About to go off to sleep (it's gone 4am! What a sad case I am!
), but I'll just answer this
one last thing
I'm not missing the point - the point is multiplayer. I was arguing about PvE specifically, but then solo and groups got thrown into the mix and I thought "yes, that too is unfair and potentially imbalancing". The arguments against PvE are valid independent of any other issues like solo and grouping, because they weren't the topic under discussion, but when they were brought up, it was a case of "well, now you mention it...". The point is imbalance and PvE will imbalance the game and be unfair on other players. If there are other areas which imbalance the game too, that doesn't invalidate the first point. Gah!
Example problem (we'll assume ship strengths are evenly matched and we'll keep the numbers simple for the sake of simplicity - and rather than fixating on the blockade being used as an example, just think of it in purely logical terms applicable to any scenario where there is a finely balanced state):
10 NPC ships form a blockade, 10 equally matched NPC ships try to break the blockade. We have balance. Stalemate. This will be the same for both PvP and PvE players so they effectively cancel each other out in either case. So from here on in, we'll discount them.
1 PvP player joins the blockade - if nothing changes the system will fall into anarchy.
1 PvP player tries to break the blockade. The outcome is now uncertain and will be decided by the most skillful player.
1 PvE player tries to break the blockade. The outcome is guaranteed. He will get through, the blockade will be broken and the PvP player who tried to guard it was powerless to do anything about it. The PvE players influence was greater than the PvP players influence, and completely invalidated his efforts. This is not good.
I know it's very simplified, but the logic seems fairly clear and definitive.
You might be able to think of examples where the PvP player seems advantaged, but it will always be the case that another player could come along and remove that advantage. Not so in PvE. Using NPCs as a counter doesn't work because it's the same for both (unless FD have some wizardry that equalises it somehow, but as they'll always be 'robots' it'll never quite have the same 'uncertainty' that real people bring into the mix).
Rampaging PvEers:
A group of 10 PvE players roam the galaxy taking out outposts, causing havoc, having a lot of fun in the process (which nobody begrudges). They're well armed, well equipped, and skilful. The NPCs do their best, but these guys are too good. They conquer all before them. They become the scourge of the trade-lanes. Who can stop them, I wonder? Well, no one, as it happens. Whatever influence these 10 space dogs have on the universe, for good or ill, no other player can do anything about them. Ever.
A group of 10 PvP players roam the galaxy taking out outposts, etc., etc. Who can stop them I wonder? Well, anyone, as it happens. This way for the bounties lads!
You see the problem?
You'll have a similar problem even in PvP if the group is 32 players and we hit the instance limit, so that no other PvPers can 'join' their instance and kill them either, but I'm hoping that FD will be aware of that kind of 'exploit' and will do something to counter it (maybe maximum group size of 16 allied players per instance?)
I'm not for one moment saying "don't give people what they want" - but I am saying that you can't have PvE/solo/private groups having the same level of influence on the galaxy as PvPers and it be fair. Not without some damn clever balancing that I've not really heard yet.
For true fairness, you need to have entirely separate galaxy/servers where you're either PvE (including solo and pvt groups), or you're PvP and never the twain shall meet, nor impact on either universe.
Or the PvEers compromise and realise that it isn't really fair on everyone else for them to get an easy/easier ride and have an undue influence on the galaxy without the other players being able to counter them in any way.
Personally I'll have a solo game (offline) where I explore and play at my leisure, and a 'real' game in the full dynamic universe - which I expected by default to be unavoidably PvP.