UA Mystery thread 4 - The Canonn

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Coming quite late to this hunt and have a query
Ive watched Ed Lewis and his intro into canonn
Looking at it from a timeline of changes there seems to me to be two trains
UA's were really difficult to find usually in convoys
UA's were easier to find in free space
UA's became very easy to find but in a very particular location 135 -150LY from Merope
UA's gave out noises
Deciphered as the local area as if scanning where they are
UA's found to be pointing at merope
UA noises change
UAs deciphered now as wireframe pictures of the ships
UAs decipher all ships EXCEPT Lakon "T" Series
To me there appears to be at least two trains going on:
Train one is pointing to where to look, train two points at what its looking for
My view from this - the UA is a rescue probe
If you wanted to rescue someone lost in the Atlantic who had a working radio, you would set up some listening devices at known locations, New York London, cape town, Buenos Aires etc and send out a signal and listen for a return. If London can hear and give a bearing that's a start, if Washington then gives another bearing you are getting closer to the area. But you would start with a minimum number in fixed locations, UAs started with few in number and they always said where they were.
You would then send out loads of aircraft and boats to try and narrow down what you are looking for UAs Flooded the area around Merope
Then you would send someone to actually look at each piece of wreckage closely UA's are studying everything that comes close
To me they are on a rescue which suggest a down ship will be found "somewhere"
Query is why that Lakon T class don't work? Have Lakon T types been tested in 1.5? Have the other ships?
Is it looking for a Lakon type ship?
Should it be hunted later in a Lakon type ship (to get past defences)
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Coming quite late to this hunt and have a query
Ive watched Ed Lewis and his intro into canonn
Looking at it from a timeline of changes there seems to me to be two trains


Nice thoughts: we've already widely discussed similar thoughts during these months, but it's good to have a sum up post from time to time, to gather lots of informations and theories.
Me too thinks that the UA is looking for something: a ship, as you propose? Nice. But it could be a place as well, a place to settle? A place to start an invasion? We can just assume.
BTW, welcome to the madness!

about 1.5, lots of us scientists have decided to hold on with tests and experiments, until official release: for respect towards players that do not have beta access ;)
BTW we don't even know if FD have intentionally hidden new UA content from the beta, as many player requested...
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I don't think its a place - the change in train 2 where it was signalling of "where I am" to new response of "this is what Im looking at" is I feel important
Its telling someone(thing) information about the environment that it is sensing. It wouldn't be reporting ships unless they mattered as its a waste of Bandwidth.
The probe is reporting the minimum possible - "I am here and facing this way", Do that four times you can find yourself in 3 dimensions but it is super efficient reporting method
The ships are more complicated but they are transposed into wire frame modules, start here end here very simple (and why it was used in Elite original)
It would not match the probes mode of operation to be reporting useless information and especially lots of useless information. Drawing a wire frame ship requires lots of information, lots of bandwidth and lots of power from a communications perspective so its a waste of time to report ships types if they are not relevant
Why does it not report Lakon types? was it a bug? does it now? will it help in the future to avoid trouble?

EDIT - see your point re the Beta testing and its a good point - To me Beta gives me the chance to try different aspects of the game as I cant damage my ship or progress and then continue on if I like them - This I am enjoying! I did it with Mining at 1.4 and I might do UA with 1.5!
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Stupid question perhaps, and maybe already been discussed to death. But since the UAs seems to scan ships, and leaving out the "cargo-carrying"-type of ships (when making the layouts of them sending the info somehwere i presume), isnt that a sign that they seem more interested in the possible military use of the human space fleet? As a political science nerd it seems logical. For you to get info of your "unknown" possible opponents strengths and weaknesses?
Brand new. Sorry if this is a repeat question. I think it's a pointing device. Take it to where it wants to go. Moreover, I think it's pointing to Electra, not Merope. When taken to the correct star, maybe it will point to a planet.

Has this been discussed?
Stupid question perhaps, and maybe already been discussed to death. But since the UAs seems to scan ships, and leaving out the "cargo-carrying"-type of ships (when making the layouts of them sending the info somehwere i presume), isnt that a sign that they seem more interested in the possible military use of the human space fleet? As a political science nerd it seems logical. For you to get info of your "unknown" possible opponents strengths and weaknesses?

Indeed, that's the first thing that came into our minds after discovering that behavior. ;)
About the T-ships, we don't know if it's intended or not.
I've asked Zac few days ago, and his reply was "yes and no" and that we'll be given information on that in the future... search the thread for the full reply ;)

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Brand new. Sorry if this is a repeat question. I think it's a pointing device. Take it to where it wants to go. Moreover, I think it's pointing to Electra, not Merope. When taken to the correct star, maybe it will point to a planet.

Has this been discussed?

It's pointing to Merope 100%.
We've already taken it there and it keeps pointing to the center of the star from everywhere around the system, up, down, left and right.

EDIT: could be nice to know what made you think it's pointing to Electra btw...
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Stupid question perhaps, and maybe already been discussed to death. But since the UAs seems to scan ships, and leaving out the "cargo-carrying"-type of ships (when making the layouts of them sending the info somehwere i presume), isnt that a sign that they seem more interested in the possible military use of the human space fleet? As a political science nerd it seems logical. For you to get info of your "unknown" possible opponents strengths and weaknesses?

The Probe to me seems "Dumb" its a simple as possible to make many as possible to operate at lond distance, Its a SOSUS detection net lie NATO use to detect stuff in the Atlantic, the information is then transfer onshore and then technicaians onshore look at the information and decide if the are looking at a Russian Missile Boat or a couple of whales engaged in <ahem> activities.
So to me the probes would collect everything and then let someone else decipher the information so ignoring trade ships doesn't make sense as it isn't clever enough itself to do it
Which leads to my question - Should it be able to "see" Lakons and is actually a bug, OR does something in LAKON construction make them invisible to the probes?
I tend to go with the Latter which would allow a method to counter and "armed" probe which is the next logical step if its a rescue mission of a "military" ship, you would send in the gunships.............
I am in HIP 14621 and i find a few SSS with UA. One SSS next to star, one SSS middle of nowhere and one next to planet... closer than moons.

Seems to me that those "thing" are not so rare in here :D
The Probe to me seems "Dumb" its a simple as possible to make many as possible to operate at lond distance, Its a SOSUS detection net lie NATO use to detect stuff in the Atlantic, the information is then transfer onshore and then technicaians onshore look at the information and decide if the are looking at a Russian Missile Boat or a couple of whales engaged in <ahem> activities.
So to me the probes would collect everything and then let someone else decipher the information so ignoring trade ships doesn't make sense as it isn't clever enough itself to do it
Which leads to my question - Should it be able to "see" Lakons and is actually a bug, OR does something in LAKON construction make them invisible to the probes?
I tend to go with the Latter which would allow a method to counter and "armed" probe which is the next logical step if its a rescue mission of a "military" ship, you would send in the gunships.............

I don't think the not scanning T-Class is a bug. T-Class ships hve been at the core of this story since the Wings Trailer.

I don't think the feds were transporting UAs in the convois, I think they were testing ot repeat what hapened to CMDR Ishmaels T7 on his way back from the California sector. They probably know now what the UA can do with a T-Class ship, as they have stoped testing.

When the feds found out, the UAs also found out. That's why they are checking the ship typ until they find a T-Class. Then they transmit their possition again, like in pre 1.4.

The UA has learned that other ships are useless. So has the Feds.
The Probe to me seems "Dumb" its a simple as possible to make many as possible to operate at lond distance, Its a SOSUS detection net lie NATO use to detect stuff in the Atlantic, the information is then transfer onshore and then technicaians onshore look at the information and decide if the are looking at a Russian Missile Boat or a couple of whales engaged in <ahem> activities.
So to me the probes would collect everything and then let someone else decipher the information so ignoring trade ships doesn't make sense as it isn't clever enough itself to do it
Which leads to my question - Should it be able to "see" Lakons and is actually a bug, OR does something in LAKON construction make them invisible to the probes?
I tend to go with the Latter which would allow a method to counter and "armed" probe which is the next logical step if its a rescue mission of a "military" ship, you would send in the gunships.............

To clarify - T6/7/9s are scanned and vector images produced - by free-floaters. It's when they drop a UA that they don't seem to scan the ship.

Also, the Asp is always scanned, and that's also a Lakon. As are the Diamondbacks.

While the T9 is a 'cargo carrying' ship - I don't think it's necessarily right to say it's not a military/dangerous ship. It has quite a few hard points doesn't it (3M/2S) - so I'm not so sure it's that clear-cut. It could be, granted, but military/nonmilitary, for me, doesn't quite fit.

But I can't offer a better explanation other than it being a bug!
"could be nice to know what made you think it's pointing to Electra btw..."

I positioned my ship right behind one, and then targetted each of the seven stars in the Pleades. Electra was the only one which seemed to line up with it.
The rapid increase in finding probes has been reported and was watching it in Ed Lewis's feed with Canonn there has been a massive increase in a band 135-150LY from Merope
Looks like HIP 14621 is well in this band
To me (coming from a Search type environment) is a typical search behaviour. A few to get an area and then you flood the area with searchers to get closer and narrow down the search)
(then you send in the heavily armed gunships to the exact point to effect the rescue)
To clarify - T6/7/9s are scanned and vector images produced - by free-floaters. It's when they drop a UA that they don't seem to scan the ship.

Also, the Asp is always scanned, and that's also a Lakon. As are the Diamondbacks.

While the T9 is a 'cargo carrying' ship - I don't think it's necessarily right to say it's not a military/dangerous ship. It has quite a few hard points doesn't it (3M/2S) - so I'm not so sure it's that clear-cut. It could be, granted, but military/nonmilitary, for me, doesn't quite fit.

But I can't offer a better explanation other than it being a bug!

Cheers for the clarification - It didn't come across like that on the Feed! (bloomin Ed! more worried about getting his gums around the Wagon Wheels than good info)

From my background and knowledge (especially of data comms and a bit of "search") Its fairly typical search type behaviour and low bandwidth from a high number of sources

The profile fits so far for a search mission that's about to turn to "rescue" and if you look at was a Military search and rescue looks like "behind enemy lines" it will be quite violent
To clarify - T6/7/9s are scanned and vector images produced - by free-floaters. It's when they drop a UA that they don't seem to scan the ship.

Also, the Asp is always scanned, and that's also a Lakon. As are the Diamondbacks.

While the T9 is a 'cargo carrying' ship - I don't think it's necessarily right to say it's not a military/dangerous ship. It has quite a few hard points doesn't it (3M/2S) - so I'm not so sure it's that clear-cut. It could be, granted, but military/nonmilitary, for me, doesn't quite fit.

But I can't offer a better explanation other than it being a bug!

Zoltan, I must correct you unfortunately!
The UA ALWAYS morse the system/planet/station name in front of a T-Ship, even a free floater!
Dommarraa did the first test with a T6 right after we discovered the thing.

The only way to obtain the ship drawing, is to deploy the UA from another ship, in front of a station, and then switch ship with a T-one, and go outside again to listen. Then there's the drawing. That's how I produced the drawings for the T-ships of my list.
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To clarify - T6/7/9s are scanned and vector images produced - by free-floaters. It's when they drop a UA that they don't seem to scan the ship.

Sorry Zolty, this is wrong. Only when dropped from another, will the UA produce the vector image for T-Class ships.
Free Floaters report star/body name.

Edit: ninjad by the Riz :)
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Is there any pattern to the stations malfunctioning relative to their positions in the galaxy? For instance, like the sphere of UA's eminating from Merope?
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