[Video] Open letter from community to Elite Dangerous

I'm not convinced altering course on one of their flagship franchises is a good idea based on 18 people deciding not to buy upcoming DLC after already buying the game, plus one DLC and a fair few paints between you.

I'd guess you are all thousand hours players so you've certainly had your moneys worth.

Yet open is the busiest I've ever seen it, the player numbers haven't dipped on steam and last time I heard ED subreddit visitor numbers were actually up.

Not bad at all for a five year old game, there'll be a huge upswing with the next DLC that will slowly tail off and the preditions of doom will continue throughout.

People start, stop and return to video games all the time its just not a big deal. Except for a few of the individuals involved.
Do you build scarecrows for a living? I have told you we got more than our moneys worth, I wanted to actually pay more for development, but you didn't like that either, nor did I predict doom (even said I don't mean doom, not clear enough?)
This is not about my friends and I but what we represent - an untapped market that ED continue to miss out on through inaction and failure to respond to legitimate game breaking bugs YEARS after they have acknowledged them.
I must admit the only subreddit I was talking about is PP but I did mean the entire Frontier forum is devoid of its past patronage and that is irrefutable.
If that DLC includes fixes to the reasons we left we will be right there with you and happy to do so.
You say it isn't a big deal, but you are the most frequent poster on this thread and possibly the entire forum, curious.


Volunteer Moderator
Not at all! When Fdev spoils the game in whatever way and point blank refuses to listen then encouraging others not to spend money is pretty much the only place left to turn. Its very simple cause and effect, treat people badly they will vent in the review section. Why should we try to advertise this game when its clearly gone off the rails?

1000+ hours
Gone off the rails


Well i dont know what you exepct. People being told if you dont like it leave on this actual forum probably doesnt help. But well... i can only speak personally. They took the ADS away, ignored the wailing for what? 6 months? And then managed a sentence or two about how they couldnt see a problem. Like they actually play the thing! No Fdev brings it all down upon themselfs.

Has it? Well I'm having a cracking time in ED...still...after 5+ years.

Leave a positive review then. Its your right.
Yeah im guessing you've been around long enough. Remember when you had to fly all the ships because you couldn't afford anything else and sheer boredom? Those were the days. Cuttin teeth. Yarrr.

Nope, I've always just gone with the ships I actually like flying. Bigger isn't necessarily better for that.

The early game when you can't afford anything else is really good fun and challenging, I keep meaning to get a second account just for it.


Thats 👆 a stupid question.

No it's not stupid. What we're seeing on these forums is a willing acceptance to use workarounds when it suits to alleviate the dependence on FDev to actually test and quality assure their product. But God forbid someone uses the same workaround to benefit them, then it called exploiting.
Well, perhaps that's because 1000 hours ago (playing time) the game was better than it is today. Version 2.3 was an incredible game on PS4, whereas today's version is a steaming pile of broken mess, half-baked FSS, and elephant butts galore.

Maybe after 1000 hours things can start to get a bit samey ?.

Actually getting to 1000 hours is a huge endorsement of any game. The FSS is fab, a wonderful addition to the game.
No it's not stupid. What we're seeing on these forums is a willing acceptance to use workarounds when it suits to alleviate the dependence on FDev to actually test and quality assure their product. But God forbid someone uses the same workaround to benefit them, then it called exploiting.
Using a simple work around to get around a soft locking menu minor bug is not even comparable to someone exploiting a mechanic to gain a massive advantage in game, which in by book would be clearly classed as cheating. The fact you think the two are the same is just mind boggling.
I guess FD took away all your billions from exploiting the fertiliser bug?
Actually getting to 1000 hours is a huge endorsement of any game.
That's a fair point, though on the other hand who would take a review seriously if the reviewer only had two hours in the game? And 1000 hours in ED, where half those hours are spent either in supercruise or hyperspace, is different than 1000 hours in Skyrim, RDR2, or most other games.
Maybe after 1000 hours things can start to get a bit samey ?.
Depends on how you play those 1000 hrs tbh...if like me you play and don't force any grind and enjoy the game then it doesn't get samey...if however you are one of those Cmdrs who forces themselves to grind anything and everything under the misguided concept that you must grind and you must have the biggest ship in game then I can easily see how 1000 can be painful.
It's like back in the early days people thought the point to the game was to get the largest ship and so complained about the grind and how long it took to get said ship.
Depends on how you play those 1000 hrs tbh...if like me you play and don't force any grind and enjoy the game then it doesn't get samey...if however you are one of those Cmdrs who forces themselves to grind anything and everything under the misguided concept that you must grind then I can easily see how 1000 can be painful.
It's like back in the early days people thought the point to the game was to get the largest ship and so complained about the grind and how long it took to get said ship.

Same here, don't grind or chase credits. The big ships are nice, but medium is where its at.
That's a fair point, though on the other hand who would take a review seriously if the reviewer only had two hours in the game? And 1000 hours in ED, where half those hours are spent either in supercruise or hyperspace, is different than 1000 hours in Skyrim, RDR2, or most other games.

Two hours didn't like it refunded is something I'd understand on steam, I can generally make my mind up in about five minutes of watching a gameplay video.

I prefer demo's though, which ED has.
That's a fair point, though on the other hand who would take a review seriously if the reviewer only had two hours in the game? And 1000 hours in ED, where half those hours are spent either in supercruise or hyperspace, is different than 1000 hours in Skyrim, RDR2, or most other games.
I put my negative review in after they screwed me with engineers. Completely OK to give an opinion when an update ruins your experience.
Maybe after 1000 hours things can start to get a bit samey ?.

Actually getting to 1000 hours is a huge endorsement of any game. The FSS is fab, a wonderful addition to the game.

900 hours out of that was probably grind... Time invested in Elite is a poor indicator of how good the game is because the fun is gated behind so much tedium.

Granted, the fun part can be very fun... Tis a shame Fdev are so obsessed with grindwalling everything so heavily.
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