Nice one, it's good to find something that gets you there (to a state of zen). I'm curious, do you fly with a HOTAS? because I find the flight model too twitchy with my X56, literally touch the stick and the ship goes into an uncontrollable spin, so maybe Fdev fixed it up somewhat - and also remembers which mode you're in?
Flight Assist off in XRVR / X4 (pancake) is sublime in comparison, but I've not played ED in 6 months.
Hi Franc, I appreciate your understanding, I used to have an x56, and when derping about in a stealth DBS build I used to use part time FA off and I found the stick quite flyable with use of the joystick software to put an s-curve on the response and a reasonable amount of deadband on the twist as mine was quite noisy / jittery around centre. I don't have the X56 anymore, but the S-Curve I talk about looks like:
Flatter around the centre, making small inputs easier and more precise. With the curves on the X56 I could land rail gun shots but found it very hard to "quiet the ship" as in coming to a complete stop.
With the x56 throttle not having a detent for mid point and lateral and vertical thrusters being on the thumbstick on the left was not ideal for FAoff. There is however a thingiverse free do download 3d printable mod to give it that detent, I had one printed up using an ebay 3d printing service, and it was good to begin with but the plastic they printed it with became brittle, and broke, however printed in a more appropriate plastic this would be a good thing:
Adds a detent to the X-55 left throttle. The device can be installed and removed easily. Note that this will add friction to the throttle.There are two detent pieces, one with 75% throttle (for afterburner), and one with 50% throttle (for space games).UpdateI added a new spring piece which can...
About that time I was starting to dip my toe into PVP (still not my speciality but I'm not a chicken burger either), and one of the guys I used to fly with, who was teaching me, recommended I moved on to flying with twinsticks. At that point the X56 was ~500hrs old and had a few loose / worn buttons (saitek build quality - pre Logitech ownership). So I took the plunge into twin sticks, starting with a pair of thrustmaster t16000 sticks, but I found them limited for buttons having become used to what was available on the x56, I was using combo button presses, ie: button 1 + hat left did this - but button 2 and left had did other - etc. So eventually the hats were wearing out and I upgraded from the T16000s to a pair of VKB Kocmosima's, both with twist axis on them.
I had set up the T16000's and the Kosmosimas set up with what I imagine is a fairly intuitive model, that I'll explain here, the right stick for yaw pitch and roll on the twist Y and X axis' respectively essentially mapped to rotation around the axis, and the left hand stick for movement long the same axis'. The way I've modelled this in my brain is to imagine glueing a small model plane on to the top of the right hand joystick, as you move the right stick, the small aircraft's motions match the movement of the stick and inturn that matches the resultant effects on the ship in the game. On the left stick I've got X-Axis for left and right lateral thrusters inverted so moving the stick right movest the ship to the right rather than fire the righthand thrusters to the ship to the left. Similar thing for back forwards "throttle" on Y axis, using throttle rather than thrusters as I need a throttle axis for supercruise, and twist for vertical (twisting right to "screw" the ship down towards the desk).
This is an old thread where Sanderling and myself jedi mind tricked
@Xavoras into, I mean informatively coached them along their learning, to fly FAoff. Reading that thread, applying some curves to your inputs, and following moxen wolf's video tutorials will make the FAoff learning a lot more accessible.
So I’ve been using a stick and throttle setup for a while, with rudder pedals. The stick has twist function which I use for yaw, in addition to roll and pitch. On my pedals I have vertical thrust and lateral thrust. The throttle manages forward and rear ‘thrust’, but as throttle, not true...