Update 13, Narrative and Access to 4.0

Hi all,

We have just published the following article to our news page on the website and encourage you to have a read!

Please feel free to leave any thoughts down below and we'll do our best to answer any questions.

Hi, thanks for the news post, its getting noticable cleaner and more straightforward to read lately.
Few obvious questions that will arise that others will also be asking.
  • Can Horizons and Odyssey players instance together now in compatible areas considering they are sharing roughly the same game now?
  • Will Horizons players be able to see Odysesy commander flair now? (since this shows in the friends avatars as well)
  • Can Horizons players visit Odyssey settlements? The list mentions non-teneous planetary settlements, but reguarding the above,
the real question is if you can see on-foot players or NPCs, its a bit odd to be in the same place but not be able to interact.
  • Will CQC matchmaking be merged? Since they are essentially the same game now?
  • Are the new biologicals included in this? And do the old ones remain? People are understandably annoyed that there is no very few real replacements for getting some of the more rare elemental materials.
Side comment.
things like (Between Players on the same version) is ambigious.
it's not clear whether you mean, Horizons or Odyssey. or 4.0 and vs 3.8 vs 4.0.

"On-Foot POI" is confusing because settlements are loosely considered a POI by the game. But you can visit those.
but no other POIs (presumably randomally generated ones).

Station concourses and fleet carriers interiors is implied by not having on-foot.
though it's confusing whether you can see through the window and see the little people running out or not. not that it should matter to anyone.

Edit List.
  • I'm pretty sure people are confused whether they can log back into Horizons to fix issues the basic game should be mostly stable now and
you should still be able to enter orbit by going to Elite (without Horizons) or with Horizons. That's probably helpful to clarify.
  • It's been pointed out that VR in Odyssey is just drastically worse, reguardless of using new features of not.
Considering the need to continue developing the game I'm not sure anything can be done about it aside from commenting on what the developers
want and are trying to achieve with VR. Non-horizons Elite should still exist but that is an inferior experience I think.
  • - I personally just remembered there is 1 single missing feature from Horizons that Odyssey still does not have, plants aside. There is no fleet carrier map mode.
Current there is not a single way in the entire of the Elite community to find fleet carriers. The eddb goes out of date very quickly with carriers and it leads to a
very frustrating experience. It's a lot of good workable stations for people in niche corners of the galaxy that they just cannot find. I've still not heard anything about it.
  • Performance is a really common concern I'm seeing.
    I don't necessarily agree its a problem since Horizons-esqe gameplay is fairly stable and performance these days, there's not too much you can do about people with really old hardware but there is still Elite (without Horizons) that's playable. People have mentioned freezing 3.8 and letting people play that but I don't know if that's really a good idea. The concerns may be skewed by the reports of bad performance (only around settlements) and delayed updates from the improved performance since alpha.
  • People have also mentioned that they can't mix certain accessories like glasses with oddysey suits. Which is understandable I guess. But not sure how its relevant to a Horizons merge.
  • Some people were wondering how much, if any of the Azimuth narrative would be locked to Odyssey gameplay. and if that will be the for future strory content.
  • Performance keeps coming up again so its worth reiterating, because some people say that "can't" run Odyssey.
    I'm assuming this is intolerable performance as oppose to literally missing computer specs that prevents them from booting the game.
    I think this is mainly due to the higher minimum graphics settings, for a consistent visual experience and... Possibly reused graphics calculations in gameplay.
    Namely shadows can't be turned completely off in Oddysey, I'm assuming this is primarily used for planet surface temperature calculations but I don't think this is that
    important in Horizons (among other things). Maybe something to do look into.
    Also everybody forgot to mention that Odyssey has gotten AMD FelidityFX Super Resolution now and it does improve performance a lot. Not everybody likes it and it doesn't help performance in settlements that much. But it's worth re-iterating because I think people forget it exists.
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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Except... now you'll have two groups of players experiencing daily CTDs instead of one lol (hope the QA team have enough coffee)

A number of stability issues are being addressed as part of Update 13. It won't be long until we can follow up with more information on expectations here.

We're collecting all of the current questions coming out of this thread, just to let you know and will be with you asap o7
Very interesting, thanks for the update!
I have two questions:
1) Does this mean that for PC players, access to 'horizons' planet tech will no longer be possible?
2) Does this mean that PC horizons and Odyssey players will be able to see each other in game again? and does this include when Odyssey players are on foot?
While The Great Folding initiates, I shall do the Great Unfolding™ of my chair to watch the shenanigans er....unfold.

Of the bug reports you have about "game stops writing Journal file" are any of them for the PC Horizons client? The impression we EDCD folks have is that this has only affected the Odyssey 4.0 clients, and as such this "everyone gets 4.0" change will mean all PC users will potentially be affected by this.
Hi all,

We have just published the following article to our news page on the website and encourage you to have a read!

Please feel free to leave any thoughts down below and we'll do our best to answer any questions.

To allow as many players as possible to experience the new narrative and gameplay elements, we intend to give all PC players access to version 4.0, at no additional cost, while keeping the upgrade to Odyssey optional.

Does that mean that Horizons 3.8 will be discontinued and not available anymore?
<Looks at the two branches of code for HCS Voicepacks>

gulp and YAY. but gulp.
Better roll up my sleeves and prepare to merge them back into one codebase now!

Good news is that it will make it MUCH easier to deploy code updates now for the packs as I don't have to make the changes in two separate branches and regression test BOTH before each release.

Scratch that.

Horizons Vanilla is staying put and we're getting an ADDITIONAL scoop of Horizons Vanilla with choc chip as well as the existing Double choc chip choc Odyssey.
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