Some interesting changes to the Journal forthcoming in the next update, which you're probably more aware of than me?
- Change order of string to Lat then long to revert the order of the latitude and longitude readout on the hud to be the same as pre 2.2
- Include surface location (latitude/longitude) in the player Journal's "Location" event, if starting game in SRV
- At the start of a jump, include the target star's spectral type in the journal
- When DSS-scanning a ringed planet, the journal entry now includes the 'ReserveLevel'
- Added journal entry for setting a ship name
- Include more details about atmospheric composition in player journal, when detail-scanning a planet with atmosphere
- Include surface location (latitude/longitude) in the player Journal's "Location" event, if starting game in SRV
- At the start of a jump, include the target star's spectral type in the journal
- When DSS-scanning a ringed planet, the journal entry now includes the 'ReserveLevel'
- Added journal entry for setting a ship name
- Include more details about atmospheric composition in player journal, when detail-scanning a planet with atmosphere