VR usage across the user base.

This isn't a post or something to stoke up a flame war but I've been considering this for a few days now. With VR being the "hot issue" around the Odyssey reveal (and I have to admit that this was a surprise) just how prevalent is it? Genuine question.

Some personal context here, I'm on XBOX ONE which means I don't even get the option.

On PC and PS though, is it a lot?
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I read in another thread that it is between 2 and 3%.

But like yourself, I'm not putting myself up to be shot at! I could have misread it, and/or it could have been total bullhonkey as a number?!

Just thought I'd share what I read dude.
The Hat :)
That number was taken from steam charts, which in no way reflects the number of VR users, as it only includes those using steam to play the game.
Total Steam VR users represent 1.92%

I think that Elite VR users are higher, since it was sold as a VR game.

But this goes to say that potential new players will not be using VR.

And chances that the overall VR player-base in Elite are a clear minority are high. I bet it must be around 10%, but it can be higher. Only FD knows.

And among the VR player-base, I bet that only a very vocal minority are really upset by the lack of VR in Odyssey.

Obsidian Ant is a renowned VR player, and he understands FD's choice.

Heck, even Yamicks supports FD in this one. And given the fact that he never looses a chance to throw shade at them, it should speak volumes!
That number was taken from steam charts, which in no way reflects the number of VR users, as it only includes those using steam to play the game.
Why wouldn't it be an accurate reflection of the stats though? Sure, the numbers might be different if we had data on every single player out there (by about a single percent, I'd bet), but I don't see how not using steam makes you more likely to have VR.
Total Steam VR users represent 1.92%

I think that Elite VR users are higher, since it was sold as a VR game.

But this goes to say that potential new players will not be using VR.

And chances that the overall VR player-base in Elite are a clear minority are high. I bet it must be around 10%, but it can be higher. Only FD knows.

And among the VR player-base, I bet that only a very vocal minority are really upset by the lack of VR in Odyssey.

not every one knows VR is being dropped yet.
Why wouldn't it be an accurate reflection of the stats though? Sure, the numbers might be different if we had data on every single player out there (by about a single percent, I'd bet), but I don't see how not using steam makes you more likely to have VR.

A VR supported game is bound to have a far larger VR audience than steam allround charts shows. Also consider all copies sold via Oculus Store.
Why wouldn't it be an accurate reflection of the stats though? Sure, the numbers might be different if we had data on every single player out there (by about a single percent, I'd bet), but I don't see how not using steam makes you more likely to have VR.
Simply as not every player launches from steam - Frontier have their own Launcher, as does Oculus (which of course is a VR platform)...
It is even worse using steam statistics for other uses as none of the consoles launch from steam :)
Why wouldn't it be an accurate reflection of the stats though? Sure, the numbers might be different if we had data on every single player out there (by about a single percent, I'd bet), but I don't see how not using steam makes you more likely to have VR.
Well there is the small matter of people who use the Oculus Rift and start the game from their Oculus library. They won't show up on the stats. I myself have never used steam to play Elite Dangerous and always start the game via the games launcher which also links to my Oculus account.
Simply as not every player launches from steam - Frontier have their own Launcher, as does Oculus (which of course is a VR platform)...
It is even worse using steam statistics for other uses as none of the consoles launch from steam :)
I understand that not every player launches from steam. I just don't see how this preference correlates to VR usage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you use an oculus just fine if you launch from steam too?
What I'm saying, that steam is a perfectly reasonable "slice" of the playerbase to draw statistics from, which, again, while not a perfect representation of the true number, seems to me like a perfectly fair indicator.
That is unless I am wrong about steam supporting all/most vr headsets, in which case it would indeed skew the statistics.
Figures are hard to come by for ED; there is the original 10% using Oculus DK1/2 quoted by DB during the early stages of the game pre-release (which he was surprised at), there is the vrlfg.net website than can give you an idea of how many Steam ED players are in VR at the moment, and there are the recent Exigeous & Reddit polls which put the figure at around 20% (but are not the best statistical methods).

The overall Steam VR user figure depends on having the headset connected to your computer and doing the intermittent survey thing that pops up now and again.

I’d be quite interested to know what percentage of the active ED population play in VR, and how their average playtime compares to the rest of the players.
While we VR users may be a minority of players in Elite. I bet the majority of VR headset owners* own Elite Dangerous.

*not including things like PSVR or Go of course. Proper ones. ;)
I understand that not every player launches from steam. I just don't see how this preference correlates to VR usage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you use an oculus just fine if you launch from steam too?
What I'm saying, that steam is a perfectly reasonable "slice" of the playerbase to draw statistics from, which, again, while not a perfect representation of the true number, seems to me like a perfectly fair indicator.
That is unless I am wrong about steam supporting all/most vr headsets, in which case it would indeed skew the statistics.
Your response is very logical - I like it :)
It is another of those pieces of string - I have 3 accounts, 2 launch from steam (even in VR) so will contribute to their statistics.
As we don't actually know, as a percentage, how many players launch from Frontier / Oculus front ends in VR the steam statistic could be about right or sufficiently off to present too low a figure.
Had steam statistics been able to provide user % of a VR enabled game played in VR it would likely be an acceptable estimate.

I'm not being pedantic, just throwing the usual spanner as the hidden figure may be insignificant, or otherwise :)
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