The early small-ship period is great fun and you feel you're making progress relatively quickly, but all too soon each next step, be it in ship or module terms, becomes a tremendous chore. Or it certainly used to be. Thankfully, with these well paying missions the game is back to being rewarding to play, and so I'm back playing - after a very long break as I felt I was getting nowhere very slowly - just my view.
I've long been of the opinion that there is a very vocal forum community who want ED to be a painful to play as possible, spouting 'immersion' etc etc. At the back of my mind I wonder if they are protecting their in-game investment (emotional and hours) and are unhappy that others can make leaps and bounds that they never had access to, or will never confess to using.
I on the other hand merely want to enjoy my very limited play-time. And as has been said innumerable times, broadly speaking how you play doesn't detract from how others play, so stop whining and leave the rest of us out of any invented drama. Ta.
This comes down to work vs fun. If everyone was having fun while playing, they wouldn't care how long it took the other person to do something. However, if we put in hours of WORK instead of fun, it's frustrating to find out that work wasn't needed. FD seems to think grind is content. It's not. Unfortunately that grind all to often presents itself as work and isn't about having fun.
I personally enjoy the game a lot more when I don't have to worry about credits or finding that 1 specific arsenic... I like to go look around and do whatever seems interesting at the time. An open galaxy space game seems perfect for that sort of play. Unfortunately if I want a big ship, it's a lot of WORK to get there. If I want to engineer my ship, it's a lot of WORK to get there. Things like SRV jumping or canyon racing are fun, but it doesn't allow players to progress.