Time for some "new" ships, with minimal effort required from FDEV!

If anything needs doing its reworking the Asp Scout, reverting the T-7 changes (to get it out of the Pythons shadow), add more seats to the FGS (so it is in parity with the Alliance ships). The FDL needs a nerf, and so does the Anaconda (such as further reducing its hull hardness to make it vulnerable to smaller ships, given its not a pure military ship unlike its peers).
The biggest nerf to the FDL would be revisiting the booster stacking decision. Before engineers, when the most you could get was 20%, stacking wasn't so bad. Now you get like... 75% of a full shield per booster, having two more utility slots than any other medium bar the mamba is crazy.
Giving it the same hull hardness underneath those massive shields as the corvette and cutter (surpassed only by the type 10) pushes it even further into the tier of being untouchable by anything that can catch up with it.

Cutting down the upper end of how durable ships can be while leaving the lower end (ie. ships without engineering) untouched would be good for PvP matches between engineered ships to not take a ridiculous amount of time/ammo and make it easier to balance PvE encounters.

edit to add: whatever you do to the balance, leave its flying characteristics alone though. Being a fast and agile hard-hitter is fine.
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Oddly I only care to disagree with the 1st suggestion but not because of the extra slots.

When I was new to the game, learning to launch and land was a big part of the stress and stress means you put some value in your ship. If the ship launched and landed automatically, I'd probably never have learned to do it myself. I feel like the addition of these slots was based on understanding that launch and land are repetitive tasks and larger class ships would have that ability hundreds of years from now. The captain would need to be doing things for the trip and since our crew doesn't seem capable of doing anything other than collecting a paycheck and some lower level fighting, it made since to have modules for that.

tl;dr - SC and docking comps are fine as is
Well-thought, just a bit of comments:
  1. Integrate Supercruise Assist/Advanced Docking Computer
    - to balance it out, you'd need some interesting new modules of size 1, otherwise, ships wouldn't use that
  2. Passenger Class Cabins Rework
    - imho, just balancing luxury missions (occurence, difficulty, payment) would be enough. Those spaceliners are shouting "luxury" - maybe other ships allow to "pack" more passengers, but this is only for low income "bulk" transport
  3. Actually, I'd rather switch pad sizes into 5 tiers, because there's a BIG difference between sidewinder and Vulture. Also in Elite II there was airfighter class (something like SLF in Elite IV) - those were Osprey, Hawk Airfighter, Falcon, Kestrel, etc. and would make size 1, while other ships would be evenly distributed across remaining 4 classes (and Panther Clipper at the top).

    Specific fixes
    Somebody came with idea to introduce racing category - extremely fast and maneuvreable ships - like Mamba (see in-game description) or Asp Scout. This could make separate elite rank.
    Also the idea of 'exploration' or 'research' vessel could have been developed, and Asp Scout could use extra utility slots (6x ?) and additional size 1 optional internal slots
  4. Also, there are still some craft from previous parts of Frontier, which could see reimplementation (Lion Transport, Tiger Trader, Gecko, Griffin, Wyvern, Mantis) and what the heck happened to Turner class and military drives?!
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