Ships The Viper MKIV Owners Club.

I downsized to this by chance from my python. Utterly love the mkiv. The lateral and reverse thrusters are beast, the thing seems to stop on a penny.

Was a bit of a cobra mkiii fan boy - swapped most of the internals straight over. Currently have g3 DD's, g5 FSD, g5 PD. I plan to g5 the entire thing.

Being in the center of the ship, small HRP placement, and minimal drift wins for me.

Anyone with g5 DD's - how are the FA off flips, does the ship drift with g5 DD's? atm I notice little to no drift and like it that way...

HRP wise I'm loving small rails for module snipping and rocking fixed, medium g5 overcharged multi cannons with incendiary rounds. I was pretty surprised how quickly they rinse shields.

Has anyone used g5 plasmas? I figured I'd steer clear until I get a god roll on my power distributor.

Anybody doing anything interesting with HRP loadouts?
Someone posted in this thread? Why wasn't I notified! Haven't done g5 thrusters yet, tried dual plasma. Bit thirsty, one double shot then recharge WEP, unless you MOD for increased capacity.

You can also 'insert' the image like so


And IMO the Viper IV is one of, if not the best small ship in game!
So I decided to change things up by buying another Viper 4. I had some extra modded burst lasers and moved my modded FSD over. Now I have a perfectely capable multi role V4 and a dedicated combat V4. Of course there is engineering to do now on both of these but I will wait on Beyond. I am really happy with the results though. Why not when they are so cheap to buy and outfit? I suggest everyone buy another Viper 4.
So I decided to change things up by buying another Viper 4. I had some extra modded burst lasers and moved my modded FSD over. Now I have a perfectely capable multi role V4 and a dedicated combat V4. Of course there is engineering to do now on both of these but I will wait on Beyond. I am really happy with the results though. Why not when they are so cheap to buy and outfit? I suggest everyone buy another Viper 4.

No! There can only be one! Same one I've had since they were released. Viper 3's on the other hand... turns out flying A-Wing style into the bridge of an Anaconda doesn't = win.

I found others who appreciate this ship like I do! My Viper "Starscream" is an explorer currently. I have a DBX, but I recently got Horizons and flew back into the bubble to grab my Viper and put a SRV into it to land on the planets.
So I had some great success with my V4 in a CZ yesterday. Have been trying to get that 1,000,000 combat bond for an engineer for a while and have had no CZ success. Watched a vid explaining how to stay to the outside of the bubble of fighters and pick off the weaklings. Also how to draw them away from their group. Run away of High Wake if surrounded or outnumbered. Worked like a charm. Made 500,000 in an hour and took almost no damage. V4 is the best combat ship for me because the rebuy is so low. After spending a week in my Clipper it feels great to be in my baby again. Oh and this was my multi purpose V4 (Azul's Fang). Can't wait to go back today with my combat V4 (Damocles)!
Glad to see that there is people who love this ship as much as I do.
My Viper MK IV "Raven" is fully combat ready after spending some time with engineering and after an extended test last night in the CG I can say that I am more than happy with the results.
This is my build and it was designed for PVE and as my personal trainer for fixed weapons( which I suck at but I am working on it)

My conclusions:
1. This ship can take a beating and still give the fight.
2. Having the overcharged enforcers with autoloader is like having 4 medium hardpoints
3. Changed the Bursts for Long Range ( grade 1) pulses with multiservos helps me to reduce pip management by having 2 pips on each and still fire those pulses for an extended amount of time.
4. The Fuel Scoop was replaced for another module reinforcement package and worked beautifully.
5. The engineered thrusters DD5 with Drive Distributors give it a boost speed of 514 (in game ) which considering all the armor, HRP's and MRP's is really good.
6. FA off for turning is very useful specially with those pesky viper III and Eagles.
7. Speaking of small ships... try to avoid fight with these if you have fixed weapons and you are not that good with them ( like me) or you will have a hard and long time trying to kill them.
8. Staying on the back of big ships ( FGS, Python, Condas, FDS) is not too hard but if for some reason you have to face them, this baby can take the beating while you get back in position.
9.If you go to a Haz Res like I did, choose your fights, wings are out of question at least for me.
10. Best fun I had in this game for a long time.
Next step after I get used to fixed weapons is taking it to open for some PVP experience
By far the best looking, most capable, multi role small ship in the galaxy. Nothing else does it for me. I prefer it in combat over any Vulture or Cobra or Eagle or Asp or DBX. Iv'e tried em all. And to be able to set it up as multi role mission runner. The thing no one talks about is the acceleration. After an FA off turn I can close the distance quickly get to firing or zoom past to avoid theirs. Everything else just falls short. The "Slave 1" of elite and the most underused and underappreciated of the small ships.
By far the best looking, most capable, multi role small ship in the galaxy. Nothing else does it for me. I prefer it in combat over any Vulture or Cobra or Eagle or Asp or DBX. Iv'e tried em all. And to be able to set it up as multi role mission runner. The thing no one talks about is the acceleration. After an FA off turn I can close the distance quickly get to firing or zoom past to avoid theirs. Everything else just falls short. The "Slave 1" of elite and the most underused and underappreciated of the small ships.
Slave 1, oh yes!

But I do agree. I have tried many others, but I keep coming back to my Stuka. Cobra MK III is nice, I use one for courier missions. Python is for cargo. Viper MK IV is for bounty hunting and combar. With engineered shields, armor, and hull reinforcement packages it can take an insane amount of punishment.

And yes: it is a good looking ship. I hope there will be more like her in the future. I do not like Federal ships, and while Lakon can be good, they are not on the same level.

Deleted member 110222

I have one for keepsies now.

The great thing of, is that a lot of the engineering was already done on the Cobra. I just share modules between the two.

Need to get a 3A shield generator tomorrow.

Deleted member 110222

I have formally declared my Viper, the Yakovlev, to be primary vessel.

The Kalashnikov has been put into storage for an indefinite period.

I need superior combat ability. The Viper offers this.
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