Voyage of discovery to the heart of the maelstrom

Yeah tidally locked planet, orbit same as rotation, used to be always day, now it's always night after they moved the settlement for Odyssey planet tech, not sure the reason for the move!
I don't think they "!moved" anything like that. It's likely the algorithm ended just up like that.
I like the idea of this blog and hope to learn from it. But can this thread probably limited to Alec´s blogposts ?, its hard to follow the thread when its loaded with the usual nonsens discussions from the "always on" forum veterans.

it's a public forum, anyone can post, including you.
it's a public forum, anyone can post, including you.
right, but you missed my point. there are certain threads which have informative/tutorial character and in my opinion its not helpfull to overload them with useless noninformative posts. i had hoped this could be one but looks like its get captured (unfortunately even by me now) by smalltalk.
anyway, i take RatCatchers advice and watchout for the specific font Alec uses.
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right, but you missed my point. there are certain threads which have informative/tutorial character and in my opinion its not helpfull to overload them with useless noninformative posts. i had hoped this could be one but looks lke its get captured (unfortunately even by me now) by smalltalk.

no-no, you missed my point - and your posts and my answers are not helping with the littering you're complaining about - if you just refrained to make a baseless complain about littering the thread, while littering the thread, you wouldn't have gotten replies that are also littering the thread.

😇 :unsure:😂
Day 3 - tartan paint, a long weight and a reach around

Back from a short break and nicely refreshed, a quick review of my todo list shows that my first order of business now is to go and get the meta-alloys, radiation baffles and neofabric insulation required so I can unlock the 4E corrosion resistant cargo rack.


Since these things can't be dropped off in partial deliveries I'm going to need to be able to carry 50 units of cargo (I'm reliably informed we don't say tons anymore). I could use another ship for this but I kinda want to get used to the Chieftain, so I temporarily swap some stuff out to make room. Now - I could in theory get all this stuff the hard way (harvesting meta-alloys from barnacles and getting the other stuff from signal sources and missions rewards) but let's be honest - nobody has time for that and I'm flush for cash and making enough of a meal out of this already. So instead I turn to the INARA commodity search page. First stop then is Sopwith Arsenal in the Taevaisa system to pick up 22 radiation baffles.


Next it's the neofabric insulation and INARA reveals something flippin' obvious that I'd never really thought about until now ... those Odyssey surface settlements (you know, the places where you go to shoot people and steal stuff from their lockers) also have commodity markets where you can carry out normal civilized trade! I mean I obviously must have known this (after all, it's why operation 2HOT2MESSY has turned out to be such an epic undertaking), it had just never properly occurred to me that they were as valid a place to trade as anywhere else and may actually be the nearest place to buy what you want. 🤦‍♂️ So ... Kryst Synthetics Base here I come!





That just leaves the meta-alloys. Now, time was when you had to go and harvest these from barnacles or buy them from Darnielle's Progress in Maia. But times have changed and INARA (again) tells me the nearest place to get these is from another commander's fleet carrier. Wow! you'll be telling me I can buy drinks from a bar next! So, it's off to LandMines4Democracy I go ..




.. and with that my first shopping list is complete and about 10 minutes later the 4E cargo rack is unlocked.


It's around this point that I should mention a problem I ran into where I'd find myself at a tech' broker (or similar) but not carrying the commodities I could have sworn I'd just travelled 100s of light years to buy. Well it turns out there's a bit of a glitch in our ship's inventory display and what's required is a quick thump with your fist (aka "try turning it off and on again",
aka "quickly relog to the main menu") to sort this problem out.


Anyway ... while I'm in full on shopping spree mode (and since I'm still carrying a pile of meta alloys) I also decide to unlock some meta alloy hull reinforcements which sound well suited to the task at hand.


The jury still seems to be out on these, with certain renowned sources suggesting they're inferior to their normal and Guardian couterparts, but their resistance to caustic damage is EXACTLY what I'm after so it's off to another fleet carrier I go for some reinforced mounting plates (honestly, it can only be a matter of time before one of these tech brokers sends me to the shops for tartan paint, a long weight and a reach around).

A short while later and I'm heading back to Cady Enterprise to replace my stock hull reinforcement modules with caustic resistant ones. By the way, I mentioned wanting to get used to the handling of the Chieftain so I'm doing quite a lot of this sort of thing along the way.


Right - that's the shopping done, next on the list is a spot of engineering to get this Chieftain's heat down so I can creep around in the maelstrom largely undetected.


Continued ...
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it had just never properly occured to me that they were as legitimate a place to trade as anywhere else and may actually be the nearest place to buy what you want.
Awesomely fun story so far! I'm enjoying it very much.

Just to add, when Odyssey settlements first arrived, they sold stuff that's normally not sold anywhere much (like, for instance, meta-alloys). So when my Alt was looking to get some meta-alloys, I was able to buy them at a nearby settlement, and never had to farm them, or go to Maia, or get them from a carrier.

FDEV removed meta-alloys from the settlements a while later, though. I think they shoulda left them. :)
Next it's the neofabric insulation and INARA reveals something flippin' obvious that I'd never really thought about until now ... those Odyssey surface settlements (you know, the places where you go to shoot people and steal stuff from their lockers) also have commodity markets where you can carry out normal civilized trade! I mean I obviously must have known this (after all, it's why operation 2HOT2MESSY has turned out to be such an epic undertaking), it had just never properly occurred to me that they were as valid a place to trade as anywhere else and may actually be the nearest place to buy what you want.
By an amazing coincidence I needed some of that neofabric stuff myself last week but after trying a station and a surface settlement for it (both showing with stock on Inara) and turning up a blank on both, I just chose a carrier for my third attempt.
Well it turns out there's a bit of a glitch in our ship's inventory display and what's required is a quick thump with your fist (aka "try turning it off and on again", aka "quickly relog to the main menu") to sort this problem out.
Yup, been seeing that a lot lately myself, invariably due to buying things from a carrier. A relog works, but I've found a quicker workaround has been to enter a commodity market and it automatically sorts itself out (possibly not on a carrier though). An amusing side-effect of this bug is that if you load up an empty freighter to the gills from a carrier and then undock, it'll speed away as if it's still running empty - and the inventory tab on the right panel will say it's empty... :)

I loved the landing btw! I'd need a rear-view mirror to attempt that.
Somehow you didn't get scolded for damaging the hull, which invariably happens when I smack it down rather firmly :)
I'm glad folks seem to be enjoying this series. It's quite apparent from other forum posts, streams and videos I'm seeing doing the rounds that for a lot of folks, grabbing these caustic sinks and trying them out is an activity done and dusted on launch day and already consigned to the "been there done that" bin so I'm behind the curve here and you may well find better reference documentation elsewhere. But for folks not in a rush I plan to keep going with this voyage, learn some stuff for myself along the way and hopefully get an adventure or two out of it as well.
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I'm glad folks seem to be enjoying this series. It's quite apparent from other forum posts, streams and videos I'm seeing doing the rounds that for a lot of folks, grabbing these caustic sinks and trying them out is an activity done and dusted on launch day and already consigned to the "been there done that" bin so I'm behind the curve here and you may well find better reference documentation elsewhere. But for folks not in a rush I plan to keep going with this voyage, learn some stuff for myself along the way and hopefully get an adventure or two out of it as well.
There are dozens of “get it over with” guides out there. A good story is it’s own reward. :)
Well it turns out there's a bit of a glitch in our ship's inventory display and what's required is a quick thump with your fist (aka "try turning it off and on again", aka "quickly relog to the main menu") to sort this problem out.

Yup, been seeing that a lot lately myself, invariably due to buying things from a carrier. A relog works, but I've found a quicker workaround has been to enter a commodity market and it automatically sorts itself out (possibly not on a carrier though).

It does work visiting any commodity market, carrier's included.

I sort of got used to visit the commodity market again right after i buy something from the carrier market, just to be sure that it appears in the ship's inventory - just because it happened to me to forget about it (while dual-logging during a trade CG and ) then i noticed one account had no (apparent) cargo, and among curses i returned from the destination system to the source carrier only to get the message Cargo hold full when opening the source carrier commodity market... 😒
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