Patch Notes Update Update 2.1.03 Incoming

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Thanks FD, that is a nice chunky update and it's much appreciated. Also that is some great timing as I'm off work for the rest of the week.:D
I have many issues with 2.1 but I see you make great efforts to improve the situation. This is good!

Keep it up :)
Great stuff, but, what about the overload of powerplay enemies in RES locations? It kindof kills the purpose of being rank 5 with hudson/duval when you spend all your time fighting enemies that don't give bounty and don't grant merits in those sites.
Ooh, this is a big one. Lots of interesting stuff. I look forward to hearing bullet sounds. :)

"- If an interdiction takes you into orbital cruise, then cancel the interdiction as otherwise you will end up inside the planet"
So perhaps diving towards the nearest planet might be a new interdiction escape mechanism? Sounds cool.
- Clashing "Incoming Message" and "Incoming Mission Critical Message" fixed

Is this a fix for the missions offering you a bonus for completing early, but the timer is already showing 0:00 minutes when you receive the mission update?

I couldn't see that in the missions section, and this (hopefully...) sounds like it might be fixing it even if it is in the ships section.l

Oh, & fantastic work FD. I can honestly say on behalf of the entire forum that not 1 person doubted you at any point... :D

Edit: damn, I really didn't mean that to be a "well done on the 101 fixes, now when are you going to fix my personal pet bug" type post. So again, great work ;)
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Okay, some good, some... bad? I see a PvP meta being shot at the knees with the heat damage nerfs. Overall a good effort. C- maybe.

Now... where's some needed powerplay fixes? Unless I overlooked something in AI, the Hudson combat expansions will remain glitched.

Michael Brookes

Game Director
Wow, that was fast. Thanks.
Btw, does it mean 1 reputation level = 1 special effect? This ain't be easy, but hey, at least it's not less random.

Pretty much. It's one level if you've naturally received an experimental effect to choose one, if you haven't then it's two - one to force the experimental effect, and the second to choose what it is. It's free to remove an effect.


- When determining the rank of NPC ships, use the player's combat rank, rather than their highest PF rank, although add 1 rank if their trade or exploration rank is higher than their combat rank...

I understand the reasons, for example wanting to match player rank to provide an equivalent challenge; but up until 2.1 achieving combat Elite was simply a matter of endurance.
Surely it would make more sense to base the ship ranks generated on economy and state of a system?
Wouldn't this empower players with the choice to experience what they want?
Hi everyone,


- When determining the rank of NPC ships, use the player's combat rank, rather than their highest PF rank, although add 1 rank if their trade or exploration rank is higher than their combat rank

Does this mean if you're Elite Explorer/Trader & Harmless Combat you'll only get Harmless & Mostly Harmless NPC's at all times? (Interdiction only of course)
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