UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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That is beautiful work, from both an artistic and scientific point of view :) rep + and keep up the good work.
I can see the bugging out of the UP would be so frustrating... I wish I could join yo in the research, but by combat skills are negligible, and I am not up to getting racks from Palin yet.

Yeah it is very frustrating, especially so since I try to take lots of precautions and am specifically very risk averse when it comes to carrying a UP.

For example how this panned out.

Testing near Pleione 4 (since I'd just done P3), P4 it's a 6g world so worried about drift being too much :

1) Turn off ship thrusters, check for drift, looks ok
2) Still concerned run a test deployment with a UA (these are disposable)
3) Hardly moving, UA easily scooped
4) Ok all looks good, everything checks out, now let's do the UP, deploy UP
5) Game crash :(

It's awful, on one hand I specifically avoid having multiple CMDRs in the area due to instancing increasing the chance of the UP going missing.
But on the other hand, having only a single CMDR means there's no resilience at all should the client crash.

I mean what am I supposed to do. You are left trying to weigh up which is more likely, client crash or instancing issue. :(

Also a client crash = no evidence which leaves you in an awkward position.

It's frustrating, 3 weeks to find this thing. :(
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More Data! Here!

I went and counted Purrs and Chirps from MyklAtrum's recordings (and you were involved I think?) Good recordings, anyway.

Here are the Purr/Chirp Triplet counts for 3 minutes for each of the the 6 recordings. Note: I counted from 1:00 to 4:00 for each recording.

Observations: Purr rate remains the same, regardless of location. Chirp triplet rate changes. I'm not yet willing to say that the rate is correlated to location, but the fact that the rate does in fact change is interesting.

Highest rate is near Merope, lowest near Merope 5c.

Theories: Is the rate dependent on distance from a Barnacle planet? Does it depend on the type of astronomical body that it is near? Or do the chirps contain other data, and the chirp rate is merely indicative of more detailed data being sent?

Also, a cursory examination of the chirps shows that, while they are in sets of 3 like the symbols on the key, the chirp triplets frequently come in sets of the same 3 (3 highs or 3 low chirps), which do not show up on the key, so I strongly suspect the key does not decode the chirps.

These transmissions aren't "correct". The data it was supposed to send has been corrupted/already sent when they were originally captured. The data on the UPs returning to Merope 5C will have data that will need to be decoded to find out what type of data it is collecting.
Wow, we really over thought what the image meant. In about 5 hours you can have a 'wild' Unknown Probe of your own! This will allow you to capture/honk a wild unknown probe. Going by orrey this will happen at 12:00am EST.

This also puts to rest the question of which probe is most advanced, the Unknown Artifact I believe. The Unknown Probe has to return to send data due to short range communications. This also answers the question as to how to obtain UPs more efficiently and in the wild. Also answers why the probe points at Merope and function/purpose. We know where it reports back, but I wonder to what in Merope 5C and why.

Perhaps Merope 5C is an artificially created moon that sends long-range UP-style transmissions to . . . the Creators?
After listening to Mykl's audio and Vent's audio it seems like merope is the only place where the rate of the purrs is slower. Vent's recordings in CR-U D3-29 and Preae Theia are at the same rate as pleione.

Revised theory:
The UP has slower/less purrs in a system it has already searched. Presumably the the UP has searched merope (as they arent there anymore) and moved away from it. Perhaps there is a system nearby which also has slower/less purrs... and then another and we follow the bread crumbs till we find where they are...

We still need to test Pleione's brown dwarf just to control for variables and then we will need to test the systems around merope.

Edit: Edited the wrong post... move along, nothing to see here.
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More Data! Here!

I went and counted Purrs and Chirps from MyklAtrum's recordings (and you were involved I think?) Good recordings, anyway.

Here are the Purr/Chirp Triplet counts for 3 minutes for each of the the 6 recordings. Note: I counted from 1:00 to 4:00 for each recording.

Observations: Purr rate remains the same, regardless of location. Chirp triplet rate changes. I'm not yet willing to say that the rate is correlated to location, but the fact that the rate does in fact change is interesting.

Highest rate is near Merope, lowest near Merope 5c.

Theories: Is the rate dependent on distance from a Barnacle planet? Does it depend on the type of astronomical body that it is near? Or do the chirps contain other data, and the chirp rate is merely indicative of more detailed data being sent?

Also, a cursory examination of the chirps shows that, while they are in sets of 3 like the symbols on the key, the chirp triplets frequently come in sets of the same 3 (3 highs or 3 low chirps), which do not show up on the key, so I strongly suspect the key does not decode the chirps.

I've only used the purrs as they come in high and low varieties. Terminology is always a trick but what is the "chirp"? I've just been working off the purrs in Mykl's and vent's recordings. And yes, I was involved as Mykl recorded at my request :). I was hoping (see some pages back) that there might be some correlation with a location in the system and the audio but I didn't find any.

EDIT: Either i missed the box or it came later, either way, thank you for that! My data format is *currently* rather in shambles or I'd toss my notes up here as well. @Shae you should listen to Vent's audio here: and tell us more :)
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It happens at a hard coded time, the spectrograph is directions of what the probe does and when. The 'wild' UPs return to transmit data they gathered. Due to being less advanced than the UAs, they have shorter communications range. I don't know how many come back at a time, it could be many. Also the wild UPs spectrograph will look different has hinted by MB.

Cool! Looking forward to the pictures!

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I've only used the purrs as they come in high and low varieties. Terminology is always a trick but what is the "chirp"? I've just been working off the purrs in Mykl's and vent's recordings. And yes, I was involved as Mykl recorded at my request :). I was hoping (see some pages back) that there might some correlation with a location in the system and the audio but I didn't find any.

Do the chirps remain the same between audio at the same location? IE does merope deep space recording 1 and recording 2 have the same number/pattern of chirps?

yeah i wish people wouldn't say chirp. A chirp is a specific thing in radio/audio, and I don't see or hear anything like that.
After listening to Mykl's audio and Vent's audio it seems like merope is the only place where the rate of the purrs is slower. Vent's recordings in CR-U D3-29 and Preae Theia are at the same rate as pleione.

Revised theory:
The UP has slower/less purrs in a system it has already searched. Presumably the the UP has searched merope (as they arent there anymore) and moved away from it. Perhaps there is a system nearby which also has slower/less purrs... and then another and we follow the bread crumbs till we find where they are...

We still need to test Pleione's brown dwarf just to control for variables and then we will need to test the systems around merope.

while we have time this line of purr enquiry is well worth following up as long as other efforts. If only to rule it out. Pergunia i think it is spelt the plague system should be checked out to at some point just to include / exclude it as well

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I've only used the purrs as they come in high and low varieties. Terminology is always a trick but what is the "chirp"? I've just been working off the purrs in Mykl's and vent's recordings. And yes, I was involved as Mykl recorded at my request :). I was hoping (see some pages back) that there might be some correlation with a location in the system and the audio but I didn't find any.

Do the chirps remain the same between audio at the same location? IE does merope deep space recording 1 and recording 2 have the same number/pattern of chirps?

maybe seperate the high and low chirps / purrs
Im going to kick myself if any of this ends up being right... But why would they make it so only people who are able to get on at ONE time can get the probes? Seems.. Unlikely. And why would the spectrogram lead us back to itself?

I'm not gonna kick you or me or anyone if this is right- you have to make some crazy assumptions and ignore a lot of what we know about the game to make this one work.

Plus: 1200 EST? isn't that a UK developer making an important game event happen at 4AM GMT? Really?
(not that I'm complaining, being PDT)

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Wow, we really over thought what the image meant. In about 5 hours you can have a 'wild' Unknown Probe of your own! This will allow you to capture/honk a wild unknown probe. Going by orrey this will happen at 12:00am EST.

This also puts to rest the question of which probe is most advanced, the Unknown Artifact I believe. The Unknown Probe has to return to send data due to short range communications. This also answers the question as to how to obtain UPs more efficiently and in the wild. Also answers why the probe points at Merope and function/purpose. We know where it reports back, but I wonder to what in Merope 5C and why.

1200 EST? Daylight Savings Time is on most places, - what time UTC is that?
I'm not gonna kick you or me or anyone if this is right- you have to make some crazy assumptions and ignore a lot of what we know about the game to make this one work.

Plus: 1200 EST? isn't that a UK developer making an important game event happen at 4AM GMT? Really?
(not that I'm complaining, being PDT)
I used the Orrey and the planet orbit to estimate the real world time this would happen. Look at the image I posted to judge the correct time for yourself.
Hi all,
I have been catching up on the whole UA/UP theories and what has been discovered recently from the UPs audio. Looking at the Spectrogram everyone seems to be looking at the big image in the centre, which I am sure is a major part of the puzzle but there doesn't seem to be any focus on the bits to the sides. On the right hand side (the 3 curves, 2 up and 1 down) on listening it sounds to me to be a voice albeit a strange voice has anyone else heard or analyzed it? It sounds like a single word, maybe a clue?
Let me know what you think,
Flip out...
If an SSTV signal is there, though, then it should be relatively obvious on the spectrogram. The closest looking thing to one that I can see is the weird rocket-ship on the left hand side; but only if you rotate it through 90 or 270 degrees.

I hate to be so negative but ^^^^^THIS HERE IS SO TRUE^^^^^
I really would dig it if this was SSTV or if there was some other signal in the UP noise- I love stuff like that and I've been looking for that kinda thing the whole time, but if so, where IS it? You can google any number of pictures of spectrogram/waterfall* displays of SSTV and other types of signals, and they look like there's a signal there! They don't look like random noise splattered around the edges of a stronger signal where you have to turn the gain up so high you are looking at the random EM noise in your PC. They don't look like tiny broadband bursts that last 100ms and only have any energy down at frequencies where the wavelength is only 50ms anyway.

*waterfall = a spectrogram set to go vertically and scroll, exact same info just different display

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Hi all,
I have been catching up on the whole UA/UP theories and what has been discovered recently from the UPs audio. Looking at the Spectrogram everyone seems to be looking at the big image in the centre, which I am sure is a major part of the puzzle but there doesn't seem to be any focus on the bits to the sides. On the right hand side (the 3 curves, 2 up and 1 down) on listening it sounds to me to be a voice albeit a strange voice has anyone else heard or analyzed it? It sounds like a single word, maybe a clue?
Let me know what you think,
Flip out...

we don't know what is there or if it's anything at all, but it's not correct there's no focus on the sides. People have been all over that and have a ton of different theories, none of which have gone anywhere yet.
I used the Orrey and the planet orbit to estimate the real world time this would happen. Look at the image I posted to judge the correct time for yourself.

Is that daylight saving or not? it matters: I don't know if I should add or subtract an hour to get my local time or what, and the ingame time is in GMT.
It would be easier if you just told us what the GMT time was.

for this "the orrey" you're talking about, is it this online orrery app from the front page?

Is that daylight saving or not? it matters: I don't know if I should add or subtract an hour to get my local time or what, and the ingame time is in GMT.
It would be easier if you just told us what the GMT time was.

for this "the orrey" you're talking about, is it this online orrery app from the front page?


Yes, that one. It may not be correct, but you can see from the diagram that it happens on the upper arc side of Merope's orbit viewed from the plane.

Its funny how it solves all hints given, why it points back, that the location would be really obvious after the fact and that having to raid for them wasn't the most efficient way to find them.
Yes, that one. It may not be correct, but you can see from the diagram that it happens on the upper arc side of Merope's orbit viewed from the plane.

Its funny how it solves all hints given, why it points back, that the location would be really obvious after the fact and that having to raid for them wasn't the most efficient way to find them.
This is definitely a testable theory, although may need to wait around a lot longer than we think.
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It was confirmed a convoy spawned in kagutsuchi which neighbors peregrina, if that's what you mean?

yup thanks and it is the convoy dispersal pattern threat 4 im looking for right or wrong ?

Ok looked at the OP and im getting them in HIP 19517 as well (the convoy patterns) its also close to peregrina, ill update if i find any UP carrying convoys
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