It seems to be a common feature with Fdev games.I was too generous: people have been digging more and this is unsalvageable. The AI outside of race weekends is broken too, and in races lots of variables do nothing or are just bizarre. For example, tire temperature doesn't impact degradation but the other way around. Changing temp stats to anything else just changes the temp readouts, tire degradation is identical. It's just an illusion.
AI is so 100% absent that in wet races it is only scripted to pit when the track is dry. If it rains for too long AI will simply drive until the tires explode and everyone DNF. Even if they have a minute lead they won't pit. There is no AI, at all, so they can't have any dynamic race events, compound delta, meaningful strats or anything because it will expose the AI as not being programmed yet.
This game is so broken, empty and unfinished it is just smoke&mirrors behind a pretty UE facade. People are calling it a scam and I can see why. It will take a year at least to fix this. All they can do is call this a public beta and give everyone a free key to next year's game.
I think I won't be investing in this one either, if Fdev want my money then they need to prove to me they can fix things and improve upon them.
I love racing sim's iRacing, ACC etc.