You can keep your nice little bubble as it is, and you can add a new mini-bubble for people with a different preference. It would not change your experience in any way, other than the rather self-centered concern that instead of having a whopping 400 billion systems the way you want them, there would now only be a mere 399,999,999,000 systems for you. The fact that even this is an unacceptable concept to you means there is zero ground for any compromise because the very concept itself is unacceptable to you.
Unfortunately, it is an attitude that is extremely common in specifically this part of the ED community, and has been so since the game launched. Everything has to cater to every individual. New tutorials? Outrageous, I am not a noob! New combat ship? Outrageous, I don't like combat! Make the Cobra Mk IV available to all? Never, it is mine and even though I never fly it I love the feeling of other people not having it! A small little zone for people who want a certain playstyle? Not if it is not specifically what I want!
It is a shame. This game could be so much more to so many diverse people with different ideas and visions if people would just get over themselves already. I'm a PvE explorer on my way home in my Adder; I am not a PvP champ, a griefer, a BGS meddler or any those things. But I am willing to consider their views and see if we can maybe find a way to improve their experience in a way that doesn't immediately nullify the enjoyment others currently experience from their playstyle. It is a balancing act where everyone gives a bit so most people can have most fun, each in their own way.
And it starts with the understanding that the fun of other people is no less important or valuable than my own fun.