Upgrade my Rift S - what have/would you do?

HP Reverb G2 is the way to go, don't worry about its age, its performance doesn't deteriorate with its age.
= Direct DP connection with your GPU, no compressed images like the Quest 2 & Pico 4
= 2160 x 2160 resolution
= Propper over ear headphones
= Variable (not stepped) IPD adjustment
= Comfortable Face mask
When I worry about age, its because these beasts need software to run. Its not just like any old monitor you can plug in as long as there is an HDMI or DP plug.
Windows Mixed reality for example, is something that Microsoft has not done anything with for years. Meta being Meta and who knows if they suddenly stop to support a device because of 'reasons'.
Oh, another advantage of WMR headsets, you can chop and change brands all day long and Windows doesn't care. No software changes when you upgrade from one headset to the next.
There's stuttering initially for the 1st few minutes. But once my rig settles. Its fab I'm not being Liberal with the truth here. It's not perfect I said that. Some orbitals and planets on initial load up do stutter yes. But l just look all around in the cockpit or same again on foot or in the srv. Within 30 seconds it's lush.
At around 3800k per lense atm it's going to stress any system. Without dlss support a 4000 series is a waste of time.
The games to blame. Not optimised fully. Fdev admitted it and won't be doing anymore to resolve it.
Btw any headset above 2k spec is gonner tax a pc rig.
Fact is you need a powerful pc to run elite Odyssey in 4k VR
HP Reverb G2 v2 is imho the starting position for higher res HMDs, as you go up in quality/capability from there the price escalates dramatically.

What you have to keep in mind (not many talk about this btw) is the PC power required to serve up the pixels fast enough gets a lot more demanding once you start moving on from the Quest 2 so you need to be thinking about PC upgrades and lighthouse tracking (if you're interested in room scale VR).

For that reason its almost impossible to advise someone without a steer on their price position and quality ambitions, but to try and narrow it down...

HP G2 is the safe answer if you are into flight/space/racing sims
PiMax for flight sims
Aero for maximum quality now or wait for PiMax 12k QLED
Vive Pro 2 as a jack of all trades (basically a better version of the Index)
Wait for Valve Deckard?
Pico4 or Quest2 if you want the value option

Probably also need to factor in PC upgrades if you're coming from a Rift S, also from memory and when I last tried one isn't the Rift S an OLED hmd? If so you need to brace yourself for the black levels and contrast until the PiMax QLED comes along but its going to be a pricey option I warn you now.
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i personally would not reccomend outside in tracking any more (lighthouse being the only remaining one now)
it's expensive, more points of failure, not really portable, and whilst it does have better pinpoint accuracy than inside out for controller tracking for now, it still is not perfect and has issues of its own when the controller's occlude each other. Inside out is the future and only going to get better and by most accounts oculus have cracked it with the quest pro controllers which will hopefully be standard in the quest 3 and will likely be aped by other companies soon enough. (by having sensors in the controller)
@Dragsham I was wondering since I have a 3090 and a 12900K and I run everything at lowest settings ( except SS and HMD which I leave at 1.0 ). SS x2.0 and/or HMD 2.0 still slideshows my 3090 ( and in EDH will use ~22Gb VRAM ). For me, the thing that makes objects look the most tangible, over and above every setting, even AA, is framerates. I've been into VR since the beginning and can happily tolerate 20fps, however especially since getting the 3090 I learned that, for me, the higher the framerate the more tangible.

And lets face it, for all the visual difference they make, most of the graphics settings, not all, could just be bundled into a slider which raises and lowers fps and nothing else.
For me it's rendering.
When you arrive at an instance. Or go into sc, or drop into a planetary landing, all have that momentary jitter. It's unavoidable.
But once you have been in the system a whiles looting bases or in combat, for me it settles, gets better...almost like dlss working it's magic in the background. Only we don't have dlss.
I hate poor rendering. For me it's a gamechanger I just cannot play a game till it renders (screen scrolling smoothly) almost perfectly.
Now on foot with Periscope vision it's flawless 90 solid except at beginning as l previously mentioned, but it settles.
In space...Once again it settles and scrolls fab.
The only poor rendering l get is at concourses and on approach to orbitals especially busy ones.
I've VRfps app running and it's telling me exactly what's going on.
My 3090fe is overclocked slightly by about 4%.
My cpu (9900k) is overclocked to 5ghz hehe.. all cores n threads (16 little green leds in vrfps) going Full pelt.
4400mhz ddr4 ram which does make a difference.
And alot of fans in a fancy case. Aio over the cpu.
All powering a G2. The cpu under load never goes over 60°. Gpu as high as 70° under load.
And the fan curve doesn't sound like a jet airplane in my bedroom.
Idk it just works.
As for ingame settings someone wisely said its for each of us to find their own optimal. I'm all ultra except fx quality and ambient occlusion both on medium. Bloom n blur off SS set to 1.0 hmd to 1.0.
Those are the key settings.
There's things you can fiddle with in gpu windows settings but that's again depending on your build there's no 1 fix for all.
Took me over 6 mths to get it how it is now.
When I worry about age, its because these beasts need software to run. Its not just like any old monitor you can plug in as long as there is an HDMI or DP plug.
Windows Mixed reality for example, is something that Microsoft has not done anything with for years. Meta being Meta and who knows if they suddenly stop to support a device because of 'reasons'.
WMR is very stable and I would trust over any other third part solution like Meta
For me it's rendering.
That's interesting - for me, for the longest time, it was about rendering too and I would happily sacrifice fps for it. Just recently, it's become more about the framerates so maybe I'm just in a phase and I'll revert. TBH, butt horsepower, tells me I need about 5x - 6x what a 4090 can do in order to get the settings I really want, i.e. SS x2.0, HMD x2.0. Having paid £610 for my 3090, I won't buy Lovelace and, probably not, whatever comes after that before I take another stab at something that can max out ED. Of course by then we'll be on higher resolution headsets so I need to make my G1 and G2 last!
Hey all,

I rock a 2 year old Rift S headset which I enjoy.
However its not the best of resolutions in todays HMD landscape. I dont -need- an upgrade, but have considering to give it a go once we are into the new year.

But, I have been "away" for too long to really have a finger on the pulse and would love to hear your recommendations to an upgrade.
You can see my system spec in the signature.

One thing to consider is that the costs should be reasonable. So anything like the Quest pro is out of the question.
To give you a reference to measure by, I have been looking at the Quest2 and HP reverb G2... but they are almost just as old as the Rift S. Are there anything "newer"?

Thanks a lot.
I think Q2 and HP Reverb G2 are your only real options in the consumer HMD market tbh (unless the 4090s turn out to be magic). That's because current GPUs and CPUs just are not there yet. (When consumer headsets have dynamic foveated rendering this may change.) My rig can barely run my Q2! I have to turn the settings down in both EDH and the Q2. Are you upgrading your GFX card CMDR M Kozak? If not, your RiftS might be a sweetspot. Especially as the Oculus drivers trounce all the others, so you are getting the best performance using Oculus HW, like for like. However, you are wondering about G2 and Q2.

I don't own a G2 but my mate does and when matching the resolutions and despite pushing the Q2's Link bitrate up to the 500+ mbps (this is required for high resolution/Hz to remove/reduce compression), there is a difference in clarity, with the G2 winning. I think I know what it is now. In the Q2 you can see all the details to astonishing levels e.g. in HL:A you can read the 'lorem ipsum' holding text on most of the devices the devs presumably never dreamt you would be able to read and presumably can't read in the Index? The Q2's fidelity is that awesome.

However, there seems to be a really subtle 'noise' over everything. My VR journey was: DK2 --> Rift --> RiftS (which broke after a year) --> Rift --> Q2. If I hadn't tried my friend's G2 looking hard for clarity differences, I would never have noticed the noise. I absolutely love my Q2. I had a teeny bit of buyers remorse with both the Rift and RiftS. I didn't with Q2.

Are you a min maxer? Are you only going to play seated cockpit games like Elite or racing sims? If so, no brainer G2 even with the settings dialled down. Especially with the new Q2 price tag.

Going to play games that make use of the hand trackers Q2.
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