To the far rim in a Sidey

Day 71 completed:
Number of Jumps: 65
Total Jumps (71 days): 5,094
Avg Jumps / day: 71.8
Total Distance Travelled: 123,478LY (Day 71) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 101,509LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.9 LY

Distance to SOL: 55,096.67LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 23,673.29LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,189.6
Estimated Number of Days: 16.6
ETA at Beagle Point: 20/02/3302

2 WW discovered for a total of 105 WW in 1772 systems (1 WW / 16.9 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 11 ELW in 1772 systems (1 ELW / 161.1 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 1772 systems (1 NS / 1772.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 1 AW in 1772 systems (1 AW / 1772.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 1772 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 886.0 systems)

Two WW:
Both of these in the same system:

This one was 7.5 Earth masses

This one was 9.0 Earth masses

And this is where I ended up: (Look it's Ceeckia ZQ-L C24-0 in the distance!)

Day 72 completed:
Number of Jumps: 60
Total Jumps (72 days): 5,154
Avg Jumps / day: 71.6
Total Distance Travelled: 124,563LY (Day 72) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 102,634LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.9 LY

Distance to SOL: 55,568.83LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 22,862.47LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,148.9
Estimated Number of Days: 16.0
ETA at Beagle Point: 20/02/3302

3 WW discovered for a total of 108 WW in 1832 systems (1 WW / 17.0 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 11 ELW in 1832 systems (1 ELW / 166.5 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 1832 systems (1 NS / 1832.0 systems)
1 AW discovered for a total of 2 AW in 1832 systems (1 AW / 916.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 1832 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 916.0 systems)

Found three WW:

And this one was the moon of the above WW (and was terraformable):


Also found an AW:

And this is where I ended up: (the little green man is Cmdr Mark)

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Was good speaking to you today out in the black CMDR. Stay safe, and try not going COMPLETELY insane out there.

Thanks Cmdr. My apologies for not mentioning you in my post from last night. I usually do if I have a conversation with one of my fellow explorers...maybe I'm going a little bonkers ;)

Hopefully see you when you get closer to BP.

I forgot to mention in last night's post...almost had to call the Fuel Rats.

I jumped into a field of unscoopables so looked at my next jump. I thought it was to an M-type scoopable so off I jumped. When I get there it was a bloody brown dwarf...<expletive deleted>...and I am SURROUNDED by unscoopables. <more expletives deleted>

I had about 10% fuel tank and all the nearest stars that I could reached were the deep reddish brown colour. I started to panic fumbling on the gal map keys hoping desperately for some scoopable star that didn't have a dotted line leading to it.

Finally I noticed it. Right behind me, maybe 5LY back the way I had come was a beautiful little F-type...most beautiful star I have ever seen!

Certainly got the heart racing!

Now I know that there are some dare-devil fuel rats who would be happy to come the 55KLY to rescue me but it would just be a wee bit embarrassing...

Good to chat with you earlier, it has been a lonely trip along the outer spiral arm. I know how it feels to find that one scoopable star in range, happened to me in a T9 coming back from Sothis some months ago. Hope you get close to Beagle Point, that's where I'm heading so may see you on the way back.
CMDR Frawd, I had no Idea it was you... I mean I had heard that a madman was trying to do this but I've seen your posts and you seem quite sane! I guess posts can be deceiving... :D

I haven't subscribed to any threads until now. I shall have a full read of this tomorrow instead of doing any work!

Good luck and fly safe, mad Aussie B:D
CMDR Frawd, I had no Idea it was you... I mean I had heard that a madman was trying to do this but I've seen your posts and you seem quite sane! I guess posts can be deceiving... :D

I haven't subscribed to any threads until now. I shall have a full read of this tomorrow instead of doing any work!

Good luck and fly safe, mad Aussie B:D

Mad as a sack full of badgers or a box full of frogs?
Good to chat with you earlier, it has been a lonely trip along the outer spiral arm. I know how it feels to find that one scoopable star in range, happened to me in a T9 coming back from Sothis some months ago. Hope you get close to Beagle Point, that's where I'm heading so may see you on the way back.

I doubt I will make it to BP with my pathetic 21.47LY jump range. I am planning on meeting up with a few cmdrs to try gathering jumponium components...but this will require me to use my cargo scoop and fly at the mat. Somewhat dangerous, especially in a shieldless sidey...

Still I will get as close as I can to BP...nice meeting you out in the black.

CMDR Frawd, I had no Idea it was you... I mean I had heard that a madman was trying to do this but I've seen your posts and you seem quite sane! I guess posts can be deceiving... :D
I haven't subscribed to any threads until now. I shall have a full read of this tomorrow instead of doing any work!
Good luck and fly safe, mad Aussie B:D

Thanks Cmdr. Not sure you need to read the whole lot but make sure you include Day's a doozy! :)


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I truly wish I could scoop you and fix that beautiful ship for you. Better still give you my J3

Thanks Cmdr....but my ship doesn't need a clean ;)
A couple of extra slots for a shield generator and srv would be nice though...nah, but what fun would that be?

Mad as a sack full of badgers or a box full of frogs?

A box of frogs in a sack then filled up with badgers?

I pity the frogs...unless of course they are poison dart frogs in which case I pity the badgers...

Fortunately there is not enough room in my sidey for any of these scenarios...although they might make a tastier meal than my usual recycled fair (unless of course they're poison dart frogs)

Day 73 completed:
Number of Jumps: 100
Total Jumps (73 days): 5,254
Avg Jumps / day: 72.0
Total Distance Travelled: 126,426LY (Day 73) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 104,497LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.9 LY

Distance to SOL: 56,218.83LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 21,329.48LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,071.8
Estimated Number of Days: 14.9
ETA at Beagle Point: 20/02/3302

6 WW discovered for a total of 114 WW in 1932 systems (1 WW / 17.0 systems)
1 ELW discovered for a total of 12 ELW in 1932 systems (1 ELW / 161.0 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 1932 systems (1 NS / 1932.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 2 AW in 1832 systems (1 AW / 966.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 1932 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 966.0 systems)

Six WW:






And one ELW:

And this is where I ended up:

And thanks to Cmdr RedFox for out nice little chat :)

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Day 74 completed:
Number of Jumps: 50
Total Jumps (74 days): 5,304
Avg Jumps / day: 71.7
Total Distance Travelled: 127,309LY (Day 74) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 105,380LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.9 LY

Distance to SOL: 56,540.89LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 20,724.97LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,041.5
Estimated Number of Days: 14.5
ETA at Beagle Point: 21/02/3302

4 WW discovered for a total of 118 WW in 1982 systems (1 WW / 16.8 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 12 ELW in 1982 systems (1 ELW / 165.2 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 1982 systems (1 NS / 1982.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 2 AW in 1982 systems (1 AW / 991.5 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 1982 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 991.5 systems)

Four WW:




I ended up here:

And there were lots of DWers on today:


How's the jumping going? Still having no trouble with the star density? I've noticed that I was hitting more clumps of unscoopables along the bottom of the arm so have moved towards the centre a bit.
How's the jumping going? Still having no trouble with the star density? I've noticed that I was hitting more clumps of unscoopables along the bottom of the arm so have moved towards the centre a bit.

There is a layer of unscoopables that I was flying beneath for a while, but then the layer started dipping down to my level, so now I have moved above it...otherwise the density is fine at the moment, about 19KLY from BP

How close are you? (I see from your thread you are about 9KLY)

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Day 75 completed:
Number of Jumps: 100
Total Jumps (75 days): 5,404
Avg Jumps / day: 72.1
Total Distance Travelled: 129,119LY (Day 75) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 107,190LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.8 LY

Distance to SOL: 57,123.28LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 19,421.84LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 980.9
Estimated Number of Days: 13.6
ETA at Beagle Point: 21/02/3302

4 WW discovered for a total of 122 WW in 2082 systems (1 WW / 17.1 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 12 ELW in 2082 systems (1 ELW / 173.5 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 2082 systems (1 NS / 2082.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 2 AW in 2082 systems (1 AW / 1041.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 2082 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 1041.0 systems)

Four WW:




And this is where I ended up:

Had a nice conversation with Cmdr Draco....Draco I am currently at 15389:23:55010 (SYRIVU XV-E D11-18)

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Day 76 completed:
Number of Jumps: 120
Total Jumps (76 days): 5,524
Avg Jumps / day: 72.7
Total Distance Travelled: 131,356LY (Day 76) - 21,929LY (Day 0) = 109,427LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 19.8 LY

Distance to SOL: 58,226.57LY

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 17,698.11LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 893.8
Estimated Number of Days: 12.3
ETA at Beagle Point: 21/02/3302

3 WW discovered for a total of 125 WW in 2202 systems (1 WW / 17.6 systems)
0 ELW discovered for a total of 12 ELW in 2202 systems (1 ELW / 183.5 systems)
0 NS discovered for a total of 1 NS in 2202 systems (1 NS / 2202.0 systems)
0 AW discovered for a total of 2 AW in 2202 systems (1 AW / 1101.0 systems)
0 Herbig Ae/Be discovered for a total of 2 Herbig Ae/Be in 2202 systems (1 Herbig Ae/Be / 1101.0 systems)

Three WW:



Distance to SOL:
(it's a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll)

Distance to BP:

And this is where I ended up:

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