To the far rim in a Sidey

I'm on the way in the same direction, but I guess it will take about 2 weeks to get to the same point you're at.
Once there and if stuck, I'll try to collect materials on low G worlds. I can afford to lose the SRV, but not the ship. :)

What ship are you in ( and range)?
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I'm on the way in the same direction, but I guess it will take about 2 weeks to get to the same point you're at.
Once there and if stuck, I'll try to collect materials on low G worlds. I can afford to lose the SRV, but not the ship. :)

I probably won't be too far from here in two weeks...hanging somewhere around the end of the carina-sagittarius arm trying to get closer to BP (or further away from SOL as the case may be).

Happy to have a meet-up if we are near each other in space (and time)


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Lakon Keelback, with a range of 23.7 ly.
The more exciting parameter is the hull integrity: 21%. :)

Love the last stat! The fact that you're still here and pushing on despite having some problems in the past ;)

I may have underestimated how much south there was in your "east of you" comment to Iron Orchid - we're still nearly 16kly apart, but you are gaining on me so if you've really made it across into the same arm we'll be in range in no time if we end up in game at the same time...
I just checked in the gal map where you actually are matey. :eek:
Well done CMDR!

Yes, here I am sitting in my tin can...far above the world, and planet earth is too far away to see ;)

Thanks Cmdr


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I may have underestimated how much south there was in your "east of you" comment to Iron Orchid - we're still nearly 16kly apart, but you are gaining on me so if you've really made it across into the same arm we'll be in range in no time if we end up in game at the same time...

while almost into the carina-sagittarius arm, I am still 24KLY from BP...but I would suggest the homeward stretch.

but I will be heading towards you so hopefully we can find a convenient time/place for a meet-up

and another nutter joins the thread..... ;)

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This thread is frigging inspirational. Reading your daily updates makes me want to just get out there and explore some more.
For me the best thread I have followed :) - I am worrying what I will do when Frawd makes his triumphant return - for which we should make some suitable preparations (not counting our chickens of course, as there still a few challenges ahead!)
Day 70 completed:
Number of Jumps: 50
Total Jumps (70 days): 5,029
Avg Jumps / day: 71.8
Total Distance Travelled: 122,333LY (Day 70) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 100,404LY (Yay! Made 100,000LY this adventure)
Avg Distance / Jump: 20.0 LY

Distance to SOL: 54,283.20LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 24,020.78LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,201.0
Estimated Number of Days: 16.7
ETA at Beagle Point: 19/02/3302

4 WW discovered for a total of 103 WW in 1707 systems (1 WW / 16.6 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 11 ELW in 1707 systems (1 ELW / 155.2 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 1707 systems (1 NS / 1707.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 1 AW in 1707 systems (1 AW / 1707.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 1707 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 853.5 systems)

Four WW (all of them terraformable!):




Almost ran into these suns and the hot "Jupiter" (about 7600K):

And ended up here (I am right on the edge of the density started increasing nicely):


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For me the best thread I have followed :) - I am worrying what I will do when Frawd makes his triumphant return - for which we should make some suitable preparations (not counting our chickens of course, as there still a few challenges ahead!)

Thanks for the complements Cmdr...but now I can see myself getting back to the bubble and out of shear nerves banging into the side of the mail slot and exploding...or maybe getting destroyed by an NPC pirate with a single pulse-laser ;)

Subscribed to this thread. Anyone insane enough to do this trip, especially in a Sidewinder deserves admiration. I would dread to think what you'd do if the toilet got blocked up this far out in space though ;)
Everything is recycled in here folks...I don't jettison anything!



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Subscribed to this thread. Anyone insane enough to do this trip, especially in a Sidewinder deserves admiration. I would dread to think what you'd do if the toilet got blocked up this far out in space though ;)

And thank you for the support Cmdr.

...but now I can see myself getting back to the bubble and out of shear nerves banging into the side of the mail slot and exploding...or maybe getting destroyed by an NPC pirate with a single pulse-laser ;)

I'm pretty sure you won't have any trouble finding a few CMDRs to wing up with you for the last 500 LY to make sure you get back in one piece. And to catch a glimpse of what may well be (by then) the most "in need of a fresh coat of paint" sidey in the entire galaxy. :D
I'm pretty sure you won't have any trouble finding a few CMDRs to wing up with you for the last 500 LY to make sure you get back in one piece. And to catch a glimpse of what may well be (by then) the most "in need of a fresh coat of paint" sidey in the entire galaxy. :D

Might also need a few bits nailed back on and the gaffer's tape holding the canopy together replaced :)

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