UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 5 - The Canonn

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Decided to join the hunt for the barnicles. Its a needle if a haystack the size of many planets, so the more people we have searching the better the chances.

I have some questions (sorry if they have been answered before).

1) Are there any parts of the UA signals that have not been decoded yet?

2) I understand UA point to Merope. What happens when they are released in Merope?

3) Are there any ammonia worlds among the seven sisters that have moons or associated airless worlds we can investigate? I understand that there is a chance that the UA are not associated with Thargoids, but worth checking out.

4) Any extra clues we have from in game stuff? Like NPC comms or missions?

For the nonce, i'm just checking out the moons of Merope, since that seems the most likely (and therefore probably completely wrong :p).

1) I'm not 100% sure about this. Rizal or RedWizzard or one of the other "elders" will probably be able to tell you with more certainty.

2) It points to the system star.

3) It's a large enough area that I assume so, but I don't know for sure.

4) There have been clues like Galnet postings about station malfunctions and missions to find meta-alloys, which are associated with barnacles. But so far we haven't made any groundbreaking discoveries based on those hints. At the moment the biggest hint we have had recently was from Michael Brookes himself, telling us that barnacles were likely to be found in Nebulae, specially the one containing the Seven Sisters (Pleiades), and that they can be found in planets.
@Panzertard, I posted your thoughts earlier on the last thread see below...

I am going to put some effort into this tonight, I have an idea on how to "Read the rings" and hopefully extrapolate into Co-ordinates
If your about I will let you know if I find anything ..o7

We don't need any more hints, we need hard work.
Some "Old time" Canonn team may have rage quit..... and some may already be back with new identities as we had to hide them from the Tharogoids;)
We are all Missing something............
in the name of open science which is Canonn policy, Panzer noted something last night that needs further investigation.
When you view a planet in the system map you see it represented as a sphere with squares, longitude and latitude. Easy enough
Zoom out a little and you see "Rings" around the planet
Look closely they are broken rings, and look like "...-----..-----" is Morse encoded in the rings ????
Then rotate and tilt the planet, you can either get rid of the rings OR get loads of rings !!!
Keep following .....
If you get loads of rings and each ring contained Morse for a set of co-ordinates ???????
could this be the key to pin pointing a SSI (Site of Scientific Interest) aka "Barnacles" :eek:
How many rings needed for a fix ? 4 maybe ?
Haw many rings can you get ?
Working in RL today and will be testing theory tonight, In the mean time Sub Commander Outspan should be in game later
and on the hunt, she has a habit of finding things ;):p
Fly safe commanders and fly with Patience...o7

Ok that's a bit different, i am in game in an hour or so will have a look at that.

Decided to join the hunt for the barnicles. Its a needle if a haystack the size of many planets, so the more people we have searching the better the chances.

I have some questions (sorry if they have been answered before).

1) Are there any parts of the UA signals that have not been decoded yet?

2) I understand UA point to Merope. What happens when they are released in Merope?

3) Are there any ammonia worlds among the seven sisters that have moons or associated airless worlds we can investigate? I understand that there is a chance that the UA are not associated with Thargoids, but worth checking out.

4) Any extra clues we have from in game stuff? Like NPC comms or missions?

For the nonce, i'm just checking out the moons of Merope, since that seems the most likely (and therefore probably completely wrong :p).

1. the sounds they make we are not sure, but the pictures yes there is more to get out of them and i will be back on that one very shortly as flying upside down above a planet for most of yesterday may have damaged my brain so i need a lil break from it.
Decided to join the hunt for the barnicles. Its a needle if a haystack the size of many planets, so the more people we have searching the better the chances.

I have some questions (sorry if they have been answered before).

1) Are there any parts of the UA signals that have not been decoded yet?

2) I understand UA point to Merope. What happens when they are released in Merope?

3) Are there any ammonia worlds among the seven sisters that have moons or associated airless worlds we can investigate? I understand that there is a chance that the UA are not associated with Thargoids, but worth checking out.

4) Any extra clues we have from in game stuff? Like NPC comms or missions?

For the nonce, i'm just checking out the moons of Merope, since that seems the most likely (and therefore probably completely wrong :p).

There's an ammonia world nearby at Pleiades sector RO-Q B5-0 10 (also two water worlds).

I checked all the B class 'sister' stars and didn't see any actually in those systems.

If I should guess, I would say that the 'barnacle scene' is on the same planet as the 'Intro Sunrise'.

Don't take my word for it :cool:

Edit: Not all scenes are from the same system. There is also a binary blue star system.

I spent most of last Sunday trying to analyse the Horizons launch trailer (lores from UTube) for clues to the Barnacle location. I even got a ruler & tried to estimate the apparent diameter (on my display screen) & apparent size of "known" objects (some of the various ships shown) to see if I could get to a distance estimation of the planets from the local stars (I got distracted & discouraged so didn't take it that far). I could well be wrong in various aspects (especially the star types) but here 'tis for anyone if its any help

View attachment 93361

Just lurking...

I did bring biscuits though! <ducks>
Decided to join the hunt for the barnicles. Its a needle if a haystack the size of many planets, so the more people we have searching the better the chances.

I have some questions (sorry if they have been answered before).

1) Are there any parts of the UA signals that have not been decoded yet?

2) I understand UA point to Merope. What happens when they are released in Merope?

3) Are there any ammonia worlds among the seven sisters that have moons or associated airless worlds we can investigate? I understand that there is a chance that the UA are not associated with Thargoids, but worth checking out.

4) Any extra clues we have from in game stuff? Like NPC comms or missions?

For the nonce, i'm just checking out the moons of Merope, since that seems the most likely (and therefore probably completely wrong :p).

Yay more fluff is always a welcome sight on any thread :)
I personally think there is more the UA's have not told us, since I cannot see any other way for us to find these things outside of sheer manpower leading to blind luck. Unfortunately my attempts at analyzing the sounds did not lead to anything, I am awful at understanding their morse (though Rizal reassures me he's dropped them on every planet in the 7 sisters and they all just called back the planets name) and there were no messages hidden when examined in a spectrogram on a planets surface.
I do feel like they are pointing us to Merope and saying "we want you to find something here" simply because they are communicating in a human language, and therefore should have more to tell us to aid in our discovery. Problems is that is just a baseless theory and there are plenty of other baseless theories that are just as viable!
Can UA Scan cargo? if we have Meta-Alloy they will know?
Maybe. The do scan you, but haven't reacted to any cargo yet. They might also react to having meta-alloy in the hold with them, or something crafted from meta-alloys. No one knows yet. First step is to find one. ;)
Ah, cheers, yes I noticed it.
It's definitively worth to have a look at, although I can't see any patterns there myself.

Image courtesy Kalearne:

I tried to explore the ground beneath intersections of the banding. It proved... challenging. The bands disappear when rotated to be between your POV and the planet making it almost impossible to confirm you've lined up.
Interesting about the meta-alloys, will be interesting to see the result of a UA together with that.

Thanks to everyone who has answered my questions. I think therefore for the moment, lacking further ideas or clues, i'm going to keep focusing my efforts in Merope.

One thing i'm doing is mainly looking for POIs within craters, on the assumption that the barnacles did not make a controlled landing. Could be completely off target here, but don't have a better idea.

Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-74 is within the nebula and has plenty of snowballs to land on.. I just {redacted} HATE driving on ice so I'm off somewhere else

EDIT - need snow tires
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guys i have another report : sterope II system is also empty its just a binary star system so dont investigate this system for barnacles
So nobody has found a Meta alloy yet, right?

Nope, and I expect there would've been a galnet post the moment someone did. I'm slowly exploring around Merope with an active mission to find meta-alloys, but having no luck thus far. I'm still hoping they spawn in PoIs and that they are just very rare, because otherwise I have no idea what to do.
Good job there's at least a basic sumary in the first post, thanks for that.

I'm an avid reader but although this topic has piqued my interest each time I've stumbled across it, as a relatively new player the fact that there are 30,000 posts on the matter (even if each post was only 10 words long, that would equate to two decent sized novels) gives the impression that getting up to speed with it in any kind of detail would be an exercise in futility.
I have been on Atlas B3 and got normal crash site POI. If you fly lower than 1.6km from the surface the blue areas fade away. 2-3km seems to be a sweet spot to see them properly.
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