Was there a change in planetary scan mission outcome?

Was there a change in planetary scan mission outcome?

Planetary scan missions have been my favorite mission to do this far. I have been finding my self becoming imprisoned while returning the Mission Given Station. This appears unfamiliar to me and quite possibly I may be unaware of any update in the outcome of the mission.

Further questions and notes:
Is it possible that a planetary scan mission is meant for stations at which you are not aligned too?
Quite possibly you can not frame at one station for too long due to the increased bounty and criminal status?
Does anybody else even do these missions who relates to this current situation?
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I find these missions extremely fun and super valuable for influence and reputation. I have found my self incarcerated a few times this past time doing these missions.
Planetry scan missions can be Illegal in system, any scan action on any planet. can be set as illegal..
This means you must learn "HOW" to dock while wanted to hand in the missions at the mission board...
(heat sink usage... Fast speed docking 200+, Lining the station up before dropping out of supercruse. use all the tools you have to dock when wanted)
Currently it does not show when a mission is an Inside job or self sabatage based or if they are a rival faction targeting base...
They are all classed as standard scan missions...
Filter your missions to show only “legal”, and any of the ones left showing should be fine. Unfortunately, quite a few of the missions will disappear (since all the illegal ones will not show) but at least you won’t get a bounty.
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