UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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You don't know that, there could be hundreds of reasons for it being binary, for all we know the aliens could have swung by Sol. Or maybe they aren't alien at all and its all a human plot... You can't know for sure

I heard with arguments somewhere on forums that UA and UP is human-maded things.
Ok so its taken me about 3 days worth of reading to catch up on most of whats going on here, i'm no scientist, i'm a simple thinker and have a few things i would like to test with these UP's and UA's, i am on my way out to Merope to do so as long as i can find the items i need that is lol

one of the things bugging me at the moment, I cant seem to find any chatter about the different types of scanner being used (could be i missed it), has anyone tried using the basic system scanner on the UP, it seems to produce an EMP and push back effect when scanned by an advanced system scanner, could this be due to the scanner being too powerful and in responce the probe is sending a powerfull blast back, if the basic scanner is used could this negate some of the probes EMP and push back effect allowing for a better signal to be produced/received, it might also be worth doing this test with the all the ships systems turned off apart from the power core, life support and system scanner, i will attempt to do this test for myself but as i am late to the party so to speak someone else thats already at site could perhaps test this?

Just my bobs worth ;-)

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It's been done.
I heard with arguments somewhere on forums that UA and UP is human-maded things.

There's A theory they may have been made by the missing colony ships. They've been out there for so long that if they're still alive, their technology might have evolved in a very different way from ours. But there's no evidence of that as of yet.
Yes, I've noticed it: but are we sure that 60 days ago there was no UP floating around? ;)
Perhaps they've added it later on the illegals list, to hint it a little more, as we were not finding them... who knows?

Unknown Probe were on the illegals list in 2.1 Beta and early after 2.1 release (i checked that list in Canonn institute back then. May have a screenshot too unless the cleaningbot have eaten it)

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It seems you have no luck then. I did all my tests with the UP and a free floater UA in GW-W D1-52 a couple days ago.
Moreover, I've got all my UA's and Fragments for Palin from there and one jump surrounding systems.
Sometimes they spawned rapidly, sometimes I needed to cruise far from the star for 20.000ls or more. It's random, but they spawn in every system of the bubble.

Check the FP for RedWizzard's UA Shell tool.

May very well be bad luck. Could be something with the USS spawn mechanics in general that it's more likely to spawn in certain places than others and I need to wait longer. I just wish I could get 1 to spawn without planets so I'll quit worrying about it. Think I'll spend a couple hours tonight in GW-W D1-52 just to satisfy myself.
I have been looking program which could show real time spectrogram (to be run at second monitor) from game audio while playing. I can't use stereo mix or similar so any mic-only programs (which are most from the google results) won't help here. Something with recording buffer (save last X minutes) would be nice.

I know there are programs like Virtual audio cable to simulate stereo mix but I would not go that way preferably.
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