Voices when in mapping screen?!

Today I mapped an ELW. Usually I get out of this screen as soon as I see the 100%. But today I did something else in silence, without getting out of the mapping screen.
After a while I started to hear something through the crackle.
I think I can distinguish to different voices. But I can't make out what they say. After listening to it over and over again I think I can distinguish one of them saying "commander [crackle crackle] phenomenon". And then the other voice seems to respond on that .
After about 15 minutes without being able to make out anything else i got bored.
I've also "listened" to the FSS but I could not hear any voices after a couple of minutes.

Has anybody heard that, too?

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Hei Redfox here follow the first couple of images for the wiki.

For some stars type, several distinguishable "colour types" exist (even though these usually should have just one colour). I provide images for all (if I encountered them). The different colour types are marked with numbers. One example would be the first four images of C Stars.

Images in total in this post: 9 -> 4x C Star, 1x CJ Star, 1x CN Star, 1x F (White super giant) Star, 1x F (White) Star, 1x G (White-Yellow) Star

I could find four different "types" of (plain) C Stars … (no J no N or whatever)

C Star (1) - HIP 38242 A
C Star (1) - HIP 38242 A.jpeg

C Star (2) - HIP 22796 A
C Star (2) - HIP 22796 A.jpeg

C Star (3) - HIP 75691
C Star (3) - HIP 75691.jpeg

C Star (4) - 53 Aquarii
C Star (4) - 53 Aquarii.jpeg

Of the following star types just one "colour type" could be identified.

CJ Star - Lasuae RJ-X d2-574 A
CJ Star - Lasuae RJ-X d2-574 A.jpeg

CN Star - Eorgh Prou CU-R d4-568 A
CN Star - Eorgh Prou CU-R d4-568 A.jpeg

F (White super giant) Star - HD 164684
F (White super giant) Star - HD 164684.jpeg

F (White) Star - HIP 65201 A
F (White) Star - HIP 65201 A.jpeg

G (White-Yellow) Star - Prua Phoe ZF-L d9-1762 B
G (White-Yellow) Star - Prua Phoe ZF-L d9-1762 B.jpeg
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I love the sound in this game so many times I would listen and wait what what was that I just heard and its gone yead its creepy on some planets if you just sit and listen
I'm always impressed by the sound design. There are lots of subtle sounds that add to the atmosphere without making you consciously aware of it. Such as the subtle high-pitch hiss of having a panel open in the cockpit UI. It's almost imperceptible, but reminiscent of the capacitor whistling in old CRT TVs.
So … you are saying that this is NOT something totally important like a hint where to find the Guardians homeworld or Raxxla or something something?
Well, you CAN'T be right!

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Hello Redfox (again)

Images in total in this post: 9 -> 2x Herbig Ae/Be Star, 1x K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star, 1x K (Yellow-Orange) Star, 2x M (Red dwarf) Star, 1x M (Red giant) Star, 1x M (Red super giant) Star, 1x MS-type Star
Some of them have start type names that are confuse me; e.g. "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star" (GIANT) vs. "K (Yellow-Orange) Star"

Herbig Ae/Be Star (1) - Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 4
Herbig Ae_Be Star (1) - Dumboe AA-A h207 ABC 4.jpeg

Herbig Ae/Be Star (2) - Ogaiws AA-A h188 A
Herbig Ae_Be Star (2) - Ogaiws AA-A h188 A.jpeg

K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star - Kappa-2 Sculptoris
K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star - Kappa-2 Sculptoris.jpeg

K (Yellow-Orange) Star - Ross 1069 A
K (Yellow-Orange) Star - Ross 1069 A.jpeg

M (Red dwarf) Star (1) - Gliese 848.1 C
M (Red dwarf) Star (1) - Gliese 848.1 C.jpeg

M (Red dwarf) Star (2) - 2MASS J04414489+2301513
M (Red dwarf) Star (2) - 2MASS J04414489+2301513.jpeg

M (Red giant) Star - Lambda Aquarii
M (Red giant) Star - Lambda Aquarii.jpeg

M (Red super giant) Star - 35 Pi Aurigae A
M (Red super giant) Star - 35 Pi Aurigae A.jpeg

MS-type Star - Dryipai XP-G d10-37 A
MS-type Star - Dryipai XP-G d10-37 A.jpeg
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I hear voices in game and out of game. All the time. They won't shut up! Now you know why I may not respond if you start a conversation with me. I'm ignoring you and all the other voices. 🤪
You are quite right - after the 3.3 update, I noticed that ELWs would sometimes have some very faint radio noise in the background when being mapped / when zoomed into on the FSS. I posted a thread about it in the Exploration sub somewhere. I thought it was a nice touch, though it was a pity that the planets where there were some of these very faint radio comms noises on didn't have some lights planetside to show an emerging civilisation.
@Spaceman Si: I had the feeling that somebody talked about that before, but a quick search didn't reveal the thread so i thought that I may be wrong.
So you say that this is JUST around ELW's, no other planets? Because I thought that it may be something from deep space and I had picked it up around an ELW.

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Hello Redfox (once more)

The final three images are three S-type Star flavours.
I'll try to get the White Dwarf images as soon as possible. But it still may take a while.
Blue-ish stars have to wait a bit. That will be another operation. So in half a year or so I may "deliver" images for these.

S-type Star (1) - HIP 40977 A
S-type Star (1) - HIP 40977 A.jpeg

S-type Star (2) - HIP 96983 A
S-type Star (2) - HIP 96983 A.jpeg

S-type Star (3) - Boeph WY-S e3-890 C
S-type Star (3) - Boeph WY-S e3-890 C.jpeg
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Definitely ELW proximity ONLY, not always even then, and very very faint down in the signal. But confirmed by others too :) I found my thread that I was talking about, here: ELW noises

So no, you aren't going mad :)
Oh, I almost forgot. I checked this a few days back on a deep space ELW, well outside the bubble. Didn't hear any radio chatter or Morse. Maybe it's for inhabited Earth-likes only? That would make sense.

In any case, I forgot to make a recording to analyze, but next time, I'll do so. Not sure how it slipped my mind earlier.
I don't think there's anything specific about it, lore-wise, but it is an ELW so the chance of there being a pre-space age civilization on it could be possible. I've run into two (or is it three now?) such ELWs, and I love hearing the radio chatter... you can just barely make out what some of the things said are. I also find it funny how (the King's) English is spoken throughout the galaxy! :sneaky:
I was hearing similar things. I recorded it and ran it through some software I use for cleaning up real life radiation signals from space, and the voices came through clearer and clearer, they were saying oo-ee-cus....oo-ee-cus...you-ee-cus...you-need-cus....you-need-arx...YOU NEED ARX.

It’s a mystery.
The ELW i've been close to was way out of the bubble. But it was (somewhat) close to the Colonia Highway. Maybe human activity has something to do with it.
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