Update 18.02 | Wednesday 10th April

After playing around with this a bit, I really love the concept of it. It is great in really short bursts and I can see how it would be very useful for blockade running and escaping gravity wells quickly.

The only problem I have with it is the extremely low jump range. I'd love to use it to get to the more distant titans faster and with fewer interdictions but my single hop to T. OYA from my carrier has turned into 7 unless I swap one of my HRPs with a 5H FSD booster. Of course, then I have power issues not to mention that booster will get chewed up in thargoid controlled space requiring repair with my MRP before I can easily return to my carrier.

Still going to try it out after fiddling with my build a bit. We'll see if the tradeoffs are worth it.

I'm hoping we have another CG that enables engineering and/or availability on additional FSD classes.

Edit: 1H FSD booster brings me to 2 jumps and better power which should be acceptable. Tradeoffs.

Edit2: Oh, and better make sure one has enough fuel left to jump to an uncontrolled system within jump range without the FSD booster so it can be repaired. Might just be more efficient to just self destruct back to the carrier after bombing runs are complete.

Edit 3: spoke too soon...1H gets me to 4 jumps...galmap didn't update correctly after switching from 3H.
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Issue Tracker:
  • Fixed being unable to add an experimental effect to pre-engineered 5A FSD modules (Issue ID 63452)
  • Fixed mission icon not displaying on commodity markets for Delivery missions (Issue ID 63464)
  • Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device (Issue ID 1763)
  • Fixed Reboot/Restore missions sending players to an already online settlement (Issue ID 57596)
    • Known Issue: We are aware of issues with the revenant variant of this mission spawning and are currently investigating
We would need more customization in the game keys. for example having a key for each drone of the multidrone. Being able to enter the engineering or carrier menu with a single key. View the cargo hold with a single key. etc....
Fitted the new SCO module, get into SC and then toggle your normal boost button (note, toggle, not hold!) - I did something like 20k ls in barely any time along with heat in the 400s! With a sink immediately before boosting, I got to 150 heat while under 'protection' from the sink but covered a lot of ground. I can see it being useful for cargo hauling to avoid interdiction and for AX to avoid endless interdictions but you'll need to synth sinks most likely. Uses a lot of fuel!

Lost about 1/3 jump against my fully engineered A FSD (not the enhanced one though)

Got to Oya (6k ls) in about 1 to 1.5 mins (from leaving hyperspace to dropping out of SC in the caustic cloud). No interdictions though still got hyperdicted travelling to the system

I'll be keeping it on my Titan fighting shp - it's a good addition for that at least as it was a drag getting back to the Titan each time I needed to reload.
The update seems to have changed colours in the fss view

Water worlds show as blue, I remember them being red; icy worlds show as light cyan, but weren't they previously yellow?

Example screenshot (I don't have any mods, hud colours or otherwise, installed)


An improvement, IMO!
I bought one for my combat corvette. My home base is Trinh Terminal (Tsondama), and since the class 6 is not available there, I moseyed down to Jameson Memorial.

Put it on, flew out, and as soon as I could, hit boost. MAN! I could only boost for a few seconds, due to heat quickly rising to 97% (G5 armoured power plant), but... incredible burst of speed.

I hit a snag, however, when I tried to fly home. The route could not be plotted. Admittedly, the range has dropped from just over 17 lys to just over 7 lys... so, went to the galaxy map, clicked the option of short jumps -- no dice. No matter what I did, I could not plot a route to Tsondama.

I'm currently docked in a system 3.6 lys from Jameson Memorial, waiting for my engineered 6A FSD. I'm left wondering whether it's simply not possible to go from Tsondama to Shinrarta Dezhra with a range of 7 lys, or whether this is some kind of glitch...
I won't get to have a go at this till later on this evening Texas time, but I have a question; has anyone used this in conjunction with selecting a wing member with nav-lock drop enabled yet? If so, is it possible to use as a means to scramble to someone's location?
Well, after swapping out one of my 3D HRPs for a 3H FSDB, I get two jumps to OYA which is acceptable and the boost is definitely helpful for getting to the maelstrom with fewer interdictions (only two). Additionally, once you are close enough to line up the maelstrom, you can boost right into that sucker quickly and it drops you on the edge just like normal but with more hull damage (10% on my heavily armored Krait).

So far, I think the tradeoffs are worth it. More testing needed, though.

EDIT: It looks like boost dropping into the maelstrom does do quite a bit of damage to the FSD itself. I was at 68% health on the FSD while my other modules were ~98%. Some of that will be due to heat damage as I let it get over 100% on one of my bursts. On further testing, it looks like the FSD is affected by heat damage at the same rate as the other modules so most of that damage does seem to be from the high speed drop. Will test more.
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The update seems to have changed colours in the fss view

Water worlds show as blue, I remember them being red; icy worlds show as light cyan, but weren't they previously yellow?

An improvement, IMO!
Odyssey somehow managed to swap the blue and red colour channels on the FSS view, so a nice little undocumented fix if they're now back to what they're supposed to be.

EDIT: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/47948
I wish all you moaners and groaners would get a life. Space is big—it will always be big—and getting from A to B takes time. This is a space simulation game, not a video game. I love this game, and I will never get rid of it. I also find it very relaxing, and heck, I even watch the TV sometimes while playing it—obviously not when in combat, though. So I am glad they didn't introduce instant travel, for that go play Starfield!
Personally, I'd never have implemented any of those things and would remove them all from the game if were within my power to do so. I've always been a proponent of the kinds of gameplay that can only exist when there are firm logistical constraints.
And there are. Engineering requires gathering materials and obtaining upgrades off engineers. Guardian FSD boosters require you to recover things from alien sites. Synthesis requires you to carry the needed materials. Not every star system has a neutron star. Fleet carriers require ages to jump and need the range to carry your belongings across the bubble. And of course, SCO generates a ton of heat and uses a lot of fuel.

Just eat your convenience.
The "it doesn't bother me, so why should it be improved?" isn't really your argument, is it?
That's actually the main response to literally anything proposed in the "suggestions" forum :ROFLMAO:

I think this new module is neat, I'm glad it's not just some "objectively better than everything else" type module. Trade-offs and all that, would be cool to see more engineering options or tweaks down the line though as others have mentioned, maybe it plays nice with the new ship, etc. etc.
I wish all you moaners and groaners would get a life. Space is big—it will always be big—and getting from A to B takes time. This is a space simulation game, not a video game. I love this game, and I will never get rid of it. I also find it very relaxing, and heck, I even watch the TV sometimes while playing it—obviously not when in combat, though. So I am glad they didn't introduce instant travel, for that go play Starfield!

This is totally true, instant travel would really suck. Breaking lightspeed has always been one of those rules that makes the 1:1 galaxy playable at all though so I think FDev have knocked it out of the park with this mechanic.

Not only can you see more trade/message runs per hour trade off against more repair costs per run it's just seat of your pants fun. Somehow they've managed to make accelerated travel feel a bit like this ..... ?
This is totally true, instant travel would really suck. Breaking lightspeed has always been one of those rules that makes the 1:1 galaxy playable at all though so I think FDev have knocked it out of the park with this mechanic.

Not only can you see more trade/message runs per hour trade off against more repair costs per run it's just seat of your pants fun. Somehow they've managed to make accelerated travel feel a bit like this ..... ?
Hahahaha, so true. Laughed my pants off.
I think there needs to be an indication of how long until the boost cooldown expires. I'd probably like a bit shorter cooldown but it's fine. That fuel consumption is rough, though. By the time I've traveled the 6kly to OYA using three short bursts keeping my heat below 100%, I've used 50% of my 5C tank (32t). That's going to be murder heading to HADAD at 38.5kls.

I suspect the fuel rats will be fairly busy soon.

Edit: I'd need fewer bursts to get there quickly if this thing helped prevent interdictions.
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