UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 5 - The Canonn

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Okay here goes with my spreadsheet.

Pleiades Planetary Landing Data

I've opened it up for editing so please be nice and don't graffiti on it. :)
I've locked off certain areas, but the main area for making changes should be available to everyone.
If you want to add any other systems and planets to the sheet, add them on the bottom below row 308.
I've got the data validations going up to 500 right now, but I might increase that to 1000 just for the hell of it.

System name (as it appears on Galaxy Map)
Object name (as it appears on System Map)
Type (Star,Black Hole,Gas Giant,Earth-like,Ammonia,Water,Metal-rich,High Metal Content,Rocky,Icy)
Landable (Yes,No)
Tidally Locked (Yes,No)
Gravity (numeric)
Landing CMDR name

The Materials section is based on the 3/2/1 rule for material availability on planets.
3 from Common (Arsenic,Chromium,Germanium,Manganese,Selenium,Vanadium,Zinc,Zirconium)
2 from Rare (Cadmium,Mercury,Molybdenum,Niobium,Tin,Tungsten)
1 from Very Rare (Antimony,Polonium,Ruthenium,Technetium,Tellurium,Yttrium)

I would like to contribute :) please allow me access :D

Moving to there now!

No problem. Good luck. It was only the second distress call I'd been to. The first one just looked like a salvageable wreck. Guess I got there too late or something. For yesterday's, it was about halfway between Atlas A and Atlas B. It was a good ways out in SC. Not entirely sure what was going on in the distress, because I didn't have time to look around. There were about 6 ships and half of them had their hardpoints deployed and were firing on me as soon as I dropped in.
Okay here goes with my spreadsheet.

Pleiades Planetary Landing Data

I've opened it up for editing so please be nice and don't graffiti on it. :)
I've locked off certain areas, but the main area for making changes should be available to everyone.
If you want to add any other systems and planets to the sheet, add them on the bottom below row 308.
I've got the data validations going up to 500 right now, but I might increase that to 1000 just for the hell of it.

System name (as it appears on Galaxy Map)
Object name (as it appears on System Map)
Type (Star,Black Hole,Gas Giant,Earth-like,Ammonia,Water,Metal-rich,High Metal Content,Rocky,Icy)
Landable (Yes,No)
Tidally Locked (Yes,No)
Gravity (numeric)
Landing CMDR name

The Materials section is based on the 3/2/1 rule for material availability on planets.
3 from Common (Arsenic,Chromium,Germanium,Manganese,Selenium,Vanadium,Zinc,Zirconium)
2 from Rare (Cadmium,Mercury,Molybdenum,Niobium,Tin,Tungsten)
1 from Very Rare (Antimony,Polonium,Ruthenium,Technetium,Tellurium,Yttrium)

Here's mine if you want to use some data from it Zenith.
Not planning to be as specific as yours so no worries I hope.
No problem. Good luck. It was only the second distress call I'd been to. The first one just looked like a salvageable wreck. Guess I got there too late or something. For yesterday's, it was about halfway between Atlas A and Atlas B. It was a good ways out in SC. Not entirely sure what was going on in the distress, because I didn't have time to look around. There were about 6 ships and half of them had their hardpoints deployed and were firing on me as soon as I dropped in.

there's one witha guy outta fuel.... thats the one that i want..
I'm making a google spreadsheet of Systems within the Pleiades nebula

any information is valuable! if you have a bit of data I can add, be sure to pm me!

That leads to the question, what defines a system as being in a nebula? Being very close or completely surrounded by nebula gas cloud? If close is good enough how close? I note that a lot of the systems people are looking at are not actually in the gas cloud. Does that matter?

As well Master Brookes pointed us to look within nebula in general. As I happened to be by Veil Nebula West I'm searching in one suitable system to try to find a barnacle spawn while not expecting a deliberately placed one.
Veil West Sector DL-Y D68.png

What is the opinion on when planetary POI's spawn, on entering orbital cruise?

Veil Nebula West soon to be the home of the latest of 4 Quadrants exclusive resort, hotel and luxury condo and time shares Sham ol' Shark.
The perfect place for Honoured Imperials to house their less than reputable relations in suitable style like Kensington Palace on Old Earth.
Satisfy Noblesse Oblige in everyway.
Right..... when looking at a planet in map view and can see the grid lines of longitude and latitude and then rotate the planet slowly you can see the rings of morse... so I manipulate the planet for maximum amount of rings then you have your sight centered over a spot... I have figured each line of longitude approx 12 degree. Latitude approx 10 degree I can put down at a given location... Sorry for short reply using my phone .... now in game.... will be on TS in 20 mins or so....o7
Are you online today? do you have any of the ships below that have not been done yet if so then please get in touch with me here or in game (Stimpy)
If you dont know what i am doing asking please go to the post on page 8 of this thread (No5) all will be explained.

Asp - DONE Thank you cmdr Timsk
Asp Scout
Clipper - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy
Cobra - DONE Thank you cmdr Unrealization
Diamondback Scout
Diamondback Explorer - DONE Thank you cmdr Monkey D Luffy
Fedral Dropship
Fer De Lance
Viper mkIII
Viper mkVI
(sidewinder still undecided if it is worth doing)
I thank all in advance for your help and time.
I am at Merope but can be anywhere is needed.
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I'm looking to jump in and participate in the ongoing efforts... especially scouring planet surfaces. Been quite inactive for a while due to a new baby in the household... figured scouring planets in between diaper changes HAHA will be low enough impact, and is easy enough to step away from on short notice. Combat zones, Hazres, or smuggling is just not compatible with such a situation ;P

I have a lot of catching-up to do to figure out what the heck is going on though. No idea what the core focus of things is these days.

Gearing up my Python and heading out from the bubble hopefully tonight. I'm not after max jump range, but I'd like some core combat/defense capabilities while carrying some 4 SRV's for spare. Hey, if a hostile Thargoid does rear his ugly mandibles, I want to be able to deploy the gimballed RAID can and Turreted Fly Swatter.
While adding to this spreadsheet it strikes me just how similar all of the moons of Meropes planets are, the vast majority are tidally locked, all that I have data for are between 0.1 and 0.2g surface gravity, and they are all rocky.
It feels like if Barnacles are some living creature and if they are in Merope then those are likely the perfect environment for them.
Hey there. Got all the ship except for faction ones, from which I only have the imperial clipper and courrier. Need some help ?
Yes please. are you on at the mo? if so add me and i will make me way over to where ever you are.
Do you have all of your ships in the one place?
Yes please. are you on at the mo? if so add me and i will make me way over to where ever you are.
Do you have all of your ships in the one place?
If you still haven't scanned a Vulture by 7PM GMT I'll volunteer mine. I should also have the available credit balance to fill out MOST of the lower-tier ships you're missing.
Yes please. are you on at the mo? if so add me and i will make me way over to where ever you are.
Do you have all of your ships in the one place?

Slarty, wouldn't finding one of the many pirates in the Maia system and disabling their drives be a bit faster ?
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Slarty, wouldn't finding one of the many pirates in the Maia system and disabling their drives be a bit faster ?
yes but its hard not to have them tumble, also finding a pirate with just the right ship would take longer i think

If you still haven't scanned a Vulture by 7PM GMT I'll volunteer mine. I should also have the available credit balance to fill out MOST of the lower-tier ships you're missing.
BTW you posted that at 8:20pm gmt
yes please still not had a chance to do a Vulture.
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That leads to the question, what defines a system as being in a nebula? Being very close or completely surrounded by nebula gas cloud? If close is good enough how close? I note that a lot of the systems people are looking at are not actually in the gas cloud. Does that matter?

As well Master Brookes pointed us to look within nebula in general. As I happened to be by Veil Nebula West I'm searching in one suitable system to try to find a barnacle spawn while not expecting a deliberately placed one.

What is the opinion on when planetary POI's spawn, on entering orbital cruise?

Veil Nebula West soon to be the home of the latest of 4 Quadrants exclusive resort, hotel and luxury condo and time shares Sham ol' Shark.
The perfect place for Honoured Imperials to house their less than reputable relations in suitable style like Kensington Palace on Old Earth.
Satisfy Noblesse Oblige in everyway.

POIs seems to spawn in drop and not OC
I would do checks after collecting all this data as to whether it collides with the cloud of the nebula.
Right now I'm limiting distance from merope to 50LY of data.
I find that <20LY from merope is roughly all stars that collide with the cloud are 'part of the nebula'.
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yes but its hard not to have them tumble, also finding a pirate with just the right ship would take longer i think

Killing a power plant doesn't disable the maneuvering thrusters of those ships, which means they stop on the spot and can't shoot back, just tell me if you feel like doing that.

(Also I do believe there is a High RES in Maia and since it's lawless it means that if we find a civi T9 we can shoot him into submission without repercussions)
Killing a power plant doesn't disable the maneuvering thrusters of those ships, which means they stop on the spot and can't shoot back, just tell me if you feel like doing that.

(Also I do believe there is a High RES in Maia and since it's lawless it means that if we find a civi T9 we can shoot him into submission without repercussions)
HMMM when ever ive shot the power plant things go boom, it has been a while since i shot at things has it changed?
Does sound more fun though :D
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