UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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About that message we sent for aliens (This one:

Did anyone look at it and notice this part?

I don't know, it looks somehow familiar to me, wonder where I saw something very close to this one.

Also, I don't think our message is very difficult to understand or solve, all you need to do is to decipher the first part where the mathematics is defined. The rest is pretty straight forward (if you are human that is, for an alien, I don't know how simple it would be).

Edit: I'll be delving right in this. I somehow feel this was the actual inspiration combined with the golden record and FD created their own counter-SETI message for us to understand. This: Should give some insight into how that works.

Reading the pdf, it seems that this picture introduces the reader into a circle, and the symbols for radius, diameter, circumference and area, so although it looks similar, I don't see that it helps, especially as the spectogram version does not have the symbols

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I have a(nother) crazy idea. Just in case, I've put my tinfoil hat on.

In the original Elite (1) you could force a misjump by turning during the countdown. What if the symbol is simply showing which direction to turn?
Probably a stupid idea...

Probably but it hasn't stopped me from trying it every time I jump. Cause I'm there already so why not.
What if the audio that it plays is they key, not the image. In other words, we figure out where we need to play the audio (whatever location we think the image wants us to go to) and honk the UP so that it spits its audio out. If the audio is the key then instant profit $$

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Try this

Thrust up, thrust up, thrust down, thrust down, thrust left, thrust right, thrust left, thrust right, secondary fire, primary fire.

I tried and just got infinite credits. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Has anyone that has analyzed sound tried to change the frequency to that of a whale yet? Just going from visual and audio impressions I can't help but feel like the artefacts and barnacles didn't have some oceanic inspiration. When I dropped the frequency to that of a baleen whale I heard a strange whale-like sound toward the end of the UP transmission. Curious if anyone else had thought to check this possibility.

Humpback whale song for comparison. LINK
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These two quotes still bother me..
12/01/2016 5:12 PM
Q: But the fact that these barnacles can be found in other nebulae, that more than one location has been hand placed, etc. proves that the UAs are not pointing at Merope because of the barnacles. The barnacles are another clue in the big puzzle, not the end of the puzzle. There is still no logical reason to focus the barnacle search in Merope. Every landable planet in the Pleiades has just as much chance of containing the hand placed fixed POI as the planets in Merope, and Merope has already been searched the most.

Originally Posted by Michael Brookes
This is good thinking.

The UAs are pointing to Merope (its center) but not for the sake of barnacles.

We still haven't understood the relation between nebulae and barnacles.
14/01/2016 6:31 PM
Q:Now that one has been found, can you be a little more candid with your responses?
What other nebulae are they found in? And is Lagoon nebula one of those nebulae?
Originally Posted by Michael Brookes
I'm afraid not - the nebula <corrected later to nebulae by Michael>. that they can be found in relates to their origin and I can't talk about that.

I think we are stuck on puzzle 3 because we never completed 1 (UAs) and 2 (barnacle relation to their nebula). Its like finding a safe deposit key, but not knowing the bank or the box number.
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Probably won't be in game for a while, but a wild UP hunting strategy I came up with would be to start at the outer edge of the UA shell, then plot an economical course from there to Merope (or Maia) and spend a few minutes in each system looking for USSs. The theory being that UPs might follow the same order of events that UAs did. First convoys, then free floaters near the Pleiades, then a shell. Thoughts?

I agree 100%, I'd consider that the UP's may go a different direction from the UA's as they align opposite. Perhaps the UPs well start near the UA shell and then move toward merope 5c? Someday they might cover that darn planet ><

A reminder on pointing behavior for those playing along at home: The UA points to merope star with the "head" and its "tail" points away. The UP points to merope 5c with its "big head" and the small "head" which is the same size as the UA head points away. They are oriented opposite. This means, either the UA points toward merope and the UP points away from merope 5c OR the UA points away from merope and the UP points toward 5c. Alternatively they may both pointed to their respective bodies and logic gave us the finger and ran away laughing with our lunch money.

I'd also consider that the UPs may be on a vector or a line toward merope rather than a shell... Just a gut feeling. I'd also say Check USS near planets, if the UP is searching for something it easily could be by a planet. Keep in mind Satellites are a new thing that spawn, they could have reused this mechanic for the UPs! Stay strong, hunt on.
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I think I have solved the message! In section one they are telling us to stop shooting up their barnacles. In the center section they left instructions on how to recycle and stated that they are staunch environmentalist. In the last section they tell us that we should remember to conserve water and only take showers. [alien]
I agree 100%, I'd consider that the UP's may go a different direction from the UA's as they align opposite. Perhaps the UPs well start near the UA shell and then move toward merope 5c? Someday they might cover that darn planet ><

A reminder on pointing behavior for those playing along at home: The UA points to merope star with the "head" and its "tail" points away. The UP points to merope 5c with its "big head" and the small "head" which is the same size as the UA head points away. They are oriented opposite. This means, either the UA points toward merope and the UP points away from merope 5c OR the UA points away from merope and the UP points toward 5c. Alternatively they may both pointed to their respective bodies and logic gave us the finger and ran away laughing with our lunch money.

I'd also consider that the UPs may be on a vector or a line toward merope rather than a shell... Just a gut feeling. I'd also say Check USS near planets, if the UP is searching for something it easily could be planet side. Keep in mind Satellites are a new thing that spawn, they could have reused this mechanic for the UPs! Stay strong, hunt on.

Along those lines (since it matches something I've been pondering). It seems reasonable to me to assume the UAs were heading *away* from Merope. I've recently wondered if it's a life cycle kind of thing, they hit some system with the right sun, and then become UPs and return to Merope.

The UA's were heading away, the UPs are heading back. The Fed's figured it out and are scooping them up at the source. At some level that implies the ones heading back found what they were looking for before reaching the 135-150LY shell so what if any unique stars are in that bubble ?

I've also pondered whether you can't find UPs, you have to drop a UA where they can evolve. So I have a few that I'm hoping will 'evolve'.
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Over the past week, a small group of Children of Raxxla (CoR) and Canonn researchers have been working together at decoding the signal in the Unknown Probe (UP). Because the Unknown Artifact (UA) had conveyed its information primarily as a code, our group narrowed its focus to the way the sound was generated and trying to determine whether or not information had been coded in the static lines and tones heard in the sound. We have largely ignored the diagram for this reason.

We’re now rather convinced that when CMDR Rizal activated his discovery scanner next to the probe, the probe made a scan of its own, looking for something it’s been programmed to find. The method by which is conveys this information is embedded in the signal strength of a number of pulses in the beginning of the transmission, what some are calling the “barcode”.

We’ve been able to see that depending on where the probe is activated, the signal strength of these bars raises or lowers in intensity. The audio feedback is proportional to the signal it’s receiving, making these probes a sort of dousing rod, by which the nose will grow or diminish in intensity depending on proximity.

"Failure" (aka "cold") signal

Failure Sound Link

"Success" (aka "hot") signal

Success Sound Link
(Sound files displayed with Sonic Visualizer, db^2 scale, linear bins to show decibel level.)

Listening to either of these, you'll hear four staccato tones, followed by two more. In a "cold" result, the four are quiet, sometimes barely able to be heard. In a "warm" or "success", the four and two will be about the same volume: quite loud, unmistakable.

Unfortunately, while we’ve been able to confirm the effect, we have not been able to test enough to determine under what conditions the sound grows louder. During our testing, the probe abruptly and unexpected teleported away from the test craft, and then vanished. We are still trying to determine whether or not this was purposeful functional or not (a bug).

Edit: Vent Aileron has since been able to recovery the probe through FD Support. You can look at his results and the original disappearance here.

So we are now putting out a call to the community, and to whomever has a probe, to carry on with the search. We believe something, either in space or on a planet, is out there to be found by the probe, and when the probe is in proximity, it will point us to what remains hidden. At that point, the diagram encoded in the signal may become understood, but until then, we believe following the pattern of the signal strength is the best option.

We really don’t know what the probe is looking for, or what the superpowers might be doing with them, but it’s our opinion that we pilots should find it first.

Good luck, and good hunting.

Probe Signal Working Group

* CMDR Elfrida Goto, Canonn Research
* CMDR Ornas Diehl, CoR
* CMDR Salvor Koz, CoR
* CMDR Vent Aileron, CoR

Edit: Added some more explanation.
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I have a(nother) crazy idea. Just in case, I've put my tinfoil hat on.

In the original Elite (1) you could force a misjump by turning during the countdown. What if the symbol is simply showing which direction to turn?
Probably a stupid idea...

you cant turn during countdown...
you cant turn during countdown...
Now here is a crazy idea to test:

What if you time the countdown with the UP shockwave? You would need 2 commanders so you woulnd't risk jumping and leaving the UP behind.

Set up a blind study for it. That is to say, if you think you hear something you need to do this:

-Have a friend listen to the same area WITHOUT telling them what you think you heard, don't even say you heard words. Just ask them to listen to it and say what they think, tell them nothing and get their honest response. Repeat this process WITHOUT telling anyone what other people have heard.

then IF you get multiple people that all heard the same thing without being "primed" to expect something then you MAY have something.

The reason RL scientists do blind studies is so that no one can subconsciously alter the outcome.

For those bored and who enjoy psychology, consider this basic slapdash example :)

-I ask you to go rob a store.
-I then tell you to go to the bank.

Did you think of a "place to deposit money" or "the edge of a river"?

Most people will choose the former definition. Either is possible but because you are primed to think along the lines of "stores" and "robbing" you think of a place to deposit money and not a riverbank. This may not hold true if you recently robbed a store and had an accomplish waiting in a boat :D ... this is a knock off of an actual study but I hope it conveys the point. The human mind is fascinating ;)

*No stores were robbed in the making of this post*
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Over the past week, a small group of Children of Raxxla (CoR) and Canonn researchers have been working together at decoding the signal in the Unknown Probe (UP). Because the Unknown Artifact (UA) had conveyed its information primarily as a code, our group narrowed its focus to the way the sound was generated and trying to determine whether or not information had been coded in the static lines and tones heard in the sound. We have largely ignored the diagram for this reason.

We’re now rather convinced that when CMDR Rizal activated his discovery scanner next to the probe, the probe made a scan of its own, looking for something it’s been programmed to find. The method by which is conveys this information is embedded in the signal strength of a number of pulses in the beginning of the transmission, what some are calling the “barcode”.

We’ve been able to see that depending on where the probe is activated, the signal strength of these bars raises or lowers in intensity. The audio feedback is proportional to the signal it’s receiving, making these probes a sort of dousing rod, by which the nose will grow or diminish in intensity depending on proximity.

"Failure" signal
Failure Sound Link
Success Sound Link

(Sound files displayed with Sonic Visualizer, db^2 scale, linear bins to show decibel level.)

Unfortunately, while we’ve been able to confirm the effect, we have not been able to test enough to determine under what conditions the sound grows louder. During our testing, the probe abruptly and unexpected teleported away from the test craft, and then vanished. We are still trying to determine whether or not this was purposeful functional or not (a bug).

So we are now putting out a call to the community, and to whomever has a probe, to carry on with the search. We believe something, either in space or on a planet, is out there to be found by the probe, and when the probe is in proximity, it will point us to what remains hidden. At that point, the diagram encoded in the signal may become understood, but until then, we believe following the pattern of the signal strength is the best option.

We really don’t know what the probe is looking for, or what the superpowers might be doing with them, but it’s our opinion that we pilots should find it first.

Good luck, and good hunting.

**Probe Signal Working Group**

* CMDR Elfrida Goto, Canonn Research
* CMDR Ornas Diehl, CoR
* CMDR Salvor Koz, CoR
* CMDR Vent Aileron, CoR

Very nice work. Hopefully we can find some way of determining exactly where this extra signal is coming from. We need more probes!!!
Hey Commander's,i'm new'ish and late to this party,so i am just going to throw my thoughts out,sorry if my idea has already been discussed and blown-out of the water but here goes.....
Anyway maybe the key to figuring out the data-pic is far more simple than has been already discussed. What if this is also a test of our intelligence (any race finding these objects) to find out if we are ready/worthy to have contact with the aliens. The first few tests would be simple,point and follow directions for sight,then noise input and now the next step is seeing if we can work out messages through pictures,much like cave paintings etc. each step further increasing the complexity of the test.
So as far as these pictures are concerned,i see this as a system map of somewhere near where the alien probe was scanned or Merope:
1) middle pic is an earth like world or one with an atmosphere represented by the quarter circle in the NW
2) it has two moons represented by the two prongs SW
3) top right corner is the systems only sun with its semi-circle radiant-light aimed at the main planet,the two mark scratches are maybe its sun-class i.e. 2
4) top left corner is a world (line) with a ring - two dotes either side
5 & 6) bottom left and right,planets (line) with two moons - dots on one side of line
7) bar/pointer cutting across middle pic is aimed at bottom right planet - object planet
8) i think the aliens maybe writing right to left,so i think target planet could be the third one in the system
9) the tuning fork looking symbol to the far right is maybe saying what you are looking (the next step/test) is in orbit around object planet
Thanks for reading (if you have) and sorry if my thoughts are maybe daft : )

Over the past week, a small group of Children of Raxxla (CoR) and Canonn researchers have been working together at decoding the signal in the Unknown Probe (UP). Because the Unknown Artifact (UA) had conveyed its information primarily as a code, our group narrowed its focus to the way the sound was generated and trying to determine whether or not information had been coded in the static lines and tones heard in the sound. We have largely ignored the diagram for this reason.

We’re now rather convinced that when CMDR Rizal activated his discovery scanner next to the probe, the probe made a scan of its own, looking for something it’s been programmed to find. The method by which is conveys this information is embedded in the signal strength of a number of pulses in the beginning of the transmission, what some are calling the “barcode”.

We’ve been able to see that depending on where the probe is activated, the signal strength of these bars raises or lowers in intensity. The audio feedback is proportional to the signal it’s receiving, making these probes a sort of dousing rod, by which the nose will grow or diminish in intensity depending on proximity.

I have discussed my theory in the Canonn discord for the last week or so regarding the chittering sound at the beginning of the EMP. This sound is different across recordings, but there seems to be a pattern to it. One possibility is that it is locational. The recordings from Merope 5c all have similar sounding chitters (there are minute variations), but the recordings from Obsidian Orbital, Lobachevsky Outpost, and HIP 92142 (with a UA present) are all different. Also, the recording from Maia B (the black hole) has no chitter at all. Most of these recordings are available on the first page of this thread, and others I have acquired from sources in the Canonn and our new Experiments Database Spreadsheet here:

I created some test samples to compare the sounds. You can clearly hear that there is some kind of pattern, but as yet I can't determine what that pattern is. Here are my test samples:

Obviously, my research is somewhat slow and limited due to the lack of available UA's and limited recordings, but I think if there is a pattern here, it may be important.
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Now here is a crazy idea to test:

What if you time the countdown with the UP shockwave? You would need 2 commanders so you woulnd't risk jumping and leaving the UP behind.

I posted this idea in the other thread but I guess the lack of feedback means it's not working or it hasn't been tested.
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