The Ultimate, Essential Bird Meta-Wishlist (Habitat AND Aviary)

Bush stone-curlew! They've been my favourite bird ever since I was a young child, having become familiar with them on regular trips to northern Australia with my family. They've got that slim lanky build that a lot of my favourite animals tend to have, and their big stark eyes can make them look either cute or eerie depending on their expression (the two best ways for an animal to look). Birds with bright gaudy colours don't tend to look very attractive to me (with some exceptions), but the subtle but interesting colouration of these camouflaged birds very much appeals to my personal aesthetics. They also get bonus points for being primarily nocturnal, as all the best birds are.



Probably what seals the deal for them as my favourite bird though is their call - it takes me right back to being a kid on a camping trip, listening to them call out from the darkness as I lay in my tent. It's such a mournful yet peaceful sound:

As a final note, their chicks are adorable!


Originally widespread across Australia, unfortunately for me they've become extremely rare in most parts of southern Australia thanks to fox predation (they're still very common in northern Australia where the climate is less suitable for foxes, even thriving in cities) and so they're not a species I get to experience in the wild regularly.
Actually same I always walk past them and think their garden statues because of the way they just stand there lol.
Ufff difficult (can I have 5 more plx?)

1. Mallard Duck
2. Black Swan
3. Rainbow Lorikeet
4. Brown Pelican
5. Northern Bald Ibis
6. Hyacinth Mawcaw
7. Golden Pheasent
8. Atlantic Puffin
9. Toco Toucan
10. Barn Owl
11. Shoebill
12. Secretarybird
13. Bald Eagle
14. Capercaillie
15. Kookaburra
16. Barnacle Goose
17. Himalaya Monal
18. Atlantic Gannet
19. Greater Hornbill
20. Budgies

My favorite bird is the barn owl.
It's such a beautiful bird. I once saw a documentary about a photographer who spent months trying to get the perfect picture of a barn owl in a barn. That really fascinated me. In the end he nailed it, he wanted to capture a certain pose, the images were all so beautiful. And I was really taken by the owl gliding silently through the barn. I really like owls anyway, I have a lot of pictures with owls on them at home and also small figures. If it weren't so macabre, I'd also like to have a preparation of an owl somewhere. Maybe I'll build one myself so that there aren't any dead animals standing around in my apartment.
Even my Harry Potter me owl is a barn owl (my Patronus is a phoenix by the way, which I even got tattooed on my shoulder - so you see the connection that I'm a huge bird lover)
To keep this thread alive and hot, what's your personal favorite bird and why?
My favourite group of birds are probably the woodpeckers. It's very difficult to pick a favoured species from the 240-or-so family, although two of my favourites are the black woodpecker (the biggest and most powerful woodpecker in Europe) and the yellow-fronted woodpecker (a beautifully coloured South American species). That being said, I have only seen 2 species of woodpecker, and both of those are kinds that visit my garden (the European green and great spotted).

1. Ocellated turkey
2. Bar-headed goose
3. Southern ground hornbill
4. Great white pelican
5. Grey-winged trumpeter
6. Victoria crowned pigeon
7. Black swan
8. North Island brown kiwi
9. Himalayan monal
10. Scarlet ibis
11. Red-billed toucan
12. Snowy owl
13. Blue-throated macaw
14. Red-billed blue magpie
15. Montserrat oriole

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I have just realised that I haven't added my five additional bird species yet. My choices are:

16. Golden conure
17. Red-legged honeycreeper
18. Inca tern
19. White-cheeked turaco
20. Crested wood partridge


With those, I think we'd have a good mixture of mostly commonly-kept birds, with some more choice species as well.
1- Steller's sea eagle
2- Cienerous vulture
3- Peregrine falcon
4- Eurasian eagle owl
5- Waldrapp
6- Baer's pochard
7- Hawaiian goose
8- Black-necked swan
9- Hyacinth macaw
10- Toco toucan
11- Great Indian hornbill
12- Sun conure
13- Great white pelican
14- Gouldian finch
15- White-cheeked turaco
16- Marabou
17- Pied imperial pigeon
18- Western crowned pigeon
19- Inca tern
20- Roseate spoonbill
To keep this thread alive and hot, what's your personal favorite bird and why?
Steller Sea Eagle. Birds of prey always rate higher for me. It's very colorful and beautiful. One if not the biggest eagle. Lives in far north. Connections to George Steller - Sea Otters and Sea Cows
1. snowy owl
2. toco toucan
3. hyacinth macaw
4. mandarin duck
5. scarlet ibis
6. major mitchell's cockatoo
7. golden pheasant
8. silver pheasant
9. lady amherst's pheasant
10. great hornbill
11. grey-crowned crane
12. secretary bird
13. rainbow lorikeet
14. painted stork
15. saddle-billed stork
16. himalayan monal
17. roseate spoonbill
18. laughing kookaburra
19. helmeted guineafowl
20. shoebill
1. Bald Eagle
2. Toco Toucan
3. Great Hornbill
4. Scarlet Macaw
5. Secretary Bird
6. Budgeriger
7. African Grey Parrot
8. Greater Roadrunner
9. Scarlet Ibis
10. Snowy Owl
11. American Flamingo
12. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
13. North Island Brown Kiwi
14. Shoebill
15. Great White Pelican

I'd love for my favorite, the Crested Caracara to get in, but there's for sure some more iconic species that need in.
Additional 5
16. Wild Turkey
17. Harpy Eagle
18. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
19. Barn Owl
20. Crested Caracara (not going to leave it out this time)
  1. Macaroni Penguin (The bigger and better cousin to the rockhopper)
  2. Snowy Owl
  3. Elliot's Pheasant
  4. Oriental Scops Owl
  5. Mikado Pheasant
  6. Green Pheasant
  7. Barn Owl
  8. Atlantic Puffin
  9. Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
  10. Blue-Footed Boobie
  11. Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
  12. Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
  13. Mandarin Duck
  14. North Island Kiwi
  15. Red Junglefowl
  16. Eurasian Hoopoe
  17. Tragopan Satyra
  18. Kea
  19. California Quail
  20. Wild Turkey
Macaws are that kind of animals I'd appreciate every clone of.
1. Pink Pelican (habitat)
2. Black swan (habitat)
3. Scarlet ibis (habitat)
4. Marabou Stork (habitat)
5. Secretary bird (habitat)
6. Grey Crowned Crane (habitat)
7. Golden Pheasant (habitat)
8. Snow Owl (aviary)
9. Hyacinth Macaw (aviary)
10. Greater Indian Hornbill (aviary)
11. Pink Cockatoo (aviary)
12. Kookaburra (aviary)
13. Bald Eagle (aviary)
14. Andean Condor (aviary)
15. Lammergeier (aviary)
  1. Mallard Duck
  2. Mandarin Duck
  3. Domestic Duck
  4. North American Wood Duck
  5. Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
  6. Comb Duck
  7. North American Ruddy Duck
  8. White-Faced Whistling Duck
  9. Ferruginous Duck
  10. Indian Spot-Billed Duck
  11. Ruddy Shelduck
  12. Spotted Whistling Duck
  13. Argentine Ruddy Duck
  14. Australian Wood Duck
  15. Long-Tailed Duck
  16. Harlequin Duck
  17. Zebra Duck
  18. Nene
  19. Philippine Duck
  20. Radjah Shelduck

I don't need anything other than a duck.
  1. Mallard Duck
  2. Mandarin Duck
  3. Domestic Duck
  4. North American Wood Duck
  5. Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
  6. Comb Duck
  7. North American Ruddy Duck
  8. White-Faced Whistling Duck
  9. Ferruginous Duck
  10. Indian Spot-Billed Duck
  11. Ruddy Shelduck
  12. Spotted Whistling Duck
  13. Argentine Ruddy Duck
  14. Australian Wood Duck
  15. Long-Tailed Duck
  16. Harlequin Duck
  17. Zebra Duck
  18. Nene
  19. Philippine Duck
  20. Radjah Shelduck

I don't need anything other than a duck.
#Ducksweep will make 1 duckillion dollars off of dlc

Someone make the Jeb meme but with ducks
As Planet Zoo enters its fifth year of development, the community's desire for birds has never been stronger. But since the advent of wishlists on the forums, birds have seen a lot of division and delegation - flying birds aren't allowed on the Meta-Wishlist, habitat birds aren't allowed on the Aviary one, and so far.

To better assist Frontier in understanding what the community wants in all things avian, all bird barriers are being broken.
This wishlist designed for users to express their wants for ALL birds - habitat, potential walkthrough exhibits, flying, flightless, webbed foot, whatever. If it has a beak and feathers, it's eligible.

  1. All users may submit 20 birds (no more, no less, 20).*
  2. Votes for generic birds are acceptable. You want a mallard? Vote Mallard. BUTyou want a duck but don't care what kind? Vote Duck.
    • NOTE: Try keep generic votes with at least some level of specificity:
      • Vote for "Duck" or "Goose" or "Swan" - GOOD.
      • Vote for "Any Waterfowl" - BAD.
  3. No extinct birds, apologies to the dodo.
  4. Any issues or questions, you come to me. Someone in the forum giving you problems, you come to me. Need to make said someone "go away", you come to me.
  5. Have fun.
Last Updated: April 3, 2023

*Increased from original 15 to 20 by popular demand.

1. Bald Eagle
2. Snowy Owl
3. Toco Toucan
4. Scarlet Macaw
5. North Island Brown Kiwi
6. Pelican (any kind)
7. Yellow-Crested Cockatoo
8. Laughing Kookaburra
9. Mallard Duck
10. Wood Duck
11. Mandrin Duck
12. Burrowing Owl
13. Red-Billed Hornbill
14. Atlantic Puffin
15. Eastern Wild Turkey
16. Great Horned Owl
17. Southern Ground Hornbill
18. Roseate Spoonbill
19. Scarlet Ibis
20. Rockhopper Penguin

BirdSpecies BreakdownTotal Number of Votes
OwlSnowy - 15, Burrowing - 6, Barn - 9, Eurasian Eagle - 7, Great Horned - 4, Great Grey - 4, Lesser Sooty - 1, Little - 1, Tawny - 1, Any - 250
MacawScarlet - 17, Hyacinth - 8, Blue and Yellow - 12, Blue-Throated - 1, Spix's - 2, Military - 1, Red and Green - 1, Any - 648
EagleBald - 16, Golden - 5, Harpy - 4, Wedgetail - 1, Stellar's Sea - 6, Bateleur -1, Verreaux's - 1, Phillipine - 1, Steppe - 1, Any - 339
ToucanToco - 21, Keel-billed - 6, Red-billed - 1, Any - 634
DuckMallard - 5, Wood Duck - 2, Mandarin Duck - 16, Surf Scoter - 1, King Eider -1, White-faced Whistling - 2, Muscovy - 1, Any - 533
PelicanAustralian - 2, Dalmatian - 3, Brown - 4, Great White - 11, Any - 1131
IbisScarlet - 16, Northern Bald - 4, Crested - 1, White - 1, Any - 325
VultureCinereous - 2, Lammergeir - 9, Egyptian - 1, Griffon - 5, King - 2, White-headed - 1, Cape - 1, Any - 425
SwanBlack - 13, Black-Necked - 2, Mute - 2, Any - 623
CockatooYellow-Crested - 1, Sulfur-Crested - 11, Red Crested Black - 1, Major Mitchell's - 2, Galah - 3, Cockatiel - 1 Any - 322
PheasantGolden - 11, Lady Amherst's - 2, Common - 1, Palawan Peacock - 1, Edward's - 1, Borneo Fireback - 1, Any - 522
HornbillRed-Billed - 1, Great - 12, Knobbed - 1, Rhinoceros - 2, Any - 521
KiwiNorth Island Brown - 14, Any - 519
CraneGrey-Crowned - 17, Sarus - 1, Demoiselle - 119
Secretary Bird19
LorikeetRainbow - 16, Any - 218
ParrotAfrican Gray - 9, King - 1, Chattering Lory - 1, Kea - 4, Dracula - 1, Sun Conrue - 1, Quaker - 118
PigeonVictoria Crowned - 13, Pink-necked Green - 1, Nicobar - 117
StorkMarabou - 9, White - 6, Saddle-Billed - 1, Any - 117
CondorAndean - 10, California - 4, Any - 216
KookaburraLaughing - 12, Any - 416
SpoonbillRoseate - 14, Royal - 115
GooseEgyptian - 1, Magpie - 2, Nene - 3, Bar-Headed - 1, African Pygmy - 2, Any - 413
RheaGreater - 10, Darwin's - 2, Any - 113
TurkeyEastern Wild - 5, Ocellated - 4, Australian Bush - 1, Any - 111
GuineafowlHelmeted - 6, Vulturine - 1, Any - 29
PuffinAtlantic - 7, Any - 18
PenguinLittle Blue - 3, Southern Rockhopper - 47
Ground HornbillSouthern - 5, Any - 16
TuracoLady Ross - 1, Great Blue - 2, Any - 36
MonalHimalayan - 66
HawkHarris - 2, Northern Goshawk - 1, Caracara - 1, Polynesian - 15
Bali Myna5
QuetzalResplendent - 2, Any - 24
HummingbirdTufted Coquette - 1, Any - 34
DoveBarbary - 1, Eurasian Collard - 1, Diamond - 1, Fruit - 14
FalconPeregrine - 33
Bird of ParadiseRegina - 2, Any - 13
ParakeetSun - 1, Common - 1, Rose-ringed - 13
LyrebirdSuperb - 33
Bee-eaterEuropean - 2, Rainbow - 13
ScreamerSouthern - 2, Horned - 13
PeafowlGreen - 2, Congo - 13
FrogmouthTawny - 22
CussarowAny - 22
HeronAny - 22
KingfisherGuam - 1, Azure - 12
FinchGouldian - 1,1
WrenSplendid Fairywren - 11
TragopanTemmick's - 1,1
JunglefowlGreen - 11
ToucanetGuianan - 11
TrumpeterGrey-winged - 11
MagpieRed-billed Blue - 11
OrioleMontserrat - 11
TernInca - 11
WeaverVillage - 11
CormorantFlightless - 11
CrowPied - 11
WarblerLong-Tailed Bush - 11
SparrowAmerican - 11
CurlewBush Stone1

  1. TheDuckKnight
  2. YesIndeed
  3. Lelka
  4. NachoB
  5. AudreyKitsune
  6. Antimony96
  7. QueenCinna
  8. Chuditch
  9. Peafowl
  10. Markiz
  11. Alexjh
  12. Doran
  13. Captain Callum
  14. FoxyDee
  15. Cynogale Bennettii
  16. Zoomaster1994
  17. FigTree
  18. SalamAnders
  19. Aramar
  20. Matyej167
  21. AlexSea
  22. Baryonix82
  23. BananaLeech
  24. SanRazo618
  25. jcp011c
  26. Spiderhawk
  27. Arafan
  28. Pinguin
  29. synthetase
  30. DarthQuell
  31. Fini
  32. missconception
  33. FusionBolt21
  34. Pentoleaf
  35. PnGLINNyo
  36. Orque41
  37. Cotolorynchuseggs
  38. avietar
  39. DrBurrito
  40. SuzieSky
  41. Veah
Only 20 slots is killing me but here we go.

Habitat Birds
  1. Burrowing Owl
  2. Capercaillie
  3. Golden Pheasant
  4. Whooping Crane
  5. Secretary Bird
  6. Southern Ground Hornbill
  7. Grey Crowned Crane
  8. Mallard Duck
  9. Mute Swan
  10. Kiwi
Aviary Birds
  1. Golden Eagle
  2. Great Horned Owl
  3. Griffon Vulture
  4. Scarlet Macaw
  5. Toco Toucan
  6. Great Indian Hornbill
  7. Kookaburra
  8. European Bee Eater
  9. Scarlet Ibis
  10. Nicobar Pigeon
Last edited:
  1. Shoebill
  2. Harpy Eagle
  3. Rhinoceros Hornbill
  4. Laughing Kookaburra
  5. Secretary Bird
  6. Eurasian Eagle Owl
  7. Tawny Frogmouth
  8. Great Blue Heron
  9. King Vulture
  10. Andean Condor
  11. Guam Rail
  12. Golden Pheasant
  13. Greater Potoo
  14. Kiwi
  15. Brown Pelican
  16. Roseatte Spoonbill
  17. Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
  18. Greater Rhea
  19. Sage Grouse
  20. Maribou Stork
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