Seriously, this is explained at least once in every single one of all the earlier threads.
Said Morse is not 'actual' Morse, but a stylised version of it. People with knowledge of actual Morse didn't figure it out from the start. It most certainly isn't the clear dit-dah noises, but a sort of wip-warp-HONK type of noise.
People please, at least go through the trouble of listening to the original sound clips before you dismiss it as 'just morse'. Better yet, go and find a UA and stare at it blankly, trying to make out what it's saying.
Just to add some context here, there's always been some varying definition of "morse" about the UA. Let's start with some definitions:
- The UA "purrs" are the periodic noises (which sound like horn blasts sped up) heard while the UA appears "unlit".
- The UA "Honk" (or Whale Noise) is the prolonged noise which occurs when the UA transitions from "unlit" to "lit"
- The UA "Chitter" is the clicking noises heard while the UA is lit up
Now the definitions are out of the way, the different things people sometimes refer to as "Morse"
- The "official" morse is what was discovered by the community (and myself) within the "chitter" of the UA. This used to be the name of the nearest celestial body encoded into morse, but transmits a wireframe of the nearest (?) ship. This was initially "disproven" by a lot of people within the community, especially by people who pushed the chitter into "morse detection" software, which failed to find the morse. This is because of two factors, which combine to make the morse somewhat stylised:
* Dit's and Dah's are actually high pitch and low pitch tones of equal "length", whereas traditional morse dits and dahs have the same pitch, but different length.
* Each morse "letter" actually has two variants, one longer and one shorter, which has been verified (though I won't explain how for <reasons>)
- The "purrs" have long thought to contain some sort of code, but nobody has ever discovered anything which represents a reliable pattern. This has been very heavily analysed since the beginning of the UA plot arc. In my own opinion, it's been over-analysed, and is simply an idle "heartbeat" though this is purely my own speculation.
- There's been a claim that there's a constant morse signal of "VID8" in the background whine of the UA. Multiple people have claimed to hear it, though any meaning behind it has never been found. My own opinion again, but I believe this to just be coincidence and the result of over-analysis, again just my own speculation though.
So basically, the UA's have been proven to emit morse in the chitter, but no other reliable "message" has been discerned from any other part of the UA signal. To date, I don't think anything reliable has been discerned from the Barnacles either, though morse has been a starting point due to it's obvious connections, both in terms of noise and plot, to the UAs.
Just for some extra context, it took me one night (8pm-1am, I enjoy this kinda thing) of examining the UAs to hypothesise that there was morse in the chitter, but I neither had a UA nor the time and space to create my own samples and "prove" this. This hypothesis wasn't welcomed at the time, but when a few more people started getting UAs and produced some more samples, I hypothesised it was morse via a different method in one night's work again. What took weeks of effort was convincing people who were certain it wasn't morse, that it actually was, and supporting others who had UAs in contributing to proving it was morse.
Once the morse changed from the nearest celestial body to the ship wireframe, it took another CMDR a week or so to discover. Point being, if nothing else been found in the UA noise in over a year of it being in the game, it's very unlikely that there's anything else to it at this stage. But again, just my opinion.