Titan Hadad: My experience thus far

but it could indeed be a reference to overall remaining hearts.
It was definitely how I interpreted it. And what I've also gathered from players mentioning that Titan environments got a lot messier as they lost hearts. Connected the dots from there, seems accurate enough... though with Oya and now Hadad, seems things got cranked up a notch. Or a few.

When Cocijo or Raijin's turn comes, you probably won't be able to go near the Titan without it totally swarming.
And not particularly happy about a human ship lurking around heat vents(for Scoob - you weren't too close to one and got heated up by it, by any chance?).

I was pretty close while waiting for it to open, however, I was at a solid 19% heat with weapons deployed, plus I forgot to turn off the FSD like I usually would to save a little more heat output. Only once I started firing and boosting, moving between the vents did my heat go above 20% I was weaving and making good use of thrusters (up/down/left/right) and was often facing a vent to allow for target lock while moving on an entirely different vector. It seemed to work really well and I barely took any fire. Even when I targetted the heat core thing, I'd flown around the Titan quickly enough that I seemed to lose many of the Scouts (and anything else) that was chasing me.

The Vents and shooting the Pineapple (as people seem to be calling it, I like that) part is pretty straight-forward and hasn't really posed a problem for me since I got into the swing of it. The somewhat glitchy approach, the odd crash, and that Torus effect extending beyond the asteroid field does. I'd like to find out if the SIGNIFICANTLY larger torus effect is by design or not. All I know is that I was previously perfectly safe lurking around in the asteroid field when it went off - either after I'd just done a run at it, or others in the instance had.

Is Hadad down yet, or still kicking? Just got back but it's a little late for a session now, as it'd be like flying drunk I'm that tired lol.
I only have the AX Multi-limpet controller and it's repair rate is terrible. I generally don't take much damage unless the now much extended Torus field gets me. Even then, it's more internal modules than hull and the AFMU can take care of anything critical.
Well,I traded out a collector limpet controller for a repair limpet controller tonight. I never got a chance to use it...

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vmGcjin_nk
After a busy week I was looking forward to Hadad during the weekend, but Mechan and his little gang just had to stay up all night and trash it. You should see his last live stream, his eyes are red from playing so much.


It went down so fast many average commanders have missed the chance to even get a decal.

Oh by the way if you want to witness the most amazing event in the-game- that of a Titan blowing up then you will have to get up at stupid o'clock to see it.

What's the rush guys, why do you always pick the easy way?? Sampling scouts, endlessly farming at Spire sites, simply committing suicide as money means nothing to you and your last attack run didn't go the way you wanted it to??
Where's the risk, why do you bother? What will you do when the war is over so soon???
It's not really in the spirit of the game.
How about commanders of Elite or Deadly rank who frequently "die" in Titan space get captured by the Thargoids and have to wait for the rest of us mortals to rescue them, that way the rest of us might have some fun......
I assume it's all over now... won't have time to log in until a bit later... got my >2mil in bonds the other night, but only managed the one run at it.

Is it still true that said bonds only count the week before the Titan blows? In this case, we had Thursday, Friday and a little of Saturday?
Is it still true that said bonds only count the week before the Titan blows? In this case, we had Thursday, Friday and a little of Saturday?
Well, yes, but you could have hit it on, eg, Monday or any of the other 7 days before the meltdown trigger(which would include the previous weekend, under these circumstances) to get the reward. Because the difficulty curve makes Titans so hopelessly squishy when exposed - in relative terms - that they drop within… well, I guess, less than two days if people really put themselves to it.
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It was pretty obvious Hadad was going down this week at least 2 weeks ago.
We had from last Saturday to get our 2 mil in. If you left it til now you can find the culprit in the mirror.
I did my run on Wednesday, (though I suspect Fdev will go with rewards for everyone who jumped into the system since last Saturday again) but despite all that it's still inevitable we get the late comers complaining. As will be those asking "Decals when?"...
[...] but Mechan and his little gang just had to [...]
They don't nearly have as much impact on a Titan as you think.
If they mainline the game it'll be one percent extra effort at most, if that.

In fact - the sweaty AX players had to adapt their Grand Strategy for the Titans to take the typical player in mind to get a Titan like Leigong removed.

So; it's everyone else as well.

The upcoming tweaks to the Thargoid War next Tuesday could allow FDev to make Titans always last past the weekend.
What's the rush guys, why do you always pick the easy way??

After a busy week I was looking forward to Hadad during the weekend, but Mechan and his little gang just had to stay up all night and trash it. You should see his last live stream, his eyes are red from playing so much.
Yes very easy to stay up all night to the point of having red eyes to make sure something gets done. Next time go in ahead of time if you want the decal and get your 2 mil instead of blaming others' participation for the result of your own procrastinations. It is a multiplayer game, and other people are going to be taking part in some of the same things, the titan is not there for your personal use.
Got 50-60mil in bonds from shooting the core last night, but I didn't get around to cashing them in before crashing into bed. Now my internet has decided to stop working, and I can't get an engineer to look at it until Tuesday afternoon. Am I hosed in terms of qualifying for the 2mil+ rewards?
After a busy week I was looking forward to Hadad during the weekend, but Mechan and his little gang just had to stay up all night and trash it. You should see his last live stream, his eyes are red from playing so much.
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.

It is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.

It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
Got 50-60mil in bonds from shooting the core last night, but I didn't get around to cashing them in before crashing into bed. Now my internet has decided to stop working, and I can't get an engineer to look at it until Tuesday afternoon. Am I hosed in terms of qualifying for the 2mil+ rewards?
You’re fine, I remember it being said by Paul that you only need to earn the bonds, not hand them in.
Still think the whole rule talk is a bluff. We will only know for sure if it is actually enforced for once.
I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Relaxing the rules because it turned out that large numbers of players were unable to meet the requirements due to widespread bugs and glitches is just good customer service.
I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Relaxing the rules because it turned out that large numbers of players were unable to meet the requirements due to widespread bugs and glitches is just good customer service.
If the rule is never played out, but the exception always, what is the rule and what is the exception? Doesn't need a tinfoil hat to realize something being off there, now does it?
If the rule is never played out, but the exception always, what is the rule and what is the exception? Doesn't need a tinfoil hat to realize something being off there, now does it?

The "something being off" could well just be a mismatch between FDev's plans and reality. There doesn't need to be some kind of devious scheme afoot.
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