Release v1.2.0 elgato stream deck button plugin for elite dangerous

I am trying to setup buttons to switch to firegroups 1-4 however no matter if i use the funcion Firegroup and set it to a-b-c-d or if I use the function static and set it to firegroup a b c d, nothing happens-
I am trying to setup buttons to switch to firegroups 1-4 however no matter if i use the funcion Firegroup and set it to a-b-c-d or if I use the function static and set it to firegroup a b c d, nothing happens-
I correct myself: the ship changes only to the firegrop that's after the one currently selected. Eg. If I am in FG-A I can switch directly to b\c\d, if I am in B only to C\D and if I am in C only to D. Once I am in D, it won't switch back directly to any of the previous FG.
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you need KEYBOARD bindings for

the button is blocked when the status is OnFoot || InSRV || Docked || Landed || LandingGearDown || FsdJump
Is there a way to go directly to a firegroup? I was only aware of next and previous, but OP post seems to suggest they can go/ are trying to go from A direct to D? Or is this a macro so A to D is actually A to B to C to D; ie next weapon 3 times.
I love your work, but I have a problem with FSS, I cannot enter FSS with the FSS button on stream deck, but I can enter via my keyboard binding. please help me. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Which four bindings? I have set all 3 controls to customs but there is no change.

P.S. Is it a problem that I am using H.O.T.A.S?
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I have installed and set up Stream Deck with this tool in the last ~week. It's perfect! Thanks a lot for the hard work mhwing.
I replaced the icons with those made and inspired by MaximilianYuen & Andechs, the links are posted above. One of them (Maximilian?) also provided Photoshop files that VERY quickly allowed me to make PLENTY more icons for all kinds of things. They are not fully consistent, and I am sure I made a few mistakes in the colour scheme, but they do the job well for me.

As many people have also asked for an example setup instead of just the icons, I have also found a way to make one that I THINK should work for anyone. The problem is that the logos are linked in Stream Desk via ABSOLUTE paths, which makes transferring them between computers a little tricky.
But I think if you extract the file into the correct location (C:\Program Files\Elgato\ED_streamdeck_buttons) I THINK this should work.

It's nothing fancy, no gifs, no automatic profile switching, and only for the standard StreamDeck, but with a X52Pro I have buttons for most things, there were only a few things I needed on a keyboard so far.

You can find the file here:

The setup for StreamDeck is part of the file and should be installable by simply double-clicking it.
It is a BASIC setup that I adapt for every ship (limpet and other things are in different fire groups, so it's better to make individual profiles).
I also remove the SRV/Limpet/Fighter folders from those ships that don't actually HAVE those available, to declutter.
This should be easy for everybody to adapt.
I made a LOT of buttons that I didn't actually end up using, but everybody can use them to define further functions.

Here's what and how I use it (open the 'spoiler'). I hope it helps people to get a faster setup.
The main-first page are all the things that I needed buttons for or wanted more accessible (e.g. things usually hidden within fire groups)
second line is panel (and galaxy) navigation
Third line contains some folders for different limpet types, SRV and Fighters.
Last button gets you to page 2.


Limpet Folder (Fire groups need to be set by everyone themselves!)

Fighter folder (for 2 fighters. Might need adapting if your ship has a very different layout, i.e. number of clicks I use might be wrong for you)

SRV folder (for 2 SRVs, might also need some adapting)

Page 2 contains lots of things that I can toggle from there. MOST of those I have on my X52Pro buttons, but I thought it was nice to have them like this.
I also managed to make a docking request button that works. As well as a Quick Jump button (set next target on route, trigger FSD, full throttle, boost) for a quick getaway when I screwed up.

Page 3 is a overview page. The top left 2x2 buttons allow me to cycle through my different ships (all with an actual picture of the ship and the name), so I can easily select the profile for the ship I am in (29 ships, it takes a while to get around). Just set it up with the SD profile of your 'next' and 'previous' ship.
The WING folder is not tested of well set up, as I don't usually fly in a wing. Shall do that at some point.
The 'END GAME' buttons does not actually end the game, it just switches the Stream Deck to a default profile, not ED related. (Some windows tools, etc)

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Hey @BorisH that looks amazing! I thought I'd give it a try, but the download link expired. Could you re-upload it sometime?

Ah, crap, hadn't noticed it had a time out.
I'm travelling for work for another week, so I am a little unsure whethe this file here is the correct one (I found it in my dropbox, but it contains 'my ships', which I didn't think I shared at the time.).

Have a look. Let me know whether it works, if not I can upload the original files again once I am back home.
I did something wrong probably and when I am leaving ED, profile stays active and it is not switching to my default profile.
I did something wrong probably and when I am leaving ED, profile stays active and it is not switching to my default profile.
That's a setting in Elgato itself (by defining a 'default' that is active when you're not in the programs that have specified profiles), and has nothing/little to do with the ED profile itself. If you have more than 1 ship, you likely have more than one profile. In that case, you can not define a profile that automatically comes on when you're in Elite.
That's why in the profiles I use (see a few posts up), I define a 'end game' button, that I can use to jump to a standard profile (but manually) when I leave the game.
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