UA Mystery thread 4 - The Canonn

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I swear the bloke at the blackmarket talked me into selling my UA, he promised to keep it safe.
Now, where did I park my Cobra?
hmm....... 64 Arietes was it? Gotta go, Bye!
From Galnet:
29 OCT 3301

The starport of Weyn Dock in the 64 Arietis system has become the latest to be affected by mysterious technical issues, following a rash of inexplicable breakdowns and malfunctions at starports throughout the Warkushanui system. According to Laura Bishop, technical supervisor at Weyn Dock, the starport has experienced a range of problems over the past 24 hours:

"First we had some power outages, now we've got widespread system failures. We haven't been able to determine the cause but we're investigating at the moment, so when we know more, you'll know more."

Guess Thompson Doc is next in line based on number of UAs sold.
I remember in one of the earlier threads there was talk of using hafnium to somehow control the damage done by UAs. Now I am aware it didn't help in a cargo hold, but maybe it would at a station?

Anyone seen a hafnium convoy in weeks?
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Warkushanui Scour Test : Session 1

Warkushanui - Mainly as close to Gerucha as I can get.

SSS x 11 (Pirate + SysSec x2, Pirate x4, HE Convoy x 2, Halfnium Convoy x 1, Medical Convoy x 1, No Show x 1)
USS x 8 (Crap Pirates x 6, Trader x2)
WSS x 14 (Junk x 9, Lone Ship x 5)
SW x 3 (OEP x 2, OEP Multiple x 1)

Still Scouring, may not bother with USS for much longer
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You're the first person I've seen that pointed out a difference between the loud whale noises. I always thought it was the same sound repeated. The sound a UA makes is generated depending on the ship you fly. It loops indefinitely before you pick it up. You're seeing that the whale sections are different. That raises some questions.

Are they consistently different?
How many different whale sections are there?
How do they alternate/repeat?
Do you get different whale sections for flying a different ship?

If there is a message there, vocals or not, there needs to be some kind of consistency to work off of. I also noticed there were two sounds going on. One is a growling base that stutters and the other is the whale call type thing. Wonder if some Audio magician can split those two apart somehow. Whether this is a thing or not you did a good job with your analysis and that video +rep.

It looks like that because of Merope's color and brightness. Take it to a neighboring star that resembles Merope, and it should glow the same.

Rizal did say that all the UA sounds were heavily analyzed, but I'm still hearing different parts of its sound. So for me its cool. Kobal pointed out the tones(Example here )

If you listen to the whole thing, these tones sound around the short growls leading to the big honk. They don't repeat. Not saying anything is or isn't there. It was new to me :)

I'm not denigrating or criticising your approach because you've come to your discovery independently. You've shown you've got a good ear and we need good ears listening. :)
The notes/tones within the howls was discussed by a number of us back in May.

The bottom line was that there are 2 similar but distinctly different howls if you listen carefully. The reason or purpose hadn't been worked out, but it was noticed that they alternate every audio sequence.
If you can elaborate on what you've already done and maybe use that thread for clues to follow or pitfalls to avoid, all of us will be very grateful for anything new you can add. :)
I've got another 18 from goemon on my ship to bank, I need to arrange to meet with delmonte and outspan this weekend to add to stockpile.
Nearly got them all now :D
The original plan was to have them all on one ship and do various UA tests, but with the latest developments looks like we will be also selling them at one of the affected stations :D

What about Sothis Crystalline Gold? I hope you're taking it with you as well.

Something in my brain is telling me that that Metal could be of some use against the UA damage... and it's a new rare item, introduced recently...
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Reporting UA sightings (distance from Merope):
HR 1517, ~144Ly
HIP 22347, ~141Ly
Hyades Y0-A C18, 143.56Ly
HIP 12278, 135.83Ly (4 UAs, one per visit in system)
Aries FW-W D1-78, 139.08Ly (2 UAs, one per visit)
27 Arietis, 141.16Ly
??forgot??, 139.06Ly

No UAs found for a brief searching:
HIP 23423, 154.75Ly
HIP 23085, 150.3Ly
HIP 11797, 153.05Ly
HIP 11584, 132.01Ly
HIP 13430, 129.36Ly
HIP 11154, 144.29Ly
Aries YK-0 B6-2, 136.63Ly

All UAs pointed to Merope. 10 UAs sold at same undisclosed station.

Almost all non-UA strong signal sources had "medical convoy" with cargo: performance enhancers (5t), proginetor cells (5-8t), scientific research (1t), occupied escape pod (4t)
I know lots of people are accepting this theory, but nobody has attempted to explain how Warkushanui came out top of the list.

Warkushanui is somehow different it seems.

The second report about the issues writes:
"As the technical problems in Warkushanui intensify, some commentators have drawn attention to the fact that the number of anomalous extraterrestrial objects (or AEOs) discovered in the system has recently increased."

Also the issues seem to affect all stations in the system.
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Guys, the Cthulhu Empire is invading.


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Is there a list of all the [rare] commodities that have been sold in at Gaiman Dock, 49 Arietis, or at other malfunctioning stations in an attempt to find a 'cure'? We need to find the cure for this quickly, regardless of what caused it, and a list of what has been tried would be invaluable (including salvage items). Should such a list go in an update to one of the summary posts in this thread or the Canonn website?
I would guess that we will only discover the result through a Galnet article telling us what worked and there's no knowing how long that could take to materialise after the correct cargo is sold (if selling the correct cargo is the way it is to be cured, like is was for the Cerberus plague). Is there another way it might be cured? Might completing certain missions at these stations help? (I some 'repair our station' and donation missions at Gaiman Dock yesterday after delivering my cargo of rares and wonder if it might at least buy them a bit of time).
To reiterate the list of rares I have so far delivered to Gaiman Dock (without requiring anyone so search back to where I list them in post 51), they are:
AZ Cancri Formula 42
Havasupai Dream Catcher
HIP Organophosphates
Xihe Biomorphic Companions
Jaradharre Puzzle Box
Toxandji Virocide
Sorry if I'm mistaken- isn't it logical to assume that black markets store their goods in a different place than the regular commodities marked uses?
If so, selling rare goods to the vanilla market might not work- the black marked needs to deposit the "cure" in the same place as they would have placed the UAs, for the object to have an effect.
Warkushanui is somehow different it seems.

The second report about the issues writes:
"As the technical problems in Warkushanui intensify, some commentators have drawn attention to the fact that the number of anomalous extraterrestrial objects (or AEOs) discovered in the system has recently increased."

Also the issues seem to affect all stations in the system.

Oh I accept that UA are the culprits, I just dont see the logic that Selling UAs is the culprit.

I have been taking a long break from all of this for studies and i am amazed by all of your work, especially the work on this community/group and thats really what matters :)
I wonder how far the power of "well we cant stop now" will take us, what will CIRG (is that a thing?) look like in 2 years? Who knows, maybe it will be an order of spacefaring monks carrying these threads printed out and bound in tomes, reciting posts as prayers and psalms. Maybe a splinter faction will have formed from the "one clue"-ism movement, cutting out their eyes (ingame somehow) and casting aside all but water worlds, listening for answers in submarine-spaceships (maybe we will have those by then).

edit: you are an awesome bunch!
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Just catching up on the Canonn, it's very exiting stuff.

I wonder (having not visited it yet) - the Merope system, does it have any planetary bodies in it?
If so, do you think perhaps the Devs are planning that in 1.5 when we can land on them, there'll be something more related to this mystery to discover on one of those planets' surfaces?

I'm heading out that way in my Explorer Asp at the moment, might try and bag my first UA - always been scared of dropping into SSS's in the Asp though (unshielded, no weapons) because of the convoy/ambush threat - are these no longer around?
Just catching up on the Canonn, it's very exiting stuff.

I wonder (having not visited it yet) - the Merope system, does it have any planetary bodies in it?
If so, do you think perhaps the Devs are planning that in 1.5 when we can land on them, there'll be something more related to this mystery to discover on one of those planets' surfaces?

I'm heading out that way in my Explorer Asp at the moment, might try and bag my first UA - always been scared of dropping into SSS's in the Asp though (unshielded, no weapons) because of the convoy/ambush threat - are these no longer around?

Yep, thats my most solid theory ATM. UA Listening Post on a Moon in Merope.

As long as you are in the shell (135-145ly from Merope) you should be safe enough. Shieldless and Chaffless isnt really a sensible option any more (if it ever was)
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Oh I accept that UA are the culprits, I just dont see the logic that Selling UAs is the culprit.

<tinfoilhat on="true">
"discovered" is an interesting phrasing, guessing most of the UA has been sold there. Is there really free floating UA's in the system, ready for discovery, or is selling in this case the same as discovery?
Oh I accept that UA are the culprits, I just dont see the logic that Selling UAs is the culprit.

Based on the Galnet articles.

First report from 49 Ari: "First they take those alien pods there, and then there's a complete technical breakdown"

No report of UAs discovered in the system there.
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