Titan Hadad: My experience thus far

Hey all,

I shared this on another post, but thought it deserved its own topic. I was wondering how other's are finding the Hadad experience thus far, compared to prior Titan encounters? I'll share mine...

A fellow commander commented that Hadad might not last until the weekend, so I thought I'd jump in quickly this evening as I'm familiar with the whole Titan assault thing now. I brought my Krait Mk II Titan Bomber, which is very similar to the build recommended by Commander Mechan. Glory to Mankind :)

This is what I posted in the other thread, with a few edits:

I got in-game for a bit but it's being MASSIVELY buggy for me. I exited Super Cruise at the Titan site and started boosting towards the Titan. Started taking Caustic Damage, as expected, and jettisoned a Caustic Sink - except it didn't work. I've had this a few times where a Sink just won't deploy for the first time, my weapons WERE deployed, so it's not the deployment delay. So, I take a little damage I should not have, but deploy a Repair Limpet to patch me up. No problem.

I get closer, nothing near me, and suddenly my ship flips 180 degrees and I temporarily lose steering inputs, just for a couple of seconds. Ship isn't shut down or anything, I just cannot steer. Annoying. I turn back to face the Titan - based on the cloud not the HUD marker - and keep boosting. The glowing cloud of the Titan is in front of me. Then, suddenly, it VANISHES* and it's like I'm exiting the area. WEIRD. I turn around again and head back to the cloud. Dunno what that was all about the Titan cloud literally just vanished in front of me.

* A better description would be it "evaporated" in front of me. One second there's the glowy Titan cloud, with all the usual effects, then it just faded out. I wasn't turned around or anything, I was heading right for it. Darn weird.

Back on approach again, the Titan charges up its pulse thing. I counter - ample SYS capacitor - the wave hits me and my ships is knocked out. CTD. Great. I assume perhaps I was out of sync with the server, so while I timed things properly, the server though I didn't? Pure speculation, but the following CTD suggest there might be something to it...anyway...

These Titan instances seem to swing between great fun and an utter broken mess, it's totally pot luck! The first Titan I approached - bearing in mind I had zero experience at this point - actually worked BETTER than this during the approach phase. Sure, the Heat Vane thing kept failing to deploy, until about the third round of Vent shooting, but the approach went fine. I think FDev might have to do the "anyone in the area gets the reward" thing again at this rate, if others are having similar issue to me. It's so darn frustrating!

Being stubborn and not wanting the end the night on a fail, I got back in-game quite quickly. I spawned outside the Cloud BUT retained all my Caustic Sinks. I'd used two I think before the crash, but as I spawned outside the Cloud I feel it's fair I get my Caustic Sinks back! Previously when I had a crash on the way to a Titan I actually got back in-game with LESS Caustic Sinks than I'd actually used, so I'll take this as a win.

Anyway, after the CTD I went back in and things proceeded MUCH more smoothly. I approached the Titan cloud - it didn't vanish / me get teleported / whatever the hell happened last time - ejected Caustic Sinks as needed without that irksome delay issue and then countered the Thargoid Pulse exactly as before, but it worked this time. Go figure. I waited for the wave to get close, then held the button. Worked perfectly. I got a bit hot as I continued to hold if after the wave had passed just to be sure. My instruments totally glitched out - no speed indicator or anything like that - but I wasn't pushed back. I get closer still, emerging out of the Caustic area and approach Hadad proper. I stay in the asteroid field for a moment to cool down to under 20%, then start to slowly approach ensuring I "fly casual" and don't draw attention to myself or get to close to any of the Thargoid ships. Reaching the Titan, I had to wait several minutes (cold / hidden) before the Vents opened. Previously they'd be open when I got there, not this time. This is where things were a bit different (for me) again. It seems now, despite being super cold and stealthy, moments before the vents open it's scripted that you'll be "seen" and all nearby Thargoids will make a bee line for you and the Titan will actually open fire too. That's new. I'd previously stayed undetected until I started shooting. The timing of the vents opening was suspiciously close to ships suddenly "seeing" me. Ah well.

Anyway, I hit six of eight Vents before they close, then head underside (or is it top-side, depends on orientation when you arrive I guess lol) and get several good volleys of AX Missiles on the exposed Heat Core thing. Over 2m cr in Bonds. Job done. I flee well into the asteroid field and go cold to stealth it out for a bit, as is normal between runs. The Thargoid triggers its torus thing, which I wasn't worried about, however, it propagated WELL into the asteroid field. I was near the outer edge of the field, moving away from the Titan, yet the Torus effect was in front of me. Strictly-speaking, the effect boundary was outside the field as I was near its edge. So, 100% confirmed the effect CAN and WILL travel MUCH further than it once did. Annoying, but I survived. Took more damage from that one event than anything else! Previously, I'd happily camp out in among the Asteroids, doing spot repairs. I suspected the Torus effect was travelling further on the last Titan, vs. the one prior to that, but I wasn't 100% sure. Now it's confirmed. An odd thing to change! I might try heading back into the Caustic area to see if that's far enough to evade it. Or just go back to using that "safe spot" near the Titan, but you're prone to be shot up if you stay there for too long.

As it's late and I'm tired, I decided to head out of the system for the evening. However, on the way out, I got hit by an unannounced "push you away" wave thingy, which actually helped me clear the area a bit more quickly lol.

So, my second attempt went far more smoothly, but there was still some weirdness. How are others finding it? For the record, I did it in a Private Group and there didn't appear to be any other members online, let alone in the area. However, the Titan acted like other players were there and annoying it, both on my way in and out.
The problem is most likely the host players PC is being overloaded by 10,000 Scouts, which causes lag and desynchronization.

If you want to help, I would suggest taking along a few axmcs instead of missiles, and trying to persuade others to do the same. If we can keep the Scout numbers down, we can make a better experience for everyone.
I did my bombing run in solo yesterday, and except for a bit more goids activity around the titan, it was smooth as usual. No SCO here, I prefer my dual-engineered FSD in the iClipper due to better fuel usage and faster reboot. Had like 7 interdictions, but they are almost like a Benny Hill theme playing in the background.
Not discounting the OP but thought I'd share my own experience. I've done three runs in the last 24hrs and have had zero issues at all. I did notice a couple of things that seem to have changed: There appears to be some actual turbulence in the caustic cloud now, I swear that the time the core is exposed per vent is longer than it used to be, and I also felt that enemy response escalates quicker now.

The last run I did was solo, just to avoid the chaos of non-wing open, and by my 4th or 5th pass I noted the instance felt as populated with Thargoids as it would have been had I been in open. I don't recall experiencing that at the prior two Titan's I was involved in when solo (unfortunately missed the first).

All in all I would say it feels pretty good now and the SCO makes a huge difference in time-to-titan.
It felt calmer doing my runs this morning in Solo compared to earlier in the week, notably, no Orthrus shutdown fields, which makes a huge difference. It still goes all chaotic after bombing the core, and a few runs built up enough response that I had to bug out. Got more than enough bonds for the rewards though, and had a good time. I might try putting a shield on my bomber before I do more runs, just to soak a bit of the fire when retreating into the asteroids.
I just did my run this morning as it looks like it might be dead by the time I get home from work tonight and have time to play again...

The problem is most likely the host players PC is being overloaded by 10,000 Scouts, which causes lag and desynchronization.

If you want to help, I would suggest taking along a few axmcs instead of missiles, and trying to persuade others to do the same. If we can keep the Scout numbers down, we can make a better experience for everyone.

That would make perfect sense, if there were any other Players around. I was in my own small Private Group, just myself and a handful of friends, none of which were online at that moment. Usually I'd not be on myself at that time during the week, as I usually just play weekends - Saturday evening typically if I'm not out - when the others are more likely to be around too. I think it's just ED being ED, sometimes things are glitchy in a "servery" way, i.e. slightly out of sync at times which causes weirdness.

I also did my run yesterday, in PG, without any issues. (although it was very 'busy' with many missiles and interceptors)
2 rounds made nearly 3 mill between them, escape back to the FC with a whole 23% hull left.

Despite me being there alone, it did seem very busy around the Titan. I like it like that actually as it felt more dangerous. I had wondered if perhaps FDev had added in some AX AI's or something for atmosphere when a Commander is there alone, and they were causing the Thargoids to agro, it certain looked like there was activity as I approached the Titan once through the caustic region. However, I did not see any ships that weren't Thargoid.

For me, I don't really take that much damage from Bombing runs, I was still at 98% hull after shooting up the Vent then fleeing. It was only being caught in that Torus effect - despite being well into the asteroid field - that did serious damage to me. I didn't expect that so far into the asteroid field. Can anyone else confirm the Torus effect extending beyond the asteroid field for them? I know one other player I was chatting to asked the same question, so I'm not alone here. It used to be fairly safe in the asteroid field, though sometimes it looked like a Thargoid was scripted to make a bee-line for location, however, cold and hidden you might be.

Not discounting the OP but thought I'd share my own experience. I've done three runs in the last 24hrs and have had zero issues at all. I did notice a couple of things that seem to have changed: There appears to be some actual turbulence in the caustic cloud now, I swear that the time the core is exposed per vent is longer than it used to be, and I also felt that enemy response escalates quicker now.

The last run I did was solo, just to avoid the chaos of non-wing open, and by my 4th or 5th pass I noted the instance felt as populated with Thargoids as it would have been had I been in open. I don't recall experiencing that at the prior two Titan's I was involved in when solo (unfortunately missed the first).

All in all I would say it feels pretty good now and the SCO makes a huge difference in time-to-titan.

While in the cloud there was some random wobble to my controls, I guess that's the turbulence you mean? However, on a couple of occasions I was randomly flipped 180 degrees (my ship would pitch up, and only pitch up when this happened) and would lose all steering input for a couple of seconds. Ship wasn't shut down, and there was nothing near me, my ship would just periodically pitch up 180 degrees then stick input would be unresponsive. I could however throttle up/down just fine. I don't know what was going on there.

I might actually try doing it Solo next time, perhaps a Private Group, even if just one player is present, is subject to quirks that Solo is not.

I did make use of SCO, but that fuel drain is CRAZY! I also got interdicted while using it, so even that extra speed doesn't let you escape. Perhaps it works vs. human ships better in that regard.

Hadad did seem to be busier (Solo) than the other titans. All sorts of shizzle flying around or at me! I managed 2 passes around the titan for 3.3m total and then I was "nope, out of here". Hopefully that should be enough.

Quirks aside, it was a bit nuts, Thargoids were much more aggressive, plus there was that seemingly timed scripted event that would make any nearby Thargoid ships hostile and head for the player just as the Vents were about to open. That was new for me.

It felt calmer doing my runs this morning in Solo compared to earlier in the week, notably, no Orthrus shutdown fields, which makes a huge difference. It still goes all chaotic after bombing the core, and a few runs built up enough response that I had to bug out. Got more than enough bonds for the rewards though, and had a good time. I might try putting a shield on my bomber before I do more runs, just to soak a bit of the fire when retreating into the asteroids.

Yeah, I had no Orthrus shut-downs this time either, I think I did last time - well, something shut me down a couple of times, and I assume that's what it was. So, did the chaos start after you began your bombing run or a couple of seconds before the vents opened?

I just did my run this morning as it looks like it might be dead by the time I get home from work tonight and have time to play again...

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I'll not get the chance to go in-game again until likely 23:00 game time, so expect I'll not get to do another run. Wouldn't usually play until Saturday eve as mentioned, but might go in briefly if I get back in time.

Note: regarding my Bombing run... there was a LOT of fire flying both from the Titan and pursuing (I assume) Scouts and while I was boosting and weaving as needed, I was rarely hit. Is it normal for the Titan's own guns to be really bad shots? I did wonder if a lot of the fire was for effect making it seem more dangerous than it actually was? My ship was cold at the start of the run, but quickly went above 20% so they should have been able to see me just fine. Indeed, they agro'd before I got warm, sync'd with the impending opening of the vents, as I mentioned.

Each time I do a Titan run, it's a little different.
All of my Titan bombing runs this week were done in solo. No game weirdness. Lots of Thargoids flying around however. I also have not seen the NPC who will repair my ships hull, in past Titans there was usually an NPC around doing that.

Only on one run, after the bombing run was over did I get hit by a shutdown field just outside the angry blue mode of the Titan by a interceptor. I even managed to live thru it. It does appear that Hadad will go down today or early tomorrow.
Did my sortie yesterday in solo. All was as quiet as with previous Titans. One Cyclops, a handful of Scouts, occasional Orthrus. No Scythes or Glaives on radar. Got beef from a Scout maybee three times, turrets got active only once—when I got a little too impatient with my bombing runs and didn't let the Titan to calm down enough between runs. Used up just 10 repair limpets, and 2 of them were due to a FA-off asteroid boop🤪

Overall a chill experience as always with 36 millions in bonds for reward. Could have earned a few millions more, but botched a couple of runs when I got a bit disoriented trying to make my way to the pineapple🤡
I did my bombing run in solo yesterday, and except for a bit more goids activity around the titan, it was smooth as usual. No SCO here, I prefer my dual-engineered FSD in the iClipper due to better fuel usage and faster reboot. Had like 7 interdictions, but they are almost like a Benny Hill theme playing in the background.

I also did my run yesterday, in PG, without any issues. (although it was very 'busy' with many missiles and interceptors)
2 rounds made nearly 3 mill between them, escape back to the FC with a whole 23% hull left.

Did my sortie yesterday in solo. All was as quiet as with previous Titans. One Cyclops, a handful of Scouts, occasional Orthrus. No Scythes or Glaives on radar. Got beef from a Scout maybee three times, turrets got active only once—when I got a little too impatient with my bombing runs and didn't let the Titan to calm down enough between runs. Used up just 10 repair limpets, and 2 of them were due to a FA-off asteroid boop🤪

Overall a chill experience as always with 36 millions in bonds for reward. Could have earned a few millions more, but botched a couple of runs when I got a bit disoriented trying to make my way to the pineapple🤡
Did mine Wednesday evening. (Apparently a good decision as my internet was borked all Thursday) made an initial approach in Open though the frequency of pulses made it nigh impossible to reach the Titan. Flip to solo with half my caustic sinks already gone and made it with only a single pulse.
The time between the chippy sound and the vents opening seems shorter and the 'goids picked up on me much quicker than previous Titans though actual damage was manageable and I returned to my carrier with 65% hull.
However, on a couple of occasions I was randomly flipped 180 degrees (my ship would pitch up, and only pitch up when this happened) and would lose all steering input for a couple of seconds. Ship wasn't shut down, and there was nothing near me, my ship would just periodically pitch up 180 degrees then stick input would be unresponsive. I could however throttle up/down just fine. I don't know what was going on there.
That's normal when you inadvertently cause a casuistic mine to explode. I've had them speed up after they shoot a caustic cloud and get to close too me from the side or slightly behind. Normally a thing on the way out but have had it happen on the way in as well. A "what was that" moment
Yeah, I had no Orthrus shut-downs this time either, I think I did last time - well, something shut me down a couple of times, and I assume that's what it was. So, did the chaos start after you began your bombing run or a couple of seconds before the vents opened?
For me, it always goes mad at the end of bombing the core, when getting away from the Torus field. As long as I retreat into the asteroids, and re-approach nice and cool I can go about the vents and line up on the core with little attention, but more stuff spawns each bombing run, so by the time I've done it two or three times I'm taking a lot of fire when evading the Torus field.
So far, I've only done Titan Bombing runs within the last 24hrs or so of it actually going down. I wonder if the level of player activity is simply that much higher during this late window which leads to more problems? I might try attacking another Titan early, and see how that experience is.

That's normal when you inadvertently cause a casuistic mine to explode. I've had them speed up after they shoot a caustic cloud and get to close too me from the side or slightly behind. Normally a thing on the way out but have had it happen on the way in as well. A "what was that" moment

Do these caustic mines perhaps have a far larger AoE than I thought? I'm not seeing any explode, and I'm looking around so I can be sure not to get too close. It's just that every time this happens, there are none visible around my ship. Not saying it's not one of those mines, it's just that none appear close enough to be a threat, and none can be seen / heard to explode.

For me, it always goes mad at the end of bombing the core, when getting away from the Torus field. As long as I retreat into the asteroids, and re-approach nice and cool I can go about the vents and line up on the core with little attention, but more stuff spawns each bombing run, so by the time I've done it two or three times I'm taking a lot of fire when evading the Torus field.

That's what I've previously experienced too. However, last night, that Torus field clearly expanded beyond the asteroid field and got me while I was sat at the outer edge of said field. I remember happily watching the Torus effect from within the asteroid field at prior Titans. I'm cold, hidden and feeling pretty safe, so it was just a light show. Now, it extends into the asteroid field, and got me while I was just sat there.

Picture this: I've flown well into the asteroid field, so much so that I'm seconds away from empty space. I see the Titan's Torus effect in front of me projected outside the asteroid field and it gets me.

Edit: Just logged in quickly to cash in my Bonds (I assume they have to be cashed in to qualify, forgot that last night) and see how Hadid is doing. It's basically on just under 3.5 rings, not sure how long that will last. I wonder if there will be any last-minute twist with this Titan...
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That's what I've previously experienced too. However, last night, that Torus field clearly expanded beyond the asteroid field and got me while I was sat at the outer edge of said field. I remember happily watching the Torus effect from within the asteroid field at prior Titans. I'm cold, hidden and feeling pretty safe, so it was just a light show. Now, it extends into the asteroid field, and got me while I was just sat there.

Picture this: I've flown well into the asteroid field, so much so that I'm seconds away from empty space. I see the Titan's Torus effect in front of me projected outside the asteroid field and it gets me.
I've not noticed any change to the Torus field size, but I always fly directly up after bombing the core, perpendicular to the Titan's plane. The Torus field is shaped like a ring doughnut, so by going directly above/below the Titan you don't have to escape as far.
I've not noticed any change to the Torus field size, but I always fly directly up after bombing the core, perpendicular to the Titan's plane. The Torus field is shaped like a ring doughnut, so by going directly above/below the Titan you don't have to escape as far.

Yes, I've done that too. However, previously, I was equally safe just sat in the asteroid field watching the light show. Last night, the asteroid field wasn't the safe zone it previously was.
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