine, a couple yung folks helped me out' he smiled 'and I found a handy sausage in my pocket and fried it up for me dinner... delicious'
Agent Psykokow was ever so slightly releaved that the old timer had far fewer signs of the violence than he had expected.
Psykokow rubbed his chin, it clicked when he talked now... and his trousers had combusted due to over sparkage after the chili kebab.

He went to the bar... 'Is the owner back yet?? I really need to talk to her... though the place does now look much better, I am concerned about the contents of some of these drinks. Don't get me started on the bar food..'

Psykokow scanned the room and decided to put a good tune on...

This one will be a tricky band to handle, they never stay still always shivering and singing a playful song on a terrible day out in their larger than usual rose coloured vehicle... Just wished they'd stop hitting the horn.

He sat next to Frank... 'hey do you recognise this tune?'
Frank takes out a credit. He looks around for the jukebox, "how d'ya get that music ta play? I can't see no jukebox. Does Garthyre know about this makeover? She might ask for it ta be put back the way it wuz."

He put his money back in his pocket and asks Psykokow "The B52s, Love Shack?"
Frank takes out a credit. He looks around for the jukebox, "how d'ya get that music ta play? I can't see no jukebox. Does Garthyre know about this makeover? She might ask for it ta be put back the way it wuz."

He put his money back in his pocket and asks Psykokow "The B52s, Love Shack?"

Due to complaints from the more mature pilots that find this new fandangled technology to much, the old juke box has now been returned.
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