*** WARNING *** Regarding 1.3

It's the game mechanic involved with returning from exploring and increased interdiction that I'm a bit iffy about.

From past experience, you get increased NPC interdiction attempts (or I've been unlucky) the more exploration data value you have. How do the NPC's know how much data you have - I sure can't scan someone in-game to find this out so how come NPCs seem to be able to?

I'm mainly worried this time round as by my calculations I'll be coming in with around 120mill in data from ELWs/WWs/AWs/NS/BH/TFCs. Hopefully 1.3 won't hit in the next couple of days.
I suppose there is one option to size the risk: go into beta, configure an asp like my exploration one, and fly around civilisation and see how beat up I get! But that would eat into potentially limited time to get home before powerplay if indeed that is the best option.
Well, I timed that well. Decided to head back this weekend before powerplay, to find it is going live now. Was kind hoping they implement on a Tuesday, which seemed to be a popular day for updates.

I also hope our fears are largely unfounded. Even an explorer equipped Asp for example, shouldn't be at too much risk, should it? If so, things will be a lot worse for other ship types!

I might as well stay out a bit longer in this case, still got several kly of neutron stars around me.
Be careful after 1.3 if you're returning with lots of data and don't go straight to sell them(i.e. you go through lots of inhabited systems to your sell point, or you sell in multiple systems)
The NPCs now have teeth !!!
I am not saying they are as skilled as a decent human player, but in Beta they are doing some funky maneuvers and doing "power management" . :D

TL;DR NPCs are tougher and deadlier !!!

And this is why I returned home last weekend, knew there would be something to make the trip home perilous
Dangerous universe is Dangerous.
Only problem with that is the implication is that the next iteration will be "Deadly" so we won't survive long enough to enjoy it and the following one will be "Elite" which means we're barred from playing it until we've played it enough to become Elite!

As for increased interdictions, I got interdicted twice last night within 10 minutes and almost fell out of my chair it was so unexpected. I think I've spent about 30 hours in colonised space since returning in April and had only been interdicted once in all that time. At least it allowed me to confirm that an Anaconda doesn't need shields :D
Only problem with that is the implication is that the next iteration will be "Deadly" so we won't survive long enough to enjoy it and the following one will be "Elite" which means we're barred from playing it until we've played it enough to become Elite!

As for increased interdictions, I got interdicted twice last night within 10 minutes and almost fell out of my chair it was so unexpected. I think I've spent about 30 hours in colonised space since returning in April and had only been interdicted once in all that time. At least it allowed me to confirm that an Anaconda doesn't need shields :D

I'm merely Competent just now. ;) But I have been considered enough of a threat to have been interdicted a few times: once in Sol, and another time in the beta by another player...
At the moment I'm tempted to suggest that staying neutral seems to be less likely to excite response from the powers. There was one thread where it seems that system authority vessels attack opponents of the controlling power. This sort of thing may make exploring interesting as either explorers won't commit to PP, or will and be compelled to work more from the fringes.
At the moment I'm tempted to suggest that staying neutral seems to be less likely to excite response from the powers. There was one thread where it seems that system authority vessels attack opponents of the controlling power. This sort of thing may make exploring interesting as either explorers won't commit to PP, or will and be compelled to work more from the fringes.

I'm heading straight out tomorrow, I'll think about pledging to a power when I get back and see how the dust has settled.
Well, I seem to be quite unaffected by the political shenanigans:


Living on the fringes surely has its benefits.
As another added 1.3 extra I'm getting "Unable to get cartography listing from the webserver" when I try to sell data. It does do it eventually - but if you have a lot of data you might end punching the screen.
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As for increased interdictions, I got interdicted twice last night within 10 minutes and almost fell out of my chair it was so unexpected. I think I've spent about 30 hours in colonised space since returning in April and had only been interdicted once in all that time. At least it allowed me to confirm that an Anaconda doesn't need shields :D

For some reason and before powerplay hallf of the times i was fuel scooping in "civilised" space i got interdicted.
At least i haven't noticed an increased interdiction in uncivilised areas. Or at least yet....
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