VR support 'not at launch' for Odyssey

I would take SC over Elite any day, even without VR... if it was even 35% finished :p. To my eye it is still at a proof of concept stage after all these years. Sad, because it's beautiful and has this "pilot in the universe" vibe Braben was peddling during the KS too.
have you really tried to pilot a ship in SC?
it is the worst Space simulator I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot.
shrugs so it's not available on release? Is the world suddenly going to implode?

Mass hysteria?

I'll wait till it's available. Hell, I've waited this long for Space Legs to finally be a reality. Meanwhile in SC they're still waiting for an actual universe to go along with their implementation.

No, the world is not going to implode.

Playing VR is like playing a different game, and this game will soon end. There is also how we first saw a cool trailer for an exciting development, and then rather out of the blue and with little warning were simply told VR support would end. Excitement to disappointment is a very negative thing.

This might be irrelevant to you, but if you pause to think about it you might realize why it makes people annoyed or sad.

Other than that, I'm sure the gaming world moves on and that there are many other games out there to play and enjoy. I did enjoy playing this game though, and spending a good amount of virtual reality hours in the game world I spent many, many hours in as a imaginative kid in Frontier Elite II was a fine experience.
have you really tried to pilot a ship in SC?
it is the worst Space simulator I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot.
Yes I did, during three free flights, then I stopped bothering with Scam Citizen as I didn't see release nowhere near in the future. I don't really care for the hardcore newtonian blahblah (that's what Kerbal Space Program is for). I do care about my roleplay and journey in the universe as a pilot. Different people, different priorities. And I'd gladly swap Elite's 400 milliard (billions in imperial) star systems to a 100 handcrafted ones with new ones being added as the game progresses as was the original Scam Citizen pitch. Eve has ~7000 and it's a vast universe. ED has 400 000 000 000 mostly empty lookalikes with nothing to do on them.

As far as the "sim" aspect go, for me Elite ships fly like WW2 planes with magical lateral thrusters attached, some even sound like the warbirds. If I want sim level of flying, I go DCS. Having done aerial refailling, pardon, refuelling multiple times now, flying ships in Elite seems easy peasy. Plus distances are huge, only pancake makes them smaller. Mailslot is humongous. The flight model is neither bad nor good. Same about SC - I didn't find anything "repulsive" with its flight model, I also didn't find anything overly engaging in it. And I dislike the quantum travel times, because as with Elite, there isn't much to do, but at least you can marvel at your $1000 spaceship during the time :D

PS: my last free flight ended with me falling through the planet surface and starting my journey to the centre of whatever that planet was called ;-) I found that kinda poetic.
I'm personally taking a break. FC was dropping then bam space legs with no Vr support. To me the trailer dropped way to soon and just ruined my FC experience due to the fact all I can think about is no Vr support. To me they just don't really care about the Vr users so why should I care about Elite. I mean if they did they would be way more respectful on this topic.

Is what it is and I don't need sympathy. Sometimes it's good to take a break . I'll be back at some point. One day or next year, who knows. Either way it's sad and sometimes I wish I never had so much passion for Elite.
To me they just don't really care about the Vr users so why should I care about Elite. I mean if they did they would be way more respectful on this topic.

Exactly this. Frontier are showing they don't really care about VR users. They can prove us wrong, but if and when, who knows. I'm keeping my eye on the forums, and certainly spending 100% of my time doing that rather than bothering playing Horizons, now I know it appears to be a dead end in terms of future development.
I would take SC over Elite any day, even without VR... if it was even 35% finished :p. To my eye it is still at a proof of concept stage after all these years. Sad, because it's beautiful and has this "pilot in the universe" vibe Braben was peddling during the KS too.
In 2015 I ordered star citizen thinking the campaign mode Squadron 42 would keep me ticking over until I got horizons (I didn't know I could have been playing base game at that time - doh!) - by autumn of 2016 it became clear to me that elite would keep me ticking over until star citizen launched as by that time it was looking so much more immersive.

No, the world is not going to implode.

Playing VR is like playing a different game, and this game will soon end. There is also how we first saw a cool trailer for an exciting development, and then rather out of the blue and with little warning were simply told VR support would end. Excitement to disappointment is a very negative thing.

This might be irrelevant to you, but if you pause to think about it you might realize why it makes people annoyed or sad.

Other than that, I'm sure the gaming world moves on and that there are many other games out there to play and enjoy. I did enjoy playing this game though, and spending a good amount of virtual reality hours in the game world I spent many, many hours in as a imaginative kid in Frontier Elite II was a fine experience.

I'm personally taking a break. FC was dropping then bam space legs with no Vr support. To me the trailer dropped way to soon and just ruined my FC experience due to the fact all I can think about is no Vr support. To me they just don't really care about the Vr users so why should I care about Elite. I mean if they did they would be way more respectful on this topic.

Is what it is and I don't need sympathy. Sometimes it's good to take a break . I'll be back at some point. One day or next year, who knows. Either way it's sad and sometimes I wish I never had so much passion for Elite.
This echoes my experience, I haven't fired up a thruster since the noVR bombshell. I did log in for 3 minutes to check my stuff was still there after carriers update went live, but that's it. Time I'd normally allocate to flying has since been spent on here "campaigning" for a VR reprieve. But I'm now feeling even that is an exercise in futility given how little interaction we get from our Community Management team.
I think as Frontier have grown and the Community Management team have been recycled serveral times over, there is probably a massive disconnect between us and them. I'm at least pleased this thread has not been bunged in the VR section, so hopefully someone in the team might see if if they frequent this forum- I do however feel that their remit is probably a lot of Frontier's titles, and we're just the first major one of many now, so may well not have much focus anymore compared to other Frontier titles, i.e. abandoned- certainly for another year until Odyssey is punted out.
I still think the ramifications in the future are likely to be that more negative press is generated, than currently the relatively small number of VR users who frequent this forum are creating now, the closer to release Odyssey gets. Certainly those that are the more casual players that aren't aware VR will not be making an appearance, and they assume they can purchase this latest all-singing, all-dancing update, to continue their journeys in VR.
Certainly those that are the more casual players that aren't aware VR will not be making an appearance, and they assume they can purchase this latest all-singing, all-dancing update, to continue their journeys in VR.
When I talked about it in Kirre's Icebox system chat people were shocked. They asked if this was confirmed, and said that they felt cheated... As the old saying goes, the forum is only 2.8% of users 😂😂😂
This echoes my experience, I haven't fired up a thruster since the noVR bombshell. I did log in for 3 minutes to check my stuff was still there after carriers update went live, but that's it. Time I'd normally allocate to flying has since been spent on here "campaigning" for a VR reprieve. But I'm now feeling even that is an exercise in futility given how little interaction we get from our Community Management team.

I haven't even bothered to fire up the launcher and download the FC update. I sometimes find myself thinking that I might fire it up and have a quick session, but then I think, what's the point? What would I be working towards? There's no future in this game for VR and the way I play and so no future in it for me, so why bother? With that announcement, that was my hopes and dreams for this game smashed. So probably time to move on.
I haven't even bothered to fire up the launcher and download the FC update. I sometimes find myself thinking that I might fire it up and have a quick session, but then I think, what's the point? What would I be working towards? There's no future in this game for VR and the way I play and so no future in it for me, so why bother? With that announcement, that was my hopes and dreams for this game smashed. So probably time to move on.
I've uninstalled everything- I don't feel like opening Horizons for exactly the same reasons. Whilst I've always set my own goals ingame, and the FC update has zero interest for me, I see no point for any further interaction with a dead-ended product. Plus, with both ED and the beta builds uninstalled, I've got over 50gb back, which is way more useful now than for what it was.
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I still think the ramifications in the future are likely to be that more negative press is generated, than currently the relatively small number of VR users who frequent this forum are creating now, the closer to release Odyssey gets. Certainly those that are the more casual players that aren't aware VR will not be making an appearance, and they assume they can purchase this latest all-singing, all-dancing update, to continue their journeys in VR.

This very much.

I also feel extremely bad for all those who by the game on Oculus Store (for $59.99) - then teased the Odyssey "please wishlist us" in the launcher.
Come end April 2021 and Odyssey is released, said user buys and downloads - only to NOT have his VR game working any more.

This leads to another question: As Odyssey is a DLC the base game is required... at what prices would you be looking at for a brand new player needing both base + dlc? $50+, $60+ or something like $80+ ?
Does anyone else think it funny that there are now a few threads cropping up calling FDev out for their lack of community engagement? I ask that in here because we are about 4000messages into the "don't yank VR" campaign and all we've had is "wow reading feed back will get back to you nearer launch", which could mean nothing clarified for another 9 months, so its not just us "boxheads" that want more engagement / communication from FDev, the "pancakes" also want more info/communication.
I believe FDev CAN provide a quality VR experience with existing controls (keyboard+mouse, hotas, controller) in Odyssey with minimal development effort and I strongly encourage them to do so.

Protonwar has a non-motion controller mode.
I just tried the free demo. It's PERFECT!
(ok, the game isn't really my thing and could use a bit of polish but...)
This proves 100% that VR is much better with keyboard+mouse. I just popped right in and played it in VR just like I would on screen. Zero motion sickness whatsoever. WASD movement, crouch, jump and mouselook including up and down. It was WONDERFUL.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

The main issue is that FDev would have to include motion controller support as well, for all the reasons harped on about (IE nausea reduction, broad popularity for immersion / interaction etc, making them the current industry norm etc).
No. They don't "have to" include motion controller nonsense. Especially not for release. I certainly have no desire for it.

As far as nausea, that's caused by needing to turn your head every which way to look around. Mouselook removes that problem because you are "grounded" in your chair. It's by far a much better experience.

One thing we can be fairly certain of though, is that VR is no longer a decent point feature on the box if it turns out to be a bad VR implementation.
Keyboard+mouse in VR is an EXCELLENT implementation.

There are some basic market expectations out there now for first-person character gameplay in VR, and motion controller support is amongst them. And it brings extra downstream considerations / extra dev. They have to at least hit that level of 'good' to not be slammed by the market. It's a baseline.
... and the "market" has been putting out gimmicky VR games that aren't very good. No thanks.
I do not care one bit what some mainstream game reviewer says. Even if FDev does, they shouldn't. They should cater to their own player base.
Elite has been fairly constant on the list of top VR games without any motion controller support so far. It doesn't need them to have a good VR experience now, and it doesn't need them for Odyssey.

Ah, your reference to changing modes in the menu confused me. You can't actually flip between VR mode and flatscreen mode in most games. You have to restart.
Elite lets you do it. :)
... as long as you start the launcher directly and not through steam. Just modify graphics options and you can enter and leave VR as you please. Great job FDev! I really appreciate this feature!

VR does require alternate locomotion solutions for character gameplay. The aspects you are calling 'weird' & 'leftfield' (the controller-relative, HMD-relative systems mentioned) are absolutely industry staples now for character gameplay.

This can be demonstrated by every single top-selling game which features first-person character gameplay. They all support motion controllers. They all have some of the above nausea-reducing locomotion techniques. (And even on the PS4, where motion controllers are not even bundled as standard, the top selling 'character' games are still dominated by games that support them).

To argue otherwise is to ignore the very obvious facts on the ground.
And they are AWFUL.
And yes, Half-Life Alyx suffers from the same terrible movement controls... and this is supposed to be one of "the best" in the VR industry? Ha! Even if it's a polished "VR" experience, the movement is still terrible. It's only good while you are standing still. These "industry staples" are still failures in movement control.

I still think, given the fairly obvious hills that FDev need pushing up, some kind of coherent lines of attack would be helpful.
I agree. That's why VR support with the existing controls (controller, HOTAS, keyboard+mouse) should be fully encouraged by us, the players.
But your posts seem to argue that they should not release without motion controller support? That is way too much. It's not going to happen any time soon or not at all and I hope FDev doesn't waste their time with it.

But you've been talking about keeping that VR tick on the box. And that's just dreamland. It's abundantly clear that FDev couldn't launch a majorly Legs-based update, with VR on the box, that doesn't include industry-standard VR support for said Legs...
"Industry standard" sucks though. FDev would immediately have the best VR FPS on the market just by allowing VR with keyboard+mouse/controller/hotas/whatever-we-configure. It boggles my mind why the "industry" can't seem to figure this out.

Hilariously snap turning makes feel nauseous real quick whereas smooth turning, provided I have consistently high frame rates, is far less of an issue.
I agree. Snap-turning is not good experience.

I recommend every VR player here give the Protonwar demo a try. If we can get enough people to first-hand confirm that keyboard+mouse is not half-baked or "sufficient", but actually "good" then maybe, just maybe FDev will consider doing it for launch.
It really probably is only a week of work for them to do it, or at least as minimal as it gets. I believe they "can" do it, but they may be afraid to do it. We need to convince them otherwise.
JUst in case it's not been mentioned here (I'm not reading back through 86 pages to check) VR will continue working on everything it currently does, it's only the new content it won't work on.

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