Update 11 - Finishing Touches (Are you sitting comfortably?)

Bruce G

Greetings Commanders,

Some issues have been detected in our final round of checks before the launch of Update 11. Therefore we're taking extra time to apply fixes and moving the release to next week. Apologies for the further delay, but we trust what's coming will have you on the edge of your seat.


Really, when you announce something that is delayed without announcing anything beforehand, you are exposed, then you say that it is released the following week, then that it is delayed a few days, then that you aim to release it at the end of the week, now the following week.. What do you play, you kid us, you laugh at us, for this grotesque excuse one after another you were better off keeping quiet and you would have announced it when it was really ready, so we can't take you seriously as a company.
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