Undersized/oversized Modules

When I look at what was so great about engineering, I think of the c5 shield cutter. Via a work around to the mass limitation of a module that allowed greater utilization of the rest of the ship for other things, cargo or scb’s etc... Sadly its gone now but I honestly think, that is the route engineering should’ve went. Quite frankly, engineering is all about putting the damn square peg in the round whole and not, “it cant be done” but “how.”

I don’t quite like the c1-4 gun types but more or less I did like the underlying attributed mass/power draw standards that seem already present within each size catagory instead. Say you overcharged a medium multicannon with increased power and heat generation but at the cost of extra mass, aka the proverbial extra cooling or capaciter draw mechanizms etc, so now you’ve basically got yourself a large multicannon that will no longer fit in the medium but...maybe medium class better energy/heat efficiency to dps or simply the large multicannon dps without the large multicannons annoyingly long spinnup delay. Who knows. I’d kill for large multi’s with the spinnup delay of the mediums or smalls in a heatbeat! just sayin.

Same can be said about putting say, large weapon in smaller slot. Example maybe, Advanced Plasma Accelerator onto medium slot. True, might sacrifice alot of dps to the point where your left with a true or even slightly weaker than medium plasma accelerator to do it... but the unique quality of the rapid fire of the faction weapon was retained and can now be utilized by ships that were too unfortunate to have the luxury of the large slots with good convergence in the first place.

I always thought the imperial clipper given its horrendous convergence could’ve used large sized missiles on its wings and been more of a hit and run bomber than a straightup laser brawler. Unfortunately, there is no large missile rack ingame and it would normally be too much to waste of a perfectly good large slot on a undersized weapon. Say... even without any dps increase at all over medium rack for balance but maybe you got 96 missiles out of each of your large slots because of enhanced carrying capacity over the original 100% bonus of class 5 engineering...to double it further at a sacrfice of its medium size catagory. Wouldn’t that suddenly fix that annoying problem with missiles not even being viable in say bounty haz/res or cz fights and alao help one of the many under utilized ships compensate for its own weaknesses.

True, totally ground for exploitation that and about everything in engineering has been full of exploitation since it started. Atleast this can be a step that could alloy more divercity settups and viability in the under utilized ships because of the missfortune in their bad layouts or designs. The game can be too cookie cutter at times and this could break the mold a bit. If I pick a fight with damn cobra mk4 and he has @%^}*\ out of nowhere! I think thats a game worth playing :)

Thoughts and balance concerns would be appreciated because I’m sure this idea would have a million things to concider. I just like the direction, impentation however may be a giant balancing act away.
IIRC sandro said it was something that they are going to look in to, and would certainly like to try to implement in the future. the bit about secondary effects like optimal mass on the 5A shields for example anyway
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