UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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I understand that he believes it but should GalNet be promoting Hokum.

Previous articles all present information regarding Thargoids and myth in a certain way, they are written to.suggest nobody knows the truth etc.

With the suggestion that a scientist is stating something as fact then where is the evidence to back this up.

Do we therefore believe the guy to be a tin foiler with no credibility etc ??

Personally id be inclined to believe him of course but there needs to be more depth and evidence when making factoid statements.

Especially from a media outlet point of view, anything published should be presented as factual.

Leave the unfactual, political and agenda driven articles to local rags.

He is not the only scientist that regards Thargoids as a fact. Chief Xeno-Chemist Lyran Betar agrees with him:

The point is as MB has stated that we know the Thargoids exist, but the general NPC population in ED are very sceptical. They belive the egg heads babbeling about aliens are propaganda tools for more military spending.
You're now completely missing what we are saying. It is clear to us that Bentonio's comments are OPINION. The Xenobiologists comments are not clearly OPINION, but are worded as if it was a statement of fact confirming past events, which according to what we've been told, contradicts everything.

Yes this is my point.

Its not what he said but how its presented.

This sort of statement is not consistent with GalNet
I agree. I'm not seeing why this one article is any different from others that have experts and pundits making assertions about things they can't be 100% sure of.

The one thing that is clear to me is that the issue is not clear, clearly, because the debate exists. If we move past the debate existing, maybe there should be a crystal clear article that briefly points the big important events in the last 100 years or whatever on galnet, and maybe have a dev clearly state in the forums that x happened and y didn't. That for me solves the issue. I understand its kinda being done with what Drews trying to do, but arguably moving into 2.2 will be a critical point for the storyline of the game you'd expect, so it would be nice for the story so far to be clear beyond doubt and argument going into 2.2 and the story's next steps.
Found the Thargoid article, if anyone needs a refresher:

Frontier needs to add a way to search through and filter stories that doesn't involve manually scanning through every article one day at a time. have a tag system for articles. You still need to search through all the ones with tags, but they would all be on the same topic/person. tags on the right filter, though for characters its a pain cause it includes PP.
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He is not the only scientist that regards Thargoids as a fact. Chief Xeno-Chemist Lyran Betar agrees with him:

The point is as MB has stated that we know the Thargoids exist, but the general NPC population in ED are very sceptical. They belive the egg heads babbeling about aliens are propaganda tools for more military spending.

The problem with this is that without consistency we don't know what is fact or fiction.

This is a a 2 year old game as we havn't grown up in that world to know any better, nor can we discuss these things with the older generation who were around.

Its important to know the galaxy's history. Reclamation deals with recent history but there is nothing else.

This is always a problem as we as players cannot create the past we can only produce stories for the future.

We have GalNet for our historical.studies plus Reclamation.

We can find out as much historical data and articles from Earths beginings until 2016 then from there we rely on a tiny amount of information.

A simple historical guide to the galaxy is needed.

A list of previous political heavyweights, Emperors and leaders.

Timelines of scientific and space travel significances, not in super detail but just basic stuff.

If you can immerse people in storys of the past it will inspire them to create storys of the future.
Don't agree with the wording being fine, the person making the statement sure, but his wording suggests a conflict and lack of consistency as evaldo10 suggests. That is my issue. The consistency is becoming dodgy and inconsistent. The phrasing should never contradict what we have been given as fact. If a character wishes to dispute it or provide an opinion based against it, it should be clear to us that this is the case. Right now, that characters comments do not make that clear, his comments and the wording of them suggest that the storyline has changed from what we have been told as fact.

I think: the Thargoid war was about 52 years ago, & since then there have been official attempts to wipe this out of history (don't know why, but suspect the INRA mycoid virus attack would not have been publicly acceptable, possibly due to what it did to the Thargoids & maybe that's what's hidden in the F Rift), however the author of the article was supposed to be a historian so would have researched, spoken to pilots involved etc, so would have a better idea of what happened than the general population. So there may not be a real conflict in what we are being told.
I agree. I'm not seeing why this one article is any different from others that have experts and pundits making assertions about things they can't be 100% sure of.

Making a statement about something you are not 100% sure on and presenting it as fact is surely wrong.

If you have an opinion then you state its an opinion, if you present it as fact then you present the evidence ( even if that evidence is fake )

Its then up to Galnet to fact check these things and decide wether or not to publish.

If you have submitted Galnet articles then you know how many are rejected.

It should be GalNets responsibility to present these things in a way where fact and fiction or fact and opinion are clearly defined.
I think it is

It is.
How many times it happens in real life that an opinion about something is asked to two 'scientists' that work both on the same field and despite that they disagree? ;)
I mean, even if a specialist is telling us his opinion on the wreckage, that does not mean that it's the one and only opinion about it.
I'm expecting a new Galnet post soon with some other illustrious professor saying it's the wreckage of a Viper corroded by indigenous insects living on that planet.
Understand what I mean?
The Galnet post is ok.
Another matter is the need for a useful and clean history of events.
However it seems FD is trying to do it recently with all those historical articles, right?
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Slightly off topic but myself and a few others have wondered if we have some sort of "detective board". I have yet to see one and am thinking of creating one that would have multiple mysteries that would be connected by galnet articles,hints, experiments, etc, represented as lines. Solid lines for solid connections, dotted for possible/unverified connections. My question to the masses is, which application do you think would be best for creating this? Free,shareable, and maybe even peer editable. Any suggestions? I may start work on it relatively soon. Interest and input would be appreciated. Perhaps the displaying these things visually would help deciphering possible connections or potential areas to research.

I think: the Thargoid war was about 52 years ago, & since then there have been official attempts to wipe this out of history (don't know why, but suspect the INRA mycoid virus attack would not have been publicly acceptable, possibly due to what it did to the Thargoids & maybe that's what's hidden in the F Rift), however the author of the article was supposed to be a historian so would have researched, spoken to pilots involved etc, so would have a better idea of what happened than the general population. So there may not be a real conflict in what we are being told.

Is there anywhere that states this happened 52 years ago ( even some old pilot who harks on about the Thargoid wars for example )

Is there anywhere in game that talks about these events.

Most of what your talking about comes from fan fiction and Oolite stories.

The actual story of the Thargoids will be revealed ( we know they exist in a myth kind of way ) eventually but shouldn't we be taking any other prior stories with a pinch of salt for now.

These games have always been story driven but the galaxy is huge so there is room for hundreds of little stories.

Thargoids is a Galaxy wide story however. The most important thing in previous games as far as fascination is concerned.

Like I said the approach to the GalNet articles is fine but there should be more consistency and a clear approach on what is fact or opinion. What was recorded visually and what is an eye witness account with no back up etc.

Presentation needs to be key for Galnet especially when posting reports on myth or anything lacking evidence.
It is.
How many times it happens in real life that an opinion about something is asked to two 'scientists' that work both on the same field and despite that they disagree? ;)
I mean, even if a specialist is telling us his opinion on the wreckage, that does not mean that it's the one and only opinion about it.
I'm expecting a new Galnet post soon with some other illustrious professor saying it's the wreckage of a Viper corroded by indigenous insects living on that planet.
Understand what I mean?
The Galnet post is ok.
Another matter is the need for a useful and clean history of events.
However it seems FD is trying to do it recently with all those historical articles, right?

Thats it though today you may have a scientist say one thing but in the same article you will have interviews or reviews from peers either concluding or negating this proposal. Or they may want further research.

Science fact is always a conclusion from a group of the worlds scientists. Until then its science theory and presented as such.

Anyone can have their opinion or theory but uts up to Galnet to present things to us properly.

Id expect the same from the BBC or NBC or SKY etc.

Id expect a lot of crap and rhetoric and political posturing in the local news however, they certainly got that right in the game lol.
Is there anywhere that states this happened 52 years ago ( even some old pilot who harks on about the Thargoid wars for example )

Is there anywhere in game that talks about these events.... <snip>

I direct you to the original attacks of 3125 and the sudden stoppage 'Not long after'.
I further direct you to 'in the decades that followed'...
Finally to the emergence of information about the stoppage in 3250.

In other words, the Thargoid attacks likely ceased in the mid 3100's - 150 years ago, and the release of information relating to the cessation of hostilities only surfaced 52 years ago.
Is there anywhere that states this happened 52 years ago .

It didn't happen 52 years ago. All we know is that the war ended, not very long after 3125.

In FFE, the year 3151 is mentoined as the end of the war.

Whatever happened in the 3250s was not THE war. If anything happened at all, it was only a few isolated encounters.
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