UA Mystery Thread 3: The Canonn

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do we know if FD have confirmed this is a glitch or not ?

Well, we haven't had much time to tell. It's only been, what, and hour since you posted the video? And I don't recall any other reports of this in 1.3.
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Indeed but with 4/5 I haven't ruled it out completely yet.

Floaters have also been found in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-34, Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-9, and Pleiades Sector RO-Q b5-1. I've just checked those systems and I'm afraid it's only 1/3 for class III gas giants. So 5/8 for the theory overall, though it'd be much better in terms of number of UAs found.

Incidentally Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-9 is a really interesting system. A T Tauri star with a class III gas giant and another gas giant with ammonia-based life.

Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-24.jpg
Pleiades Sector RO-Q b5-1.jpg
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-9.jpg
yes I dont mean this particular glitch (or not) but I mean the overall glitch. sure I read some other posts about this and have accepted its a glitch but not sure whether FD have actually confirmed it or not.....don't want to be starting a wild goose chase for floaty balls in space :)
yes I dont mean this particular glitch (or not) but I mean the overall glitch. sure I read some other posts about this and have accepted its a glitch but not sure whether FD have actually confirmed it or not.....don't want to be starting a wild goose chase for floaty balls in space :)

Well, the "overall glitch" kind of is just this particular glitch. Also, we still haven't given FD much time to respond, if they do, and if it is intentional then we won't be getting a confirmation from them anyways.
OK there I am minding my own...finished work late and so a little bit of late night UA hunting in MAIA in 1.3 as I always am so no change UA again but I get the Graphical "Glitch" as I'm used to. So I think..ok I'm gonna fly towards it and keep it central and BANG...I get a larger blimp I dont know about you lot but I have never had this before...remember FD said "its right in front of you guys" and "we can't believe you aint seen it yet" or words to that effect.....Please tell me I'm going mad because I aint seen this before and nothing has changed my end except Its the first time I saw the "glitch" in such a significant system and its deffo the first time I have seen this bigger floaty thing join its little floaty mate???? and just to let you know when I emergency dropped I hit the windows button to report this on here but am wearing my headphones and nothing has cropped up since I've been out of SC...that I can hear as I type this anyways....I think I am loosing it but I am pretty sure this is new on my un-changed graphics set up in whats going on people...p.s I also have had three cans of Carling :) now listen in MB...if you are lurking..please confirm if this is a graphical "glitch" or not....otherwise its just cruel of you lot at FD haha.

I have seen the two dots before in this system. What made me dismiss it was that when moving my head with Track IR they immediately moved aside not staying in front of the ship anymore, for example.
It seems Nirleb has already checked one of tose systems where floaters've been found. No Class III Giants.
Back to the metal content theory ;)

Any other anomalies in PLEIADES SECTOR EG-X B1-0? indicated just Iceplanets, I guess berlin had checked them for anomalies but thought I'd ask.
I'll probably check it myself but that will have to wait 12 hours and in a fast moving thread like his that is so yesterday.....
/and i'm probably ninjad when finished typing
can someone just read my previous post.....I'm freaked out :)

You have the ultimate combination for the mystery dots. Diamondback and blue star system.

We I flew me scout in Sirius a month ago, it was so bad I got almost dizzy. I had two dots as well. They were about the same size and very erratic.

I don't think it shows up in yellow star systems?

In my Cobra, the dot is almost not noticeable.
i can vaguely remember seeing a post a long time ago where it was confirmed as a graphical glitch...
also i think it is there from the very beginning, even before we knew the UA

oh and congratz to eagle 5
can we get a wedding barge in "our" system?^^

with Eagle 1,2 3 and 4 as escorts....
and allied to The Canonn.
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Congratulations! Best thing I ever did......Well apart from when I made the decision to get a voodoo 2 graphics card back in the 90's :D

And I got one of the first batch of Creative Voodoo 2 12MB to hit UK shores in late 1998. :)

Congratulations to Cmdr EAGLE 5 and his fiancee.
The wedding barge sounds like a great idea indeed!
You have the ultimate combination for the mystery dots. Diamondback and blue star system.

We I flew me scout in Sirius a month ago, it was so bad I got almost dizzy. I had two dots as well. They were about the same size and very erratic.

You can get the two dots to converge if you aim right. I spent ages trying to make them do something the other night. There was a really bright one and a really faint one, both tiny. I'm sure I got the "slow down" message in the same systems. Couldn't get them to do anything though.
And if you rob the barge, you will find biscuits and galnet reports an attack from weird pirates with tinfoils hats and thargoid/UA plushies
no one was hurt, they just wanted to celebtrate and eat biscuits.
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looking back at the last 10 pages i would guess that more progress will be made with 1.4 * unless the devs give us some new advancement before the patch.
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