[Thread reserved for future complaints]

Much as I appreciate the new walk-in wardrobe at the back of my pilotable "Impressive Class Imperial Interdictor" (which now gives me space-leg access to all of my cosmetic items) I do find it somewhat gender biased that, as a male pirate, I'm still unable to fill my wardrobe with so-called "ladies" undergarments!

Yours angrily Captain Shakespeare

You think you have problems. My aspx wardrobe leads directly to Narnia. Now everytime I try and dock docking computer keeps playing Aslan. Fdev please fix.
Thanks for Space Legs, but I hadn't quite anticipated that Space Arms would be restricted to the new paid-content package. Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding with my bank, I can't access my account at the moment to pay for this.

I have become reasonably adept at opening doors with my chin (you just have to bend forwards by the right amount while standing in the right spot), but I'm pretty much limited to Solo at the moment. In Open I've had some unfortunate encounters with griefers in the corridors of stations. I'm familiar with the basic evasion drill (throw confetti at them while running past them), but I can't throw anything, and if I don't watch my footing, I trip and then can't get up.
We need a better description on the Delivery Missions. Not only did I have to fly several hundred lys to the station I also had to find the right apartment. What REALLY annoyed me is that he wasn't in when I arrived and none of the neighbours would accept delivery... WASTED HOURS waiting for him.

What is needed is the "Sorry we missed you" delivery option which allows you to return to base after 1 nano-second of waiting for the customer to answer ;)
I recently bought a Mr Fusion power plant for my Boa but what the hell FD?!?!? I can't seem to find banana skins anywhere!

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The T-junction corridor section doesn't line up right with other pieces in the Base Builder. It leaves an especially large gap in the geometry when attempting to fit it to the Hab Dome module and it won't let me save it due to lack of vacuum seal. I thought this was "play my way" and "blaze my own trail", FD, and I want my Hab Dome to branch off to a T-junction. PLZ FIX!
FDev, I hope that you can help.

I was on a low G moon, trying out the new SRV booster functions, when I encountered a group of geysers. As I jumped over them the largest one went off (how was I to know that was "Old Faithful"; there were no signs!), and now I am free from the gravitational pull of that moon. That is not the main problem; as I am no longer on the surface 'Summon Vessel' does not work, and I have no idea if I will encounter the gravity well of another planetary object (as the sensors are only designed for surface scans in the SRV), or how to safely land the bloody thing!
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Yamiks 6th "review" of the beluga wasn't negative enough. Please nerf the beluga jump range back to its 4th buff levels. And nerf the class 7 luxary cabins back to the pre-nerf version 5 and de-buff its power distro back to class 5. The buff of version 3 was OP so it needs to get balanced. Nerf it back to pre-buff levels. Then buff the utility slots. It needs Moooar to compete with the big 7 ships. And then un-buff the de-nerfs of version 3 "conspicuous " rating.
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