Update 18.04 | Python MK II

Anyone else having issues getting in? The above links to the patch notes are not working for me, and even Frontier's Elite Dangerous page won't load...
I got into the patch notes fine about 25 minutes ago but I can’t get to the store now.

Probably just the usual overload as we all try at the same time.
Bug found
  • I've bought a standard Python (the E rated one)
  • I can't replace the core modules as it won't let me replace a pre built module with a stored one
  • I haven't yet been to a station to buy one but I can't see why I could replace it with a bought one but not a stored one

Well, I downloaded, logged in, and bought the Python Mk II with no problems, yay. By the way, I love the loading screen.

Cheers, guys, great job.
Hi all,

First of all I want to apologise for the delay in getting patch notes out to you, Previously these have always been released as maintenance starts and today was an exception, rather than a new way of working.

With that in mind, Update 18.04 is now live, you can read more about whats new and changing here:

A link to the full patch notes can be found here: https://www.elitedangerous.com/update-notes/4-0-18-04
Thanks for the update!!
Btw, have you seen a detailed loadout on the game store page? It would be nice to know what exactly you can buy for 33K ARX.
Or is it supposed to be something like a Russian roulette? It's quite possible, since the last time I clicked on the link, the page was full of Cyrillic text.
There is a slider that allows you to see the package content.
the issues with thrustmaster joysticks still persists.

see here:

https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/64078 < has the most votes (52?) but still open ?

any update on this ?
+1 Can we please get some eyes on this? We know exactly which update broke it so hopefully that makes the bug easier to track down. These joysticks are rather popular too.
Bug found
  • I've bought a standard Python (the E rated one)
  • I can't replace the core modules as it won't let me replace a pre built module with a stored one
  • I haven't yet been to a station to buy one but I can't see why I could replace it with a bought one but not a stored one

You have to sell the existing module. Cannot replace, as that would store the existing one, which isn't allowed.
Btw, have you seen a detailed loadout on the game store page? It would be nice to know what exactly you can buy for 33K ARX.
Or is it supposed to be something like a Russian roulette? It's quite possible, since the last time I clicked on the link, the page was full of Cyrillic text.
Didn't check the store yet, it seems the 33k P2 version is all A-rated (not engineered) + shipkit + red paintjob 🤔
What are the changes to SCO?
  • Engineers can now apply the Faster Boot Sequence, Shielded, and Increased Range modifications to SCO Frame Shift Drives.
    • All existing Frame Shift Drive experimental effects can now be engineered on SCO Frame Shift Drives.
    • The safety limits on SCO Frame Shift Drive jump range have been lifted. Please enjoy the best Frame Shift Drives humanity has ever produced.
    • Heat generation has been reduced on most ships (notably making ships with low heat capacities more manageable).
    • Heat generation has been fixed on the Dolphin and Diamondback Scout so they no longer run exceptionally cold when using Supercruise Overcharge.
  • Fixed SCO heat generation being tied to frame rate.
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