Update 11 - Release Date Change

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Thanks for the update, I'd definitely prefer it to be delayed for a week or two and be right than pushed out in the "expected Feb sometime" window and be flakey. Personally, I can't wait to sit in a fleet carrier and watch the jump, the soundscape it already generates for jumps is epic enough. The visuals to go with it well, I'm hoping they're just as awesome!
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Does it matter at this point? If they said sometime in Feb, then they missed it. We now have a new target date, March 8th. It's possible they'll miss that one too, but it's more info than we had yesterday.
Missing a promised patch update by literally as few days is nothing. Its the littany of things which are promised and never materialise which is the problem.

I`m still waiting for the update on the issue tracker promised by the OP for July 2021.
I`m also waiting on the update on the engineering process the OP promised for January
Rubbernuke is still waiting on the powerplay update promised by the OP over a year ago
I`m sure there are countless others we could post. Perhaps we should have a "Promise Tracker" thread ?

If you have no intention of delivering something, why promise it? All you are doing is annoying customers for no good reason.
Missing a promised patch update by literally as few days is nothing. Its the littany of things which are promised and never materialise which is the problem.

I`m still waiting for the update on the issue tracker promised by the OP for July 2021.
I`m also waiting on the update on the engineering process the OP promised for January
Rubbernuke is still waiting on the powerplay update promised by the OP over a year ago
I`m sure there are countless others we could post. Perhaps we should have a "Promise Tracker" thread ?

If you have no intention of delivering something, why promise it? All you are doing is annoying customers for no good reason.
an extra few days for dev kind of implies 0 days for testing. At least the game is consistent there. With all of the uncertainty from cancelled communications and what not recently, there is something comforting in sustained routine.
Gosh.. damn near put out a hip with such a herculean effort there I reckon. Don't overstretch yourselves ok!

Still, glad you're alive. Update 11 will once again be judged on how well it runs.
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