[Video] Open letter from community to Elite Dangerous

900 hours out of that was probably grind... Time invested in Elite is a poor indicator of how good the game is because the fun is gated behind so much tedium.

Granted, the fun part can be very fun... Tis a shame Fdev are so obsessed with grindwalling everything so heavily.

Opt out of that, just do what's fun.
You mean the inevitable post patch minor bugs ?. People generally expect that.
I've played for over 6000 hours and I've never done any grinding, I've just played the game and had fun. Whilst we are currently going through a blip with regards to bugs at the moment, I can honestly say I've had my money's worth out of this game and this blip won't stop me from continuing to play and enjoying the game.

What do you think made frontier remove credit progression from the game? I was shocked since once you got your head around it everything in elite made sense. It was only it being non obvious at first glance. I think that was my slogan for years.. so many things in elite got killed when there was another option of just education.

Anyway those pink ribbons arent going to deliver themselves.
IIRC the 'community' asked for it. Be careful what you wish for. ;)
No it's not stupid. What we're seeing on these forums is a willing acceptance to use workarounds when it suits to alleviate the dependence on FDev to actually test and quality assure their product. But God forbid someone uses the same workaround to benefit them, then it called exploiting.
It all makes sense now.


Using a simple work around to get around a soft locking menu minor bug is not even comparable to someone exploiting a mechanic to gain a massive advantage in game, which in by book would be clearly classed as cheating. The fact you think the two are the same is just mind boggling.
I guess FD took away all your billions from exploiting the fertiliser bug?

Nope, FDev have not, nor ever, touched my billions. Maybe because I earned them?

Who mentioned 'massive advantage' or did you just throw that in to re-enforce your narrative? Who mentioned they are the same? If you actually read the post, you might have seen the question marks. That you didn't tells me you skimmed and the red haze overcame and you leapt for your crayons.

I'll leave it at that, debate without asinine overtures is beyond your scope yet.


Maybe after 1000 hours things can start to get a bit samey ?.

Actually getting to 1000 hours is a huge endorsement of any game. The FSS is fab, a wonderful addition to the game.

In your opinion!

The fact someone has thousands of hours in game, would make me more inclined to belief their reviews. Obviously I would balance that against other reviews. Personally, when I'm talking about Elite in work, I recommend it for the graphics, but do not for the content. Likewise I always let them know what to expect from the publisher. (bug ridden, lack of testing, lack of quality control, lack of imagination)


Volunteer Moderator
Well i dont know what you exepct. People being told if you dont like it leave on this actual forum probably doesnt help. But well... i can only speak personally.

Didn’t expect anything really. Was just remarking how utterly incompatible the terms “1000+ hours played” and “gone off the rail” are.
IIRC the 'community' asked for it. Be careful what you wish for. ;)

Not the optimal conclusion.

Some people decided to complain.

How the issue was addressed was completely frontiers decision. Removing it wasn't the only option. If i recall correctly, the bulk of the people complaining also thought the mission board was the game in elite.... A better outcome would have been to remove the mission board. It was a lot more interesting back then. Being obvious didn't work.

That was the most frustrating part, for all the other fish that made it up the river, you know what to do.. but then you see frontier completely change the river for the people who mistimed the jump rather than help them up the river.

Changing marketing materials to reflect elite being a sandbox simulator with bugs and space trucking instead of call of duty flying action combat would have been another solution. If people expected something different they might have known there was some research involved and not had a problem doing it. Could go on.
In your opinion!

The fact someone has thousands of hours in game, would make me more inclined to belief their reviews. Obviously I would balance that against other reviews. Personally, when I'm talking about Elite in work, I recommend it for the graphics, but do not for the content. Likewise I always let them know what to expect from the publisher. (bug ridden, lack of testing, lack of quality control, lack of imagination)

Amazing how many "devs" there are.
They took the ADS away, ignored the wailing for what? 6 months? And then managed a sentence or two about how they couldnt see a problem.

That is absolutely false, and this has been pointed out over and over to you. They explained their reasoning before, and after. You weren't ignored, you are just bitter you didn't get the answer you wanted. Willfully and rather maliciously spreading absolute lies in public, for no reason than you are unhappy about a change in a computer game, is not cool man. :cautious:
Didn’t expect anything really. Was just remarking how utterly incompatible the terms “1000+ hours played” and “gone off the rail” are.

Well things were getting along not too bad, but then it started getting bumpy with beyond and the train wrecked about the time patch 3.3 dropped.

That is absolutely false, and this has been pointed out over and over to you. They explained their reasoning before, and after. You weren't ignored, you are just bitter you didn't get the answer you wanted. Willfully and rather maliciously spreading absolute lies in public, for no reason than you are unhappy about a change in a computer game, is not cool man. :cautious:

Their resoning was insulting. I was speaking specifically about the reply that was put in the complain thread, you know exactly what im talking about so im not going to go find it. Calling me a liar doesnt change anything.
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Volunteer Moderator
Well things were getting along not too bad, but then it started getting bumpy with beyond and the train wrecked about the time patch 3.3 dropped.

I don’t know man, it seems that this patron
I've played for over 6000 hours and I've never done any grinding, I've just played the game and had fun. Whilst we are currently going through a blip with regards to bugs at the moment, I can honestly say I've had my money's worth out of this game and this blip won't stop me from continuing to play and enjoying the game.
Or me, as examples, didn’t get the same train wreck memo as you.
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