VR or not to VR that is my question......

The only thing that made me to sell my OC rift was the awful field of view. Everyting else I can live with but that fov looks like you play the game through a toilet paper tube.

Toilet paper tube? Utter rubbish comment. A diving mask more like. Please keep it factual.
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Toilet paper tube? Utter rubbish comment. A diving mask more like. Please kenin factual.

Agreed, that's a rather silly exaggeration. I agree that the field of view is the biggest negative currently but looking through a tube would mean 1 eye and it's not nearly that bad. Comparing it to a scuba mask is far more accurate as that's exactly what it feels like. I'm really looking forward to 2nd and 3rd generation headsets. I'm hoping that 2nd gen goes with larger panels to fix the FOV and 3rd gen goes to 4k. Once we have 4k at 200 degree FOV that's when it's really going to take off and the immersion will be damn near complete

Restricted field of view.

Kinda like playing the game on a monitor. Because... It actually takes up about the same field of view as a percentage, just that you have background stuff - like walls, and windows, and bookshelves to distract you...


Restricted field of view.

Kinda like playing the game on a monitor. Because... It actually takes up about the same field of view as a percentage, just that you have background stuff - like walls, and windows, and bookshelves to distract you...


Chalk and cheese. Restricted field of view in a full 360 degree environment is a lot more annoying than restricted field of view in a 2D environment. Extra monitors are also an option with a monitor. No such thing for HMD. Being able to see your beer is a plus for monitor users..
Chalk and cheese. Restricted field of view in a full 360 degree environment is a lot more annoying than restricted field of view in a 2D environment. Extra monitors are also an option with a monitor. No such thing for HMD. Being able to see your beer is a plus for monitor users..

Triples are rubbish for games like ED. I'm in a spaceship in VR. It's just laughable when people try (as best they can) to promote monitors as better than a HMD.
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Fighting yes, exploration no. I know people will say how much they love the feeling of looking around freely when doing exploration but no way in heck will I exchange 4K graphics for low res VR graphics, just no way in hell. For PVP it must be amazing however, not to mention efficient!
I know triples come with their own set of issues, just pointing out that FOV can be changed with monitors, not so with the HMD. Also you can find your beer...possibly a deal breaker :D

I used to use three all the time. In the end the distortion and bezels just got too annoying.

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Fighting yes, exploration no. I know people will say how much they love the feeling of looking around freely when doing exploration but no way in heck will I exchange 4K graphics for low res VR graphics, just no way in hell. For PVP it must be amazing however, not to mention efficient!

The low resolution was a real let down but I'm used to it now. I doubt I will go back to 4k even though ED is one of the few games that have a scalable UI so playing in 4k isnt an issue. Playing DDO for instance you need a microscope to see the hotbars hehe.
I know triples come with their own set of issues, just pointing out that FOV can be changed with monitors, not so with the HMD. Also you can find your beer...possibly a deal breaker :D

I used to use three all the time. In the end the distortion and bezels just got too annoying.

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The low resolution was a real let down but I'm used to it now. I doubt I will go back to 4k even though ED is one of the few games that have a scalable UI so playing in 4k isnt an issue. Playing DDO for instance you need a microscope to see the hotbars hehe.

the thing that annoyed me was the ED blabla about VR @ 4K etc...well, i set it all to ultra, tried it, still totally low res compared to regular 4K on the screen... Maybe I am doing something wrong?
Hey all, interesting thread, some great reply's.

I'm seriously considering picking up a rift soon for ED, have read and watched and researched to the 'enth degree, but still have a couple of nagging questions that I would love to get clarified.

Currently I can run ED:H on ultra, my system is an i5 3570k + GTX970 + 16gb ram - 60Hz 1080p monitor. Whilst the 970 appears to meet the recommended specs for the Rift, my CPU is below par, do any of you have any thoughts or recommendations on this, I can't afford a rift and CPU/Mobo upgrade, so would like to avoid the latter if poss.

Chalk and cheese. Restricted field of view in a full 360 degree environment is a lot more annoying than restricted field of view in a 2D environment. Extra monitors are also an option with a monitor. No such thing for HMD. Being able to see your beer is a plus for monitor users..

To each their own and us all being different keeps things interezting but i coukd not disagree more.

I have a 70inch tv. I have played on 4k monitor and for me neither of these are remoteky close to playing in vr even with its FOV. Hell if anything space games, diving games and racing games get away with it even more as i just consider it a restriction of my helmet.... Not that it matters, with the lense slider all the way to the right i do t even notice it to be honest.. not at all, but then i dont notice the SDE or the resolution either so i dont claim to be objective

VR is what promotes ED fro. A very good space game to THE most immersive game ever made imo. I AM living the life of a spaceman every time i don my hmd

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Hey all, interesting thread, some great reply's.

I'm seriously considering picking up a rift soon for ED, have read and watched and researched to the 'enth degree, but still have a couple of nagging questions that I would love to get clarified.

Currently I can run ED:H on ultra, my system is an i5 3570k + GTX970 + 16gb ram - 60Hz 1080p monitor. Whilst the 970 appears to meet the recommended specs for the Rift, my CPU is below par, do any of you have any thoughts or recommendations on this, I can't afford a rift and CPU/Mobo upgrade, so would like to avoid the latter if poss.


That pc will be fine. You will be gpu limited however. Forget playing on vr ultra i cant play on it and i have a 6 core i7 with gtx 980. VR medium shoukd be spot on however
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Triples are rubbish for games like ED. I'm in a spaceship in VR. It's just laughable when people try (as best they came) to promote monitors as better than a HMD.

Strange - everyone who has ever tried my setup says they really like triple screens. It's pretty nice whichever way you look at it - offers lots of options and is flexible because, well, you have three screens to do whatever you like on. HMD's, while awesome, aren't really quite there yet as far as productivity goes.

As for the 3570k - it does just fine in VR :)
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That pc will be fine. You will be gpu limited however. Forget playing on vr ultra i cant play on it and i have a 6 core i7 with gtx 980. VR medium shoukd be spot on however

Thanks for the reply. I may look to upgrade the the gpu at some point and sell the 970 on the bay to mitigate some of the cost.

Reading through the posts here on these forums and the multitude of YT vids, I can't wait to get my hands on on it!
There are plusses and minuses with every display tech. I've been all the way from small black and white portable to a VR setup and all combos in between and there are always issues of some kind with each of them. I love VR but find its tough to play for long periods. The HMD starts giving me a headache due to the weight on my head and my eyes start to get a bit dry after a while. I can play on a monitor for 6 hours non stop with no issues. I'm also finding out that using the touch controllers and standing for three hours causes my legs to seize up and my back hurts! Not used to gaming stood up being a sad old guy in his gaming chair :)
Strange - everyone who has ever tried my setup says they really like triple screens. It's pretty nice whichever way you look at it - offers lots of options and is flexible because, well, you have three screens to do whatever you like on. HMD's, while awesome, aren't really quite there yet as far as productivity goes.

Triple monitor setups are great - their crisp, clean images do offer that surrounded by the game feeling. With TrackIR or similar they do shine, even if the monitors are pretty average.
For productivity, you're right, a HMD simply cannot compete at the moment. I suspect it will get better though, particularly for those who can touch-type (or perhaps Touch-type!)
But for ED, bar the resolution, HMD every time. Natural head-look up-down-all-around has no equal. Really wish VR would be integrated into MehWarrior Online too... dangit!

I love VR but find its tough to play for long periods. The HMD starts giving me a headache due to the weight on my head and my eyes start to get a bit dry after a while. I can play on a monitor for 6 hours non stop with no issues. I'm also finding out that using the touch controllers and standing for three hours causes my legs to seize up and my back hurts! Not used to gaming stood up being a sad old guy in his gaming chair :)

Some of us really do put the grey back into gaming lol. Agree on the workout with Touch... Dead and Buried is quite... umm, heavy on the crouching and dodging! (Ow, my knees!)
Strange - everyone who has ever tried my setup says they really like triple screens. It's pretty nice whichever way you look at it - offers lots of options and is flexible because, well, you have three screens to do whatever you like on. HMD's, while awesome, aren't really quite there yet as far as productivity goes.

As for the 3570k - it does just fine in VR :)

2nd this. I OC mine but it does way better than I expected
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