Wanders back in .......

As for that AspX... Good for wake scanning... 😉 at least that is what I use my AspX for these days.

As for the FC... Hint : trading. It will pay for itself in about a week.

Edit. Oh and welcome back. Man, you missed the mining gold rush...
Ta muchly :D

Yeah the AspX is still a work in progress, at least concerning how I will use it. To be honest if I find I am not using it but sticking with my explorer Phantom I will get rid of the AspX (again). Yes I am very narrow minded on what ships I retain, if I can't think up a use or purpose I strip it and sell it. Definitely not a hoarder :D

Regarding the FC, yeah I know all the benefits, read all the posts and know that there are times it would be handy. BUT (yes a big but), the thing that puts me off is the upkeep. Not the costs, credits are easy in this game. It is just the fact there is an upkeep is enough to put me off. Like a lot here I guess, I am prone to take breaks from the game, either due to real life reasons or because some new shiny game caught my eye. What I don't want to happen is to take break only to find out that I didn't transfer enough credits to the carrier for the upkeep and I come back and find I have to start again. All you have to do is see how many carriers are in the decommission stage when flying around, there is way more than I thought would be. Add to that the image at least that it seems a hell of a lot of these carriers are just parked in a well known system and never move, which to my feeble mind seems a damn waste. Look, I may change my mind and buy one, but at this stage there are other activities I want to do first.

Oh I didn't miss the mining gold rush, I wouldn't have participated anyway, never been on to follow the crowd in the latest meta. The last time I did mining was just after the mining upgrade, made some credits and filed the experience away as something I could do if I really really really needed credits and as far as I can see that situation hasn't really changed, I can see make a bucket load of credits mining, just not as many as some did during the rush but enough for me.

One thing I did that will probably upset some is is I stripped my FdL because I can't stand flying it. Yes I know it is the META for all things combat, that some here think unless you fly one then you aren't really doing combat. I know all that but give my my Mamba any day, it might not be quite as agile, but I love the hardpoint placements on that wonderful ship and it is solely the reason why I managed to get Elite in Combat. To be honest I even enjoy flying my new Chieftain than when I had a serviceable FdL lol

Thanks again, it is good to be back and remembered !
M00ka wants to accomplish his long term goals before the DLC drops, Odyssey gets delayed.

Coincidence? :unsure:

Oh that's right, blame the new (really old returning) kid ;)

Welcome back. We don't know each other because when you left I'd just returned from a 3 year hiatus. Like ships passing in the night.

Thanks, and I hope your return was as enjoyable as mine has been. BTW, love your sig (yes I am a dedicated) browncoat

MOOka! Did you lose your log in or something? o7!
Nope, as I said in the OP, I just needed a break. Lets just say that some very vocal people here didn't like the way I occasionally stood up for the game (well didn't continuously put all aspects of the game down more like it), things got a little too emotional so I decided to do the right thing and take break, it is just a game after all!
.... and waves to those he remembers (and hopefully remember him).

Yes, I am back after a 6 month break from both the game and the forums. I found I was getting, well not bored, more like stale in the game. It wasn't that there was nothing new to do, heck I always find ways to enjoy the game, more like I was disenchanted with the direction some here were demanding the game go. And I realised I was getting too emotional in the forums so decided a break was need, from both! But with the imminent drop of Odyssey I thought it was time to at least complete some of my long term goals before the DLC dropped.

Anyway, I have been back around a month or so, lurking in the shadows of the forum to find out if anything has changed. Nope unfortunately those who complained before are still complaining, those who blindly said everything is okay are still wearing blinkers. About the only new thing is the influx of posts of the newbies telling everyone how the game should be constructed and played after 10 hours of rigorous game time. But I haven't been idle since my return, I have quietly gone about and reached the required rank to get a Cutter (the Phoenix: Trader - yes an armed high volume trader, how original), an Alliance Chieftain - damn why didn't someone tell me about this ship early, it is a beast, and lastly an Asp Explorer. This one is a strange one, never really liked the AspE before, always preferred the Phantom, DBX or Dolphin for exploring but I think I have finally found a niche for the humble AspE in my fleet. It has been designed solely to scoop mats, nothing more, I should have called it Hoover :D Sold the Anaconda, never liked it, couldn't find a use for it and I don't keep ships I don't use.

Apart from that I have been busily fully engineering all my ships to get the best out of them as defined by the role I have assigned them. And no it hasn't been a grind getting the mats, I made a game of it and having a lot of fun doing it. Oh finally, no I haven't purchased a carrier yet although I can easily afford one just can't work out why I need one. Hmm maybe time will change my mind but at this stage I can't think of a decent justification to buy one.

I will humbly say though that I have achieved one milestone I honestly didn't think was going to happen:

View attachment 203964
And I did it the hard way, no farming Thargoids, just honest NPC farming at High Res. Whilst it did take some time, I didn't consider it a grind, I made a game out of it, each sortie in (based on how quickly I expended all my frag ammo) had to be better than the previous one for example. Made target selection interesting - to me at least anyway. Now for some numbers that I gathered to reach Triple Elite:
  • Hours Played: 3,597 or 21 Weeks, 2 days, 21 hours (oh and to be precise 3 minutes).
  • 32 Insurance Claims costing 45,886,239 credits (all of them due to me and me alone)
  • 12,777 Bounties taken for a moderate total of 1,054,806,213 credits
  • A whopping 49 Combat Bonds (never really got into the whole Combat Zone thing).
  • An embarrassing 77 Assassinations - guess I am not the deadly trained killer I thought I was :D
  • Zero as in nil, none, nada Thargoids killed. Just can't be bothered with them, they don't annoy me, I don't annoy them!
  • Lastly and the one I am most proud of - Zero Commander's killed and yes I play in Open most of the time. And to add, I am 99.9999% confident that I haven't been killed by a Commander either, I just don't put myself in a situation where that would or could arise.
So yeah, I guess I reached my milestone the traditional way but it is one achievement in the game I am rather proud of.

Anyhoo, happy trails one and all, it is good to be back in the cockpit again.

How awesome, welcome back M00ka ole buddy!
Thanks, and I hope your return was as enjoyable as mine has been. BTW, love your sig (yes I am a dedicated) browncoat
It has been. I've taken a few breaks over 6 years simply to do other things. I've been around since beta and won't ever stop permanently, I don't think, but I've never been the type to have a "forever game" and Elite's content has needed time to mature. It suits me to drop in and out. I'm not into burning out.

I've found every time I return, there's lots to do and this time I've played a lot since July (in truth, still haven't really "done" everything). But I think it'll be time to have another break. Though probably not from the forums and I'll definitely return to play as soon as Alpha starts (preordered as soon as it was available).

I'm excited for Odyssey.

"You can't take the sky from me"
Ta muchly :D

Yeah the AspX is still a work in progress, at least concerning how I will use it. To be honest if I find I am not using it but sticking with my explorer Phantom I will get rid of the AspX (again). Yes I am very narrow minded on what ships I retain, if I can't think up a use or purpose I strip it and sell it. Definitely not a hoarder :D

Regarding the FC, yeah I know all the benefits, read all the posts and know that there are times it would be handy. BUT (yes a big but), the thing that puts me off is the upkeep. Not the costs, credits are easy in this game. It is just the fact there is an upkeep is enough to put me off. Like a lot here I guess, I am prone to take breaks from the game, either due to real life reasons or because some new shiny game caught my eye. What I don't want to happen is to take break only to find out that I didn't transfer enough credits to the carrier for the upkeep and I come back and find I have to start again. All you have to do is see how many carriers are in the decommission stage when flying around, there is way more than I thought would be. Add to that the image at least that it seems a hell of a lot of these carriers are just parked in a well known system and never move, which to my feeble mind seems a damn waste. Look, I may change my mind and buy one, but at this stage there are other activities I want to do first.

Oh I didn't miss the mining gold rush, I wouldn't have participated anyway, never been on to follow the crowd in the latest meta. The last time I did mining was just after the mining upgrade, made some credits and filed the experience away as something I could do if I really really really needed credits and as far as I can see that situation hasn't really changed, I can see make a bucket load of credits mining, just not as many as some did during the rush but enough for me.

One thing I did that will probably upset some is is I stripped my FdL because I can't stand flying it. Yes I know it is the META for all things combat, that some here think unless you fly one then you aren't really doing combat. I know all that but give my my Mamba any day, it might not be quite as agile, but I love the hardpoint placements on that wonderful ship and it is solely the reason why I managed to get Elite in Combat. To be honest I even enjoy flying my new Chieftain than when I had a serviceable FdL lol

Thanks again, it is good to be back and remembered !

You do have a curious pov. I keep a bunch of ships like the DBX for example. It doesn't get used often, but fits a couple of niche things (local taxi as it's cheap to transfer, bumpy Guardian sites) very well!
As for the FDL and mamba... I don't like either of them. I do own an FDL but it's been flown like twice! The mamba I just don't like. Period. I'm just not a combat (pvp) pilot. I'll do some pew pew in my Corvette but only PvE.

Interesting / curious sig you have too. Almost bizarre. I really don't know what to make of it.

Anyway, as long as you are having fun! Enjoy being back!
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