hi Eventure
hide / unhide tce now it's ok
yesterday I found these two bugs:
1) if you jump from one system to another without docking, TCE, after a while, shows the message "please wait" and does not recognize the system and the station. you must to close TCE, and ending in .exe process folders process.
2) Today I deleted a station entered twice in the database, TEC returning this message: (see attached file)
What version of TCE you are using? The full error report have to be copypasted into your post, can't read anything sadly.
In the PERSONAL WINDOW - Active Bounties are being displayed incorrectly. As you can see below, however I don't have any bounties Active or Dormant and I've checked at Broker Network.
That's a little difficult, because Frontier don't tell me via the Journal log, from where you got the payment.
Maybe I remove the feature until Frontier realizing, that bounty tracking is a mess with the available data.
{ "timestamp":"2016-11-12T14:01:48Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"Ualapalor Partners", "Name":"Mission_PassengerVIP_CEO_BOOM_name", "MissionID":49929085, "Commodity":"$Tea_Name;", "Commodity_Localised":"Tea", "Count":1, "DestinationSystem":"Ualapalor", "DestinationStation":"Anderson Terminal", "Reward":1150388, "CommodityReward":[ { "Name": "CoolingHoses", "Count": 4 } ] }
on both occasions I got the errors i had received commodity reward items, first nanobreakers then yesterday it was cooling hoses, i sold them off and then tried to remove undefined cargo from cargo panel. on receiving the commodity reward i'm sure i got an event panel thing saying undefined cargo then "coolinghoses" yesterday and "nanobreakers" the other day. So maybe it was the commodity reward and not the passengers giving the error ?
TCE is now a little more tight about adding any cargo to your hold. "Undefined Cargo" should no longer appear.
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